Chapter 56

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A month later

Even though Wei Wuxian want to spend time with Lan Wangji, he have a lot of work to do. 'I am just a lord of this town but why do I have so much work?' Wei Wuxian thought to himself.

As for Lan Wangji, he left to head to Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan clan. He is helping out with training their disciple. It is more like Lan Wangji is teaching them the Lan fighting style.

While working on his sect leader work, out the corner of his eye he see a golden portal open up, 'must be Jin Ling.'

"Wei Shushu!" Wei Wuxian sigh, he waved his hand for Jin Ling to come up. "What's wrong Rulan?" Wei Wuxian patted the seat next to him. Jin Ling sat down next to Wei Wuxian as he clean up the table to talk to Jin Ling.

"Jiu Jiu," was all Jin Ling said. "What about the angry lotus?" This confuse Jin Ling, "Angry Lotus?"

"Is his nickname. Did he do something to you or say something to you," Wei Wuxian asked Jin Ling. Jin Ling nodded his head, "what did he said or do?"

"After I have finish with my sect leader work.....wait wait, let me rephrase that. The elder want me to take a break since I been working none stop to help put thing back in LanLing. I decide to head to Yunmeng Jiang clan to visit Jiu Jiu but when I got there, Jiu Jiu yelled at me to go back to Jinlintai to do my work. I decide to come see you instead."

Wei Wuxian smiled, he patted Jin Ling on his head. "You can always come here Jin Ling, how is everything back in Jinlintai?" Jin Ling let go of his anger toward Jiang Wanyin, "Is going good, Mian Mian Shijie and her husband is helping me with Jinlintai finance. The elder doesn't mind either."


Jin Ling nodded his head, "she feel like a big sister to me."

'Of course but if you get on her bad side, she will smack you or slice you to pieces,' "Mian Mian is a perfect big sister to you." While the two of them are talking a light bluish portal open up, the two hear, "Jingyi, stop messing around. You were the one who went out to get Tianzi Xiao. Xichen Shushu caught you red handed."

"Jingyi, you got caught again?" Sizhui and Jingyi walk up to where Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling is at. "Wei Qianbei, How did you get Tianzi Xiao into Cloud Recesse?" Jingyi asked Wei Wuxian.

"Jingyi! Not now," Jingyi pouted, Sizhui sigh, he pull out an blue invitation to give it to Wei Wuxian, "Xian gege, here."

"What is it?" Wei Wuxian take the invitation from Sizhui hand. He open to read it, Wei Wuxian look up at Sizhui with a smile on his face. "Your the next sect leader?" Sizhui nodded his head. "Two week from now Huh? I will attend." This make Sizhui eye happy.

"Then let's celebrate. Guard!" A guard come into the room, "Gongzi?"

"Tell the people in the kitchen to make the best food for us to eat. Bring food, wine and tea to my room." The guard nodded his head and he left from there.

"Alright boys let's go into my room. It is more comfortable there then here," they left the main room, they walk into Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji room. Yes, Lan Wangji move into the same room as Wei Wuxian.

While they are there Jingyi said, "Shouldn't we invite Zizhen?" Wei Wuxian chuckle at this, "I can't open from my end," Jin Ling pointed at his bracelet, "same," sizhui pointed at his necklace.

"Wei Shushu," Wei Wuxian snapped his finger a portal open up.

Ouyang clan

While Zizhen is working in his room, he felt a portal appear in front of him. This got Zizhen to stop working and run into the portal. "Jingyi, Sizhui, Jin Ling," he is very happy to see his friend again.

"Come Zizhen," Zizhen went to sat down next to Jin Ling, "it has been so long since we all gathered. I think last time was during Wei qianbei wedding. So what the gathering?" Zizhen asked.

"Sizhui is taken over as sect leader," Jingyi answered Zizhen questions. "That is awesome Sizhui. I hope that our clan can help out each other," Zizhen hold out his hand for Sizhui to take, "Any time Zizhen. We are friend after all."

They talk eat and drink until night fall. Lan Wangji came back from his time in Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen clan. "Jingyi, Sizhui, isn't time for you two to head back home?" Wei Wuxian sigh, "give them a break Lan Zhan."

The boys stand up to give a bow to Lan Wangji, "Fuqin."

"Hanguang Jun."

"Why are they here, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji went to sat down between Sizhui and Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian pull out the invitation, he let Lan Wangji to look at it. He too have on a small smile, "Sizhui, you will make a great Sect leader."

"Thank you Fuqin."

By the time night fall come Wei Wuxian make four bed appear in his room. The table disappear, "why don't you boys sleep here for tonight?" Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian, "we are not going to do anything while they are here." The boys sigh with relief.

"As for you Lan Wangji, shouldn't you go take a bath before bed ?" Lan Wangji look down at his clothes, usually he keep it clean but since he is living in Yuandao town he is getting his clothes dirty.

While Lan Wangji went to take a bath the boys take off his outer outfit, leaving their inner clothes on. Wei Wuxian put a talisman above the boys, "this will keep you warm at night. Usually it will get cold here in Yuandao town, especially at night."

That night Wei Wuxian stay awake while Lan Wangji is asleep next to him. He got up from his bed, with the movement got Lan Wangji to wake up, "Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji whispered quietly.

Wei Wuxian went to kiss Lan Wangji on his lips, and then he pull back. "I got work to do. Get some sleep Lan Zhan," before Lan Wangji can said anything, Wei Wuxian flicker his finger on Lan Wangji forehead, and this got Lan Wangji to fall back asleep.

'Even though your cultivation is strong, I am stronger,' with that last saying Wei Wuxian went back out to the main room and begin to finish up his work.

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