Part 5 Chapter 29

Start from the beginning

The journey took a long time because they were escorted by soldiers on foot. The members of the diplomatic mission from the Myto Empire also felt hot because they were sitting exposed to the sun. What an impudent treatment for a diplomatic mission!




Open seas, 150 km from Esthirant, less than 10 minutes later.
Amphibious assault ship, class Thor 'Milar'

A combat alert alarm rang out over the 'Milar' and her escorting destroyers. This is because there is a signal that the diplomatic mission of the Myto empire is in danger. The signal was repeated two times, which caused the danger level to be very high. Therefore, in accordance with the order that had been given, the small fleet increased its alertness to combat alert and prepared to fight.

Due to a distress signal from the diplomatic mission in Esthirant, the captain of the 'Milar' ship immediately prepared troops for amphibious assaults and also air attacks. 20 tanks and 20 APCs departed using the repulsorlift towards Esthirant. They would hide in the ocean at a distance of 20 km from Esthirant to await orders to attack or return to the ship. Each APC contains 20 dark troopers. The purpose of this attack is to extract diplomatic missions from the Myto Empire if necessary.

In addition, all airspeeders are prepared to depart. Currently, 'Milar is filled with 30 combat airspeeders and 10 utility airspeeders. Twelve airspeeders were set up as primary interceptors, while the remaining 12 were set up as primary ground assault units. 6 airspeeders, each with 12 dark troopers, and 2 with 6 soldiers and 4 dark troopers. Two dark troopers and two medical droids fill the other two, which are used for evacuation.

The airspeeder will be circling in the air at a distance of 50 km from Esthirant to await further orders. The rest of the airspeeders are used for CAP, including the airspeeders belonging to the 'Mardut' class destroyer escorting 'Milar'. The small fleet then took off using repulsorlift and headed for a point 50 kilometers from Esthirant at full speed.

Because the attack on the diplomatic team was considered an extraordinary incident, they were allowed to use all the weapons they had at their disposal.




Palpadia Empire, 14.00
Imperial capital Esthirant, 1st foreign affairs department

They arrived at the 1st foreign affairs department's office after more than half an hour. The diplomatic team from Myto Empire were escorted tightly like prisoners into the meeting room of the 1st foreign affairs department's office. There were already the heads of the 1st foreign affairs department, Elto and Ramille. The room also contained soldiers from the Palpadia Empire standing guard behind them.

"Welcome to the office of the 1st Foreign Affairs Department," said Elto. "We apologize for the sudden call."

"I filed a complaint about the treatment we are receiving. We are a diplomatic mission that even the Mu Empire recognizes and that has extraterritoriality rights that are also recognized by many countries, including the superpower, the Mu Empire." Ambassador Gravit stated.

Hearing that, Elto looked at Ramille, because she knew that they could not fight against what the superpowers above them had recognized, namely the Mu Empire and HME. But it seems Ramille did not heed it.

"Stop the nonsense! Your country has dared to fight the superpower Palpadia Empire. A backward barbarian nation dares to go up against a superpower? If your country wasn't supported by the Mu Empire, we would have defeated your country a long time ago." Ramille said.

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