Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Andy hurry my mom is trying to chat on skype!" Andy came back to my hotel bed. "Where is your grandma?" He asked looking around. "She went to lunch. Now shh my mom is gonna show up on screen any sec- Hey mom! How are you?" I smiled at the screen as my mom's face flashed up. Andy was out of the shot because I wanted to introduce them sort of. "I'm good. How are you? Where is your grandma?" My mom's eyebrows furrowed together. "She went out for lunch. I'm good mom just going to an amusement park today." My mom smiled. "With who? And I'm glad your having fun." I reached for Andy's hand. "I'm going with my boyfriend, Andy." I pulled Andy onto the screen. "Hello." He said with a smile. My mom's eyes widened. "Isn't he the best friend of that boy from that band you like? What was there name again? New Direction?" "One Direction" I corrected. "And yes he is the Andy you said I would never get! Well we gotta go talk to you soon love you bye!" "Wait wait!" my mom shouted, but I ended the call. I smiled at Andy. "Well that went well." I said as I got off the bed.

"I kinda wanted to talk to her." He said as we made our way out the door. Andy held my hand tightly as we walked to the car. "Trust me you don't want to talk to her and if you really want we can call her later." We were in the car and driving to get Maz and Aliya. "Still I think your mum should know who I am." Andy said as we pulled up to Maz's apartment. "And she will, but today we are busy." Andy sighed and honked to alert Maz. Soon we saw Aliya and her boyfriend walking out hand in hand. They were perfect for each other. "Now to go get Liam and Danielle." Andy said when Maz got in the car. My heart stopped in my chest. "Liam as in Liam Payne?" I asked. Andy nodded. I almost screamed, but I contained myself. "Oh sounds great!" I said trying to be as calm as possible.

Aliya leaned over while we were driving to London. She whispered in my ear. "It's okay I was the same way when I first met Liam and the other boys. Just relax. Liam is really chill." She had meet the boys before? My heart raced. I couldn't relax I was going to be close enough to touch one of my idols. Andy's hand reached to find mine. He found it and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He must sense how nervous I am. "Today is going to be great." Andy said out loud so all of us could hear, but I know it was directed towards me. The car finally started to slow down as we reached a flat in London. "Here we are." Andy said as he stopped the car. Soon all of us were out and we were walking to the door.

"Andy! Maz!" said a soft, sweet voice. I knew this wasn't Liam. Maz and Andy were soon wrapped in thin arms. "Aliya!" The voice said again. "Hello Danielle." Aliya said as she was also taken in the woman's arms. Andy walked towards me and placed his arm around my shoulder. "Dani this is my girlfriend, Hailey." Danielle's smile spread widely across her face. I was then wrapped in her arms. "We've heard so much about you!" She said as she let me go. I couldn't help but smile. "I wish I could say the same." I said avoiding eye contact. I didn't want to make her feel bad. Dani giggled. "Ah! Andy hasn't said anything about me!? Surprising have you seen the mouth on this boy." She gestured towards Andy who's face was red. He chuckled a bit. "Well Dani in my defense when I'm with Hailey neither of us do a lot of talking." Andy winked at the girl. My face went red. Danielle laughed. "I'm sure Liam would love to meet you. Come inside." Danielle lead us inside and again my heart began to race.

"Hey guys!" A voice said from done the hall. This voice I knew to well. I felt it was hard to breathe. "Liam!" Maz said when he greeted my idol. The took each others hand and did the gesture most guys do when they get together. Then it was Andy's turn. "Aliya" Liam said with a smile facing Maz's girlfriend. "You're looking beautiful as always." Aliya's face had a slight pink shading to them. I guess Liam still manged to make her feel the way I feel right now. My heart thudded against my chest as Andy used the same move he had used to introduce me to Danille. "Liam, this is Hailey, my girlfriend." Liam smiled at me. I couldn't help smile back. He was just comforting to be around. "Hailey" Liam said as he took my hand in his. I thought he would go for a handshake, but I was wrong. Liam placed both his arms around me. His head was laying in the crook of my neck. "Nice to finally meet you." He said gently to me. He soon let me go and I was staring at him. I had to say something. "It's great to finally meet you too. I've wanted this for so long. It's like a dream come true." My hands almost flew up to cover my mouth, but I've already embarressed myself enough. My face turned red and they all laughed.

"I guess you're a fan then." Liam said still chuckling a bit. I nodded to ashamed to say anything else. "Don't feel bad. When I first met Aliya she almost cried. She told me she loved me so much and if she ever left Maz she would give me a call." I turned to the girl Liam talked about. Her face was red. "We said we wouldn't talk about that anymore." Aliya said lowering her voice and looking at the ground. Liam chuckled. "Well we should leave before this gets any weirder." Andy said lightening the mood. Everyone nodded in agreement and soon we were out to the car.

The car ride was silent. I didn't want to say anything sense I embarressed myself at the flat. It made me feel better that Andy held my hand the whole drive. We stopped in a parking lot. "We're here." Andy announced to everyone. "Finally!" Maz shouted. He got out of the car and began stretching. "Felt like forever right babe?" He asked looking at Aliya. She was smiling at him then she nodded. "You two are so perfect for each other!" Danielle said as she got out of the car. I smiled at Liam's girlfriend. "I was thinking the same thing." Danielle smiled back. "Two great minds think a like!" she said as she grabbed Liam's hand. Andy's hand was in mine soon aswell. We all walked to the enterance and my heart began to beat fast again. "Uhh, Andy." I said looking at my boyfriend. "Yeah babe?" he said back. "I kinda have a fear of rollercoasters." I said softly so only he could hear. He chuckled. "You won't anymore!" He grabbed my hand and raced off to a line.

"Okay we will be of in 5" The announcers voice boomed over the speaker. We had gotten on the ride and were now strapped in. "Andy I want to get off!" I said as I pulled at the restraints. "3 2" "You can't babe not now!" "Pleas-" "1!" The ride took off at full speed. My heart raced. I began screaming. I was so scared. "Andy!" I pleaded. "Babe face your fears!" Andy said. I shook my head furiously. "I don't want to! Andy please!" Soon I felt Andy's hand on mine. "I'm right here Hailey your fine." He said as quietly as he could while the metal death trap banged and boomed. I felt better and realised that this wasn't so bad. Soon I was screaming out of the joy and thrill for it. The ride came to a stop. "Andy that was amazing! Let's do it again!" This time I was pulling Andy to the next line.

I don't know where the time went, but the day was coming to an end. The sun had set and all of us were yawing now. "Today was fun." Danielle said and we all agreed. "We gotta do it again sometime." I suggested. "Hell yeah if Andy pays again!" Maz said elbowing his friend. "What should we do now?" Andy asked. "We could go out for ice cream. My treat." Liam suggested to everyone with a big smile. "Sounds" Maz yawned before he could finish. "Sounds good." He repeated. Back in the car we put on the Take Me Home C.D. and bugged Liam with every song asking him to sing it.

After Andy and I had gotten our ice cream we took everyone home. "I had a lot of fun today and thank you for helping me face my fears." I said to Andy. "I'm glad you had a good time and no problem." Andy held my hand as he drove. We were back at my hotel now. He opened my car door and walked me up to my room. We got to the door and I smiled at him. "See you tomorrow sweetheart." Andy said as he placed a hand on my cheek. "See you tomorrow. Text me when you get home. Drive careful." I said. Andy chuckled. "Don't worry I'll be fine. I love you Hailey." "I love you to Andy." Andy placed a soft peck on my lips and left. Today was the kind of day I would miss when I had to go home to America.

Hope you like this chapter!

Hopefully updates will be more regular now that I'm not as busy!

Chapter 8 soon! Love you all.

Also please read my Niall fanfin "How Am I Him!?" and tell me what you think! :) xx

Lion Love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton (An Andy Samuels FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя