Lion Love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton (An Andy Samuels FanFic)

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Chapter 1

The lights flashed. The bass from the stereo blasted in my ear. The club was packed and I had barely any breathing room. I nursed my drink only hoping this wouldn't get me drunk because I have never drank before. More loud base practically making my ear drum bleed. Why had I want to come here again. Oh yeah first time in England I was legal to drink blah blah. I listed reason why I should have stayed at my hotel when I heard a familiar voice. Her voice got louder and less understandable as she got closer. My "chaporone" had gotten off the rails drunk. Great my mom didn't trust me here so she had my grandma come with and look who is being carried home. NOT ME! I lightly chuckled to myself as I wrapped an arm around my grandma. "Enjoy yourself?" I asked. I gently tugged the old woman's arm to a taxi cab. "Dah befstttttt" she chuckled and smiled. "Yoooou mehat aknee o-one intrestin'" I sighed. "Nope. No Mr. Right here Nan." She gave me a soft pat. "I'll find him Hay." She placed her wrinkled hand over her brown eyes as she searched the city. I giggled as I placed her in the car. "I'll see you back at the hotel Nan." The fragile woman patted my arm. I quickly kissed her cheek and she sighed. " Be careful." I was glad she had sobbered up enough not to slur her words. "I will." I nodded in reassureance. Then the yellow cab was gone. I watched it until it was just a yellow speck.

I walked back inside not intending to stay long. I did want another drink. Somehow I had lost it helping my Nan to the cab. I walked to the bar where a cute bar tender flashed me a smile. "What'll you have beautiful." My cheeks got warm and I knew they were pink. Guys with accents drove me insane. "I'll have" I glanced down at the menu in front of me and saw something interesting. "I'll have a Chrimson Chaos." I giggled at the name. The man came back with my drink and I reached for my purse. The muscular man lifted up his hand in protest. He gestured to another man across the bar. This man was old. He had a round stomach and his cheeks where pale. His dark mustache covered his top lip and he had dark circles under his eyes. He grinned and you could tell he probably didn't own a toothbrush. The bar tender could probably sense the disgust that fell on my face as I looked at the man he pointed to. Then bar tender brought his blue eyes down to mine. His black hair fell flatly on both sides of his face. "Don't worry." he said to me. he brought his lips closer to my ear. "He only paid for the drink. I'll make sure you don't see him again." I gently moved back from the bar tender. Thank you I whispered as I tried to lose myself in the crowd so that man couldn't follow me. As I turned the corner I barely had glanced up when I saw someone else come walking straight into me. My cup fell to the floor but not before me and the person that bumped me where covered in red liquid. I looked up to see who I bumped and my heart stopped in my chest.

I was looking at Andy Samuels the best friend of Liam Payne from One Direction. I tried to ease the awkward with a soft giggle. "Well at least I didn't pay for that one. Some creep at the bar did."Andy let out an exagerated breathe. "Well" he let out a chuckle. "How much did you pay for the dress. I at least owe you that sense I ruined it." My breathing eased. I let out a sigh of relief then playfully answered back. "Oh this old thing." I gestured to my dress. "I should thank you for ruining it. I was looking for an excuse to buy a new one." Andy looked me up and down and frowned. "I agree. That ugly thing looks terrible on you." He let out a chuckle and I allowed myself to giggle. Andy was so easy to talk to. I glanced up and his blueish-green eyes caught my attetion. They weren't fixated on my body, but on my face. I could see Andy was studying me. Suddenly I felt my face get flushed again. I was flattered to have someone like Andy interested by me. I saw a light pink barely shade Andy's cheeks. He out stretched his hand to me. "I'm Andrew, but my friends call me Andy." I took his hand in mine and smiled. "I'm Hailey" I barely manged to whisper. "Lovely..." Andy had mumbled something else but I didn't here him. His eyes bore into mine as if searching for something else. Something that might give him the okay to move further on with this interduction. "Hailey" Andy broke our trance. "I have to be leaving soon, but I would love to talk to you again. Could I possibly have your number." I smiled. "Course you can." I pulled a pen out of my purse and gestured for his hand. There I scribbled my number and name and smiley face just in case. "Thanks love." Andy shook my hand again and left. There I was left to myself. I had just met Andy Samuels. I had just gave him my number. Everything jumped through my brain as I made my way back to my hotel.

Thanks for reading. :) xx

Feed back is always accepted.

Chapter 2 up soon!

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