Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Hailey's P.O.V

My hand searched for Andy's in the dark room. Finally, I found it and wove my fingers in his. Today was the second to last night I would sleep in this bed with him. Tears threatened my eyes just at the thought. I squeezed Andy's hand to make myself feel better. I buried my head in the crook of his neck hoping for some sort of sleep. I still sat awake thinking of the next few days. When we wake up in the morning it will be my last complete day in England. Then we will go to sleep again that night and at around five in the morning the next day I will have to pack up my things, Andy and I are going to meet my grandma for breakfast on my last morning here. Then Andy will drive us both to the airport and that will be where we say goodbye. Again I felt tears in my eyes. The letter from Manchester hadn't arrived yet so at the moment I was still going to be living in America. I wrapped my free arm around Andy's chest. "Right now, you're the only thing in my life that is going in the right direction." I whispered to his sleeping body. I gave him a peck on the cheek then closed my eyes.

~ Morning ~

"Wake up babe." I heard a gentle voice whisper to me. I rolled as far away from the voice as possible. "C'mon Hailey, I have a lot planned today. It's your last day in England." I felt Andy move closer to me. His arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "Get up, love." He whispered into my ear. I put a pillow over my head ignoring him. "Fine." I heard Andy say. I felt the bed shift then it creeked a bit. I smiled to myself because I thought I had won. Soon I felt two arms around my stomach. I felt myself lifted from the bed, gently. "You didn't get up, so I had to get you up." Andy said as he pulled my tired body from the mattress. He moved me around a bit then decided to carry me bridal style down the stairs. Finally, he set me down at the table. A small rose sat in the middle, while a plate sat in front of me. Andy walked over to the kitchen and grabbed something from the stove. He walked back over to me and set the food onto my plate. "A cheese omelet, just for you." He whispered into my ear before leaving a kiss on my cheek. I giggled then began devouring the food in front of me.

"Did you enjoy breakfast?" Andy asked as he helped me from my chair. "Loved it." I said taking the hand he offered to me. "That's good." Andy said with a smile. I smiled back at him. I felt his arms wrap around me and again he carried me bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asked with a chuckle. "I want to make today one of the best days ever for you." He made his way up the stairs. "So you just want to carry me everywhere?" Andy opened the door to his room and set me back on the bed. "No, not everywhere. I just wanted you to have a nice morning and I guess carrying you was my way of being romantic." Andy put his hands on both sides of my waist. He brought his face to mine. He let his lips brush over mine, teasing me. "Was I not romantic enough?" He asked. "It was very romantic, Andy." I said to him wrapping my arms around his neck. I tilted my head so our lips were touching. Andy began the kiss, but stopped and pulled away. "I almost forgot, I have a big day planned so go get dressed and shower or whatever it is you have to do." I laughed as Andy helped me to my feet. "I'll be done soon." I said to him before I walked over to the bathroom.

~ 1 hour later ~

The long, winding road seemed to be endless. "Where are we going Andy?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Sit back and enjoy the ride, but we are almost there." I sighed and turned my head to look out the window. My annoyance disappeared when I felt Andy's hand on mine. "Don't worry babe, you'll love today. I promise." He squeezed my hand. I sighed again and turned to look at him. "I better have fun or else." I jokingly threatened. Andy chuckled. "Oh, I' scared now!" "You better be." I said while I giggled. Not long after that we pulled up in front of a place that looked like a hotel. "Where are we?" I asked as Andy opened my door. "Be patient." He said as his hand found my back. He lead me up the front stairs and walked through the door.

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