Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Andy's P.O.V (point of view)

"Hailey" I whispered into her ear. I let my teeth catch a bit of her ear lobe as my mouth travled down her neck. Our breathing was fast and heavy. Her fingers were tangled in my hair as I laid her down on the bed. A little squeal escaped her lips as I kissed right below her ear. Her sweetspot I was assuming. I let my lips linger there showing her I was in control. More noises escaped her lips and I finally moved my mouth lower. Now my lips rested on her collar bone. I let my hands wonder from her hips to her shoulders. I found the thin strap of her shirt and started to take it off. Her hands flew up in protest. I was okay with being turned down, for now anyways. "Andy" she whispered into my ear. Her head rested on my shoulders and her lips were so close to my ear I could feel her cool breath. I let my hands explore her body. I got tired of not having my lips on hers and I quickly moved them to her mouth. I kissed her aggressivly but I made her feel special while doing. It seemed like our lips were meant for each other. Our mouths moved so gracefully with the others. I let my tounge trace the entrance to her mouth as I begged for the kiss to move further. She finally gave in and parted her lips. My tounge explored her mouth. New territory. I let myself smirk. I found my hands back on her hips. She had her legs wrapped around my waist. Hailey broke free of the kiss and let her lips trace my jawline. Her lips reached my ear. She gave my neck a quick kiss then she whispered in my ear "I'm ready."

My eyes flew open. My breathing was heavy. Sweat rolled down my face. I got up and went to the mirror. I studied my reflection. My hair was a mess, but not from the events that had just taken place or had they all been in my head. I looked harder at myself in the mirror as if hoping to get an answer from myself. Of course what just happened was in my head. A girl like Hailey would never let that happen when we barely knew each other. One kiss, sure that was no big deal, but what had just happened in my sleep! I let my hands flatten my hair. "Get a hold of yourself Andy. You just met this girl!" It was true I had just met her, but she made me feel different. I normally wouldn't care much about a girl. Hailey was special though. When we kissed after our date things changed for me. My intentions from when I first met her changed. I wanted her as a person not as a sexual item. I wanted to know her, Hailey Bennet from America. Not what she was like in bed.  It sounds so cliche, but I think I may be falling for the girl I never would give a second thought to.

Hailey was beautiful, no doubt about that, but she wasn't the type of girl I would want a relationship with. Well at first she wasn't that type of girl. I like exotic, exciting girls. Then I went and spilled her drink on her. Anyone else would have shouted or gotten angry, but Hailey just cracked a joke. She didn't care that I ruined her dress and that was what caught my attention at first. I liked her, but when I looked at her that night I only saw her as a one night stand. I didn't think I could get her that night so I asked for her number. Then I asked her on a date. My whole plan was to bang her after our date but things changed. I talked to her. I learned her fears, dreams, goals. I learned who she was. So I let her learn who I was. Normally, I tell a girl something impressive, but with Hailey I told her who Andy Samuels was. I was so comfortable around her. Then at dinner I made my move. Not my normal "let's go back to my place" move, but my "I like you and want to see you again" move. She never excepted, but she never declined. Then back at her hotel room I kissed her and I knew she was more than a one night stand.

On the drive home I had to really think about things. Did I want to let myself fall for someone I wasn't good enough for. She was to caring, sweet, and kind to be with someone who only wanted to have sex with her. Hailey seemed like someone who could love anyone, even an asshole like myself. That's when I told myself I would try to make things work between me and Hailey. Now here I am staring at myself in the mirror questioning how I felt about this girl. My heart said I wanted to try to start something with her, but my thoughts just wanted to take advantage of her. Well not take advantage because she said it was okay in the dream. What did I want?

I walked back to my room and got my mobile. I was going to listen to my heart for once not my thoughts. I found Hailey's contact number and texted her.

To Hailey: Sorry I know it's late, but I wanted to be sure we have a date for tomorrow. How bout I take you for breakfast. 8'o clock sound good?

I knew she wouldn't reply because she was probably sleeping. I set my phone back on my night table and got in bed. I stared up at the ceiling and just thought of nothing, but at the same time I was thinking about everything. Hailey flashed through my thoughts. The way she smiled and her top lip curled up. The way when she blushed she would quickly turn her glance to the ground. The way her brown eyes looked in just the right angle of sunlight. I made myself sick with all this "emotion" I had for her. I really didn't mind in a way though because it made me happy. I heard a gentle buzz come from my phone. I reached for it and Hailey's name flashed across the screen. My heart skipped a bit. I opened the message.

From Hailey: It's okay I wasn't sleeping. I had an interesting dream that kept me up. 8'o clock breakfast sounds great. Try to get some sleep Andy. Good night see you in the morning. :)

Hailey also had a dream that was keeping her up? When you fall in love do you guys become somewhat connected? Wow that was weird. I think I'm a bit tired, I can't be in love with Hailey I just met her. Maybe eventually we could fall in love. I would be her first love. I smiled to myself at the thought of that. Then I replied to her message.

To Hailey: Okay then see you in the morning. Oh and you should take your own advice and get some sleep yourself! xx

I sent my message and laid my head to my pillow. I couldn't wait for tomorrow morning. I felt just as excited as a kid on christmas. I let my eyelids shut. Then sleep toke over.

Hailey held my hand as we walked to a small restaraunt. She smiled at me as I guided her in the door. We took a seat at a table the waitress pointed at. Hailey leaned over the table and whispered in my ear. "Thank you Andy. I'm sure breakfast will be great." She started to sit back in her seat, but I grabbed her hand. I pulled her closer to me. Her sent filled the air around me. She smiled and brought her head to mine. She knew what I was going to do and she beat me to it. Her lips landed softly on mine. She let her lips linger on mine before she finally sat back down. She smiled and I couldn't help, but smile back at the beauty before me.

Again I woke up, but this time more peacefully. The light was shining in through my window. I got up and thought to myself. This is a good way to start the day. Then I made my way to get ready for an amazing date with Hailey, the girl of my dreams, literally!

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