Chapter 20: "Ignorance is bliss"

Start from the beginning

Natasha, Alyssa, and Julius called many times but I told them I'm not feeling well and needed some time alone, thanks Goddess they respected my request to be left alone.

The shame I feel is so overbearing. The shame of being something broken, something unlovable.

The same shame I had with Jordan. Every time he abused me I felt more ashamed, weak, and dirty. And I saw no way out, he could throw me and my father from the clan anytime he wanted. He was calling sexual favors a way to pay rent. I was a kid at that time, and I couldn't imagine living without the clan, that was all I knew. And my father kept repeating that it was now my duty to look after my family and that what couldn't be changed must be endured.

I just like that time once again I see no way out, I know I must endure.

The ball runs in my direction and I catch it, they are calling me to come and join. Julius's eyes are shining so brightly, I know he is happy and I don't want to spoil it either for him or me. I have three more weeks without Brandon and will enjoy it with those I care about.

We laugh, pass the ball, cheer, and jump. At one moment Julius pulls me into his lap, Trist is pushing his wheelchair around and we all laugh as crazy, especially when he throws us by accident on the grass. It reminds me of the peaceful time I had with my family. It seems so long ago.

At some point, I go with Trist to bring us some water and I notice that he seems nervous.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"Mom called me this morning, she said she needs to meet with me today."

I gulp, since the pack members are forbidden to leave the pack territory alone Trist is usually meeting with his mother at the edge of it in the forest and I'm always present. Madison has already received the money she asked for and yet she didn't answer when I asked how long she intended to stay.

Trist seems happy that he can see her, as with every child, he is curious and wants to have a relationship with his mother and I must say that at least for now Madison's behavior is perfect. She seems to be interested in her son and yet I just can't shake off the feeling that something is fishy.

Trist begged me not to tell Julius, he is convinced that his father will make it impossible for the two of them to see each other as soon as he finds out about them. But except that I have my own, very selfish reason not to tell Julius the truth. He suffered because of her and I don't want him to suffer again and maybe, just maybe I'm jealous. No matter what happened between them they are true mates. I wonder what I fear more, that Madison didn't change or that she did, and she is here to try building her family again, with Julius in it.

"Why so suddenly and so late?" I ask him and says he has no idea.

"She didn't say, but she insisted it must be today. Danny please, please" he begs and I know I won't be able to say no to him no matter what. If I say no he will go anyway so it's safer to go with him.

Julius POV

I bust through the door to the infirmary, no one is crazy enough to stop me. All gathered here look at me but I don't see anyone but her.

My nostrils move but I don't sense anything, her scent has changed, drastically. But I know it's her, although she's changed too, I still know it's her and blind fury pumps in my veins.

"Julius no!" Alyssa screams but I'm fast as I move close to Madison grab her by her neck and shove her to the ground, failing off my wheelchair in the process.

Drake does nothing, last time I was so close to killing her he pushed so strongly against me that I couldn't have done it. This time he doesn't care as I squeeze my hand harder and Madison is struggling to breathe trying to pry my hand off of her throat.

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