Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My eyes fly open as I hear the loud hum of my phone. I reach to where I placed it last night. I check the time. It's almost noon. This new time zone is so confusing and by the time I get used to I will have to go home and get used to my time zone again. I sigh as I unlock my mobile to see a message from an unknown number. My heart flutters when I remember I gave Andy Samuels my number last night. I open the message and begin reading.

Message: Hey it's Andy from the club last night. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today. I could take you for a tour of London if you would like. Let me know. Talk to you soon, hopefully. :) xx

I smiled, Andy wanted to take me to see London. How far was that from Wolverhampton? It was a very sweet gesture. I smiled again and replied to his text.

The reply: Hello Andy and that sounds like a great idea. Where should we meet up and what time? Can't wait to see you again! :) x

I put my phone back where I found it and rolled out of bed. I saw my grandma sound asleep in the bed next to mine. I smiled at the old woman. I gently shook her awake and told her I was going out and that I would let her know when I was coming pack. I put some money by her nightstand so she could go out for lunch or something. I then made my way to the shower. I had a dull headache. Not enough to stop me from doing things but it was like an annoying ache. Must have been from drinking last night. I then heard the loud vibrate of my mobile. I saw that Andy had replied.

From Andy: Well you could give me the name of your hotel. I can pick you up from there in about an hour. Sound good?

To Andy: Sounds good. I'm staying at the Mount Hotel. See you soon.

I only had an hour to get ready for my day out with Andy. I quickly opened the browser on my phone to check the weather in London. It's summer but its still a bit chilly. At least for me. I went to my suitcase and looked for a niced outfit. I pulled out a pair of black jeans and a gray cardigan with a black under shirt. I placed my outfit on the bed and went to shower.

I had just finished my shower and I got dressed. My hair still looked a mess. I had no idea what to do with it. I stared at myself in the mirror. I studied my reflection. I hated myself. My brown eyes looked plain on my decently tanned face. My eyebrows had a weird arch to them. My lips seemed to small, but they were average size. My tangled hair sat on both sides of my faces. My beauty mark was to high up on my face. My nose was to round. I just didn't like my face. I ignored the hatered I had for myself and brushed my hair. I decided that I would just put it up. Now for my make up. I put black eyeliner and masscara on. I put a light pink on my lips. I didn't put any on my cheeks because I'm sure the will be pink enough through out the day. Just as I finished my make up my phone rang. I answered to hear the voice I heared last night.

"Hey Hailey I'm around the corner. I should be there in a few. Should I come get you from you room or wait for you to come to me." I could hear the playful tone in his voice on the last part. He was cocky, but the good kind. I smiled "Why don't you come get me. I'm in room 208." "Okay I'll get you be ready see you soon." I smiled and said a quick okay. My grandma was awake now she smiled up at me. "Well don't you look nice." she remarked looking me up and down. "Where you going?" She questioned just as my mother would have. "I'm just going to see the city with someone I met." I replied. I didn't tell her we where going to London because she wouldn't have approved if I was going that far with some one I barely knew. She smiled. "You found him I guess." I stopped and looked at her confused. "Found who?" I questioned. She began laughing. "Mr. Right of course." She said. Just when I opened my mouth to reply the doorbell rang. "Well I guess Mr. Right is here now Hailey."

Lion Love in the Jungle of Wolverhampton (An Andy Samuels FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now