Part 27: Dress Shopping

Start from the beginning

"We'll all go shopping with you if you want." Niall suggested. I smiled, amazed at the effort they were all making and all I could think was how I got such great friends?

"You don't have to." I said, knowing how bored the boys would get.

"If it makes you feel better then we're doing it. So what do you say?" Liam replied.

They all looked at me with hopeful eyes except for Harry. He was look down at his shoes probably expecting me to say no, but how could I? If it made him happy then I would do almost anything.

"Sure." I smiled which made Harry lift his head, a big smile on his face.

"Let's get this over with then." Louis stood up and opened the door for us. I laughed as I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out the door.

"How long does dress shopping take?" Niall asked innocently. All the boys looked at me for an answer and I didn't want to crush their souls.

"Not long don't worry." I lied.

"Cool." Zayn nodded, as he kept walking. I tried really hard to suppress my smile, hoping no one noticed.

Harry led us to the fancy side of the city where there were expensive looking boutiques and shops and it suddenly dawned on me how expensive this could be.

"Harry I can't afford anything here." I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear.

"Don't worry about it, I got it." He smiled sweetly.

"No, I can't let you do that." I shook my head.

"Well too bad." He smirked before walking into a boutique. The boys followed and let out a frustrated sigh before storming in after them.

"Harry I'm serious!" but he was already talking to an employee and walking over to a rack of dresses in my size.

"Chose anything you want." He motioned to the huge rack with sparkles, tulle, and rhinestones.

"No." I shook my head as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Katrina just choose a dress." He huffed impatiently.

I was about to protest further when Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all came back with dresses in their hands.

"We got impatient." Louis shrugged.

"This is taking a lot longer than I thought." Niall said as he handed me all the dresses. Harry pushed me into a dressing room and closed the curtain.

"Now hurry up!" He said and I could tell he was smirking, happy that his band mates helped him.

"Ok no I'm not trying these on." I said as I went through them.

"And why not?" Louis asked sassily.

Instead of answering I tried on a dress that looks absolutely horrendous. It was a long pink dress with shoulder pads and a long train. It would look good on a tall slender girl with a nice tan but I was 5 foot 3, pastey white, and with boobs and hips.

I stepped out and the boys just stared without saying anything.

"Exactly, now take these back." I handed them the ones I didn't like which were most of them.

"I'll do that!" Liam quickly took them and put them away on a designated rack.

"Alright now that you know you can trust me with dressing myself, may we proceed?" I asked them and the all nodded furiously.

Dress after dress, I always found something wrong. If I was going to be in front of cameras and other famous people I at least wanted to look decent to stand amount singers and artists. I just didn't feel like any of these dresses made me look beautiful. I had a few dresses left and I was pretty sure Zayn had fallen asleep. Louis and Niall we're starting to get impatient and Liam could barely keep his eyes open. Harry kept yawning and rubbing his eyes.

I put on a gold metallic maxi skirt and a white crop top. I didn't bother to look in the mirror knowing it probably didn't look good. I just wanted to give up. I walked and the boys perked up.

"Ok guys I don't think we're going to find anything here." I sighed.

"Katrina that looks amazing!" Niall yelled.

Confused I looked in the mirror and I was surprised to find I didn't look completely horrible.

"Not bad." I mumbled. I stood up straight and realized I looked pretty good, almost beautiful.

"Ok can we go now?" Louis whined.

"Harry is it ok?" I bit my lip, hoping he would like it.

He stood up and walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"You look absolutely beautiful." His voice low, just enough for me to hear giving me goosebumps.

"Really?" I asked again, partly because I was insecure and partly because I just wanted to hear his voice. It was kind of a turn on to be honest. I looked up at him, his green eyes looking down at me making me blush.

"Really." He nodded, his hand traveling down to my hips.

"Alright that's our cue to leave." Louis stood up and walked out. Liam shook Zayn awake and pulled him out, followed by Niall.

"Let's go?" Harry asked.

"Let's go." I agreed and quickly changed.

I have finals meaning who knows when I'll update next. Enjoy! Please comment or vote! Love you guys!

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