Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Andy's P.O.V (point of view)

I frowned down at my phone. It had already been 10 minutes and Hailey hadn't texted back. I missed her. We hadn't seen each other since she said she wanted me to stay with her because she loved me. That was 3 days ago. We had texted back and forth just getting to know each other even more. I felt like we had been daiting for almost 6 months now even though it had only been a week or so. Only a week and we were moving so fast. Soon we would go out again and she would be meeting one of my best friend. Maybe moving this fast isn't to good.

The sound of my phone scared me. It was Hailey! Her name on my screen always made me smile like an idiot. I opened the message.

From Hailey: I would love watch you and your friend Maz dance. Haha I can't dance tho babe so don't expect much from me, but I'll be there watching you do your thing! Dancing is hot btw ;) xx

I smiled at my mobile this time. She was something special. I would have to teach her to dance.

To Hailey: Haha well not knowing how to dance is even hotter! So how bout we go to training tonight?? Maz is bringing his girlfriend so you can have some to chat with. I'll pick you up in an hour if you want.

I waited for her reply. Hopefully tonight would be fine. I wanted to see her so badly.

From Hailey: You think me not being able to dance is hot now, but wait til you see me try I look like a seal on drugs lol tonight sounds great see ya in an hour love ya. <3

To Hailey: Love u 2 babe see ya soon. :)

Now I had to get ready for our date. I would be dancing, but I wanted to look nice. This was going to be difficult.

* 1 hour later *

As I walked up to room 208 my hands got sweaty. Why was I so nervous? I lifted my hand to knock but before I could the door opened. I looked up and saw Hailey. Her face was red with anger. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. Lets just go." she mumbled grabbing my hand. She turned to the door and shouted inside. "I'm leaving don't wait up!" Soon we were walking out to the car. I could read on her face that something wasn't right. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked opening her door for her. "It's just my mom she is just so annoying!" she grunted. I quickly walked to my side of the car and got in. "Well, wanna talk?" She looked up and smiled. The way she could go from ready to kill to so sweet surprised me. "No I'm fine." She said. "Okay." I nodded and we were off to the studio.

Laughter filled the air around us. "Gosh you boys can dance!" Hailey said with a giggle and a hiccup. Maz's girlfriend decided to brink a few mixed drinks for herself and Hailey while we trained. "And Aliya," she turned to Maz's girlfriend. "Me and you" she gestured between the two of them. "We can be goooood friends." she said with another giggle. I wrapped my arm around Hailey so she wouldn't fall. Maz laughed at his girlfriend, but he still had his hand there to steady her. "Wanna come over and chill?" I asked Maz. "No, we are gonna be umm..... busy tonight." Maz set his head on Aliya's neck and placed a gentle kiss. She giggled and winked at Hailey. This made Hailey howl with laughter. "C'mon Andy we all know whats happening tonight." She said with a grin. "Alright maybe tomorrow or something we can hang. See you two later." I helped Hailey to the car. "So are we going back to your place?" she asked when I had the car in drive. "We can if you want." I said to her. She nodded. "To the Rossini we go." She said with another hiccup.

The drive was a good hour or so. Hailey had enough time to sober up. We pulled up to the parking lot and we quickly got out. It wasn't late but there was a sunset painting the sky. I placed my hand on Hailey's back as we walked inside. "So what do you wanna do?" I questioned her when we reached the door. "I never got to see your room." she said looking up the stairs to my door. "Oh umm I guess we can go up there." She grabbed my hand and I lead her up the stairs. When I opened the door she smiled. "It's nice. Seems umm cozy." she said as she made her way to the bed. She sat down as if not to disturb anything. "Make yourself comfortable." I said. You could sense the awkward in the room. "I think I'm gonna lie down. Join me?" She said as she curled up on one side of the bed. "Sure." I said as I made my way to be next to her. I lied down and she put her hand on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her. She let her hands find my face and she fiercedly kissed me.

I kissed back more agressivily then she had. Soon I was above her. I had her hands pinned to the bed. I kissed her and pulled her bottom lip. "So you wanna be a tease huh Andy." she said when I let her lip go. I smiled at her. "Fine I can play that game too." She wrapped her legs around my waist. She gave a little thrust to get closer to me. Were ever she touched my skin burned. I don't know how, but soon I was below her. I let my hands wonder to the bottom of her shirt. I pulled a bit but she pushed my hands away. "Convince me." She whispered. So she really was going to be a tease. "Like you said before Hailey two can play this game." I sat up and she stumbled backwards. I took of my shirt leaving me in a tank top. I had my arms positioned so they were flexing. "Hmm." she nodded approvingly. She took off her cardigan leaving her in a form fitting tank top and tight jeans. She came closer to me and kissed me. Soon she was sitting on my lap her face towards mine. Her legs wrapped around my back. She kissed me and teased me with her tounge. I put my hands on her back to keep her stable. "I'll be right back." She whispered hopping off me. She quickly ran to the bathroom and I saved her the trouble and stripped to my boxers.

I waited for her to come back. I heard her phone ring. "Hello? Oh hey Nan whats up? You wanna have dinner with me and Andy? Okay we will be there soon." She walked out and had more clothes on then when she walked in. She laughed and tossed me my clothes. "My grandma wants to have dinner with us, so put some clothes on." She laughed again and made her way out the door. "Not fair! I was so ready and then you just shut me down!" She giggled. "Not my fault she wants us to eat with her." Hailey was out the door while I was still trying to put my shoes on. "I'll be back later." I shouted to my roomates. Hailey turned back at me. "They where here?! Well now I'm kind of glad we didn't do anything. They could have been listening or walked in." She was almost outside. "That's why doors have locks." I shouted while I tried to catch up with her. She stopped and turned at me. "Well that just won't work I would rather have a quickie in the car." She said with a wink. "Oh." I said as I thought of what she just said. Then I understood. "Oooooh!" I said exaggratingly. I started to jog a little bit faster. Soon we both raced to the car.

Hope you like this chapter.

Sorry for the late update and sorry the ending kind of sucks.

Anyways love you all thanks for reading chapter 7 whenever I can update! :) xx

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