Ryann got everyone a gift ....

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Carina: okay so um she said YOUNGEST TO OLDEST!
Sorry guys!
Lorenzo ; oh it's totally fine momma!
**Carina chuckles as she's rocking herself in the chair**
Carina: okay , Alessandro, here's your gift from baby Ryann , open it !
Alessandro: ohhh okay!
Maya : it even says , to my buddy Alessandro! From your baby sister Ryann! On the bag
**Alessandro got super excited about the fact that it said to my buddy Alessandro! **
Alessandro: ouhhhhh what can it be!
** he opened up the bag and found new train tracks for his huge train set **
Ouhhhhh thankkkkk youuuuuu Ryann ! I Really really love it ! ** he gently gave her a kiss on her little tummy**
Carina: Awnn , she knew you had a train set bambino !
Alessandro: she really did !
Scarlett : ohhh it's a very beautiful train tracks lessandro!!
Alessandro: yes i think so too! Okay it's Scarlett's turn !
Scarlett : yayyyyyy !
Maya : okay, here's your present from Ryann !
** she gave her a bag **
Scarlett : ohhh the new BABY DOLL !! YESSSSSSS !
Just the one I saw on tv and wanted!! Thank youuu Ryann
Violet: Awnn ! I wanted one too !
Scarlett : I'll share with you Violet!
Violet: it's my turn momma!
Carina : it sure is ! Here's yours!
**She got the same doll but dressed differently **
OHHHHHH MY GOSHHH ! YAYYYYY ! We have the same one ,, oh but different outfits! Mine is Orange!
Scarlett: yesss mine is in Green
Maya: yea , those are your favourite colours
V& S: YEASSSS IT IS! Wow , so babies really really do hear everything we say huh ?
Carina: yea I told you ladybug !
Maya: okay after Violet, it's Chloe !
Chloe: yessss ! Im so excited to see what it is!
Maya: here is what she got you!
** Maya handed her a bag **
Chloe; thank youuu mommy!
C: oh Violet and Scarlett are missing a gift !
Maya: it might be in the same bag as Chloe's!
Carina: yea must be !
Chloe: okay let's see girls!
** Chloe got a Mighty Blue Cheerleader Outfit, Violet got a Princess in Bloom Outfit with a tiara , shoes for her American Girl Doll, Scarlett got a chic red dress with a matching headband and cool pants for her doll ! **

Scarlett: woahhhh soooo cool! Yea thank youuu Ryann !
Violet: yeassss thank youuu Ryann
** each twin gave her a kiss on her little forehead **
Maya: okay and Lorenzo, here's your gift!
Lorenzo: ohhhh thank youuu!!
** He unwrapped his skateboard looking shape of a present **
Woahhhhh ! A real Skateboard!! YAYYYYY ! Im so happy and excited to try it! We can throw my old plastic one moms, because I've got a big one cause I'm twelve now!
Thank youuu Ryann !
**He also gave his little sister a kiss on the forehead **
Maya: wait Babe I've got a present for you too!
Carina: awnnn you didn't have to !
Maya: yea I know! But you deserve it! Open it !
** she bought her a "R" stone for her necklace, she has each letter of her kids names on her necklace and now a " SIX" instead of " Five" children call me momma !**
Carina: awnnn , babe, thank youuu Bambina! I should have given you something too !
Maya: I don't need anything! This is your PUSH PRESENT !
** Maya kisses her wife several times and Carina keeps on going not wanting to let go**

Carina: thank you, can you please help me get my new gems on babe?
Maya: of course!
Carina: I feel bad because I didn't give you any presents babe! I'm sorry!
Maya: what? Don't be sorry my love, these are your push presents, I didn't. You were the one who went through hours and hours even days of active labour, I didn't do anything! You did all the work!
Carina: okay, but I couldn't have done it without your help, you encouraged me, with every words you said, Made me stronger! Gave me strength to keep going! And for that I THANK YOU BAMBINA, for being there by my side !
Maya: well it was my pleasure and the least of things I could have done ,
Carina: I don't want to cook dinner tonight Bambina! I'm extremely exhausted....
Maya: don't worry about it babe, we will do something easy for tonight! You can go get some very well deserved and much needed sleep! I'll come see you upstairs in a few hours!
Carina: ouhhhhhh ! Momma is extremely exhausted, and so is baby girl! Huh ! She hasn't stopped yawning!!
I'll go lay down with her Bambina
Maya: I'll go help the kids with their new remodeling of their rooms !
Carina: okay excellent!! ** She have her wife a kiss and headed upstairs to their bed and lated Ryann down in her baby cot that is clipped to Carina'a side of the bed .one diaper change later, they fell asleep instantly!**

**When Maya came back upstairs a few hours later she found Carina asleep with their baby girl still on her wife's breasts !! Carina woke up a few minutes later**

Carina: hrmmmmmm Bambina? Is that you?
Maya: yea it's me, I just wanted to see how you were feeling!
Carina: I'm doing okay, ** she looks down and noticed that she was breastfeeding when she fell asleep and that every baby they had always seemed to fall asleep while latching on **

Carina: wh- what is it with our babies always falling asleep on my breasts?
**Maya chuckles **
I don't know why , but I think it's adorable!
Carina: look at her little mouth! Ahhhh !! It's weird Bambina!
** she pulls herself back up straighter against the bed frames and covered her little baby feet with her soft and thin bunny blanket **
Maya: I think it's because they feel comfortable on your chest and breasts
Carina: yea maybe.. how's the rooms remodeling going?
Maya: it's going well, The twins are all excited about their new bed and furniture arrangement and they are playing with their doll house in their room.
Chloe 's and Lorenzo and Alessandro rooms are next ! Although Alessandro we decided to keep his trains and clouds in the sky still up. Cause he said " we have to keep it up mommy because momma painted that for me and I love it so much and my THOMAS THE TRAIN IS REALLY REALLY Cool" and I think he's absolutely right!
Carina: Awnn he really said that? I did work extremely hard on it !
Maya: yes he did ! And he said he might have something to ask you later!

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