Chapter 40

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The next day, Wei Wuxian, Song Lan, Xiao Xingchen, Lan Wangji, Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen went to meet up with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen disciple. "Since our town sect leader give us permission to go on a night hunt. I want to introduce you to three people," Xiao Xingchen look back at Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen.

"This Lan Sizhui, heir to the Lan clan. Lan Jingyi and this is Sect leader Ouyang, they will be here for a while. Until then, they are going on a night hunt with us." Lan Xiao disciple looked at the clothes that Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen is wearing, it is their clan outfit.

"But Sect leader Xiao, why are they wearing out sect clothes?" Song Lan step up, "there is something wrong with their own sect clothes. That is why they are wearing ours, now is everyone ready?"

"Yes! Sect leader!"

They all walk toward the gate, everyone turn around to look at Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, "Sect leader we are leaving now," Wei Wuxian smile as he nodded his head.

"Hanguang Jun."

"I will see you soon. Be safe okay?" Jingyi and Sizhui both nodded their head. "Zizhen, you stay safe now. Your sect still need you," Wei Wuxian ruffled Zizhen head.

"I know Wei Qianbei. I will keep myself safe." Zizhen fixed his hair.

"Everyone step on your sword," the Lan Xiao disciple got out their sword, and they step on their sword. Sizhui, Jingyi and Zizhen did the same. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen step on their sword, "Then A-Ying, take care of our guest!"

'Right, Lan Wangji is still here.' Once everyone is gone, Wei Wuxian turn back around to walk back to the palace. "Wei Ying," Wei Wuxian stop walking, he didn't turn around to look at Lan Wangji.

"Wei Ying, do you believe me? Believe that everything happen because of Jin Guangyao and Su She who was manipulating everyone?" Lan Wangji waited for Wei Wuxian answer.

Wei Wuxian sigh, he turn back around, walk toward Lan Wangji and take his hand. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji end up in the underworld. This kind of surprise Lan Wangji, "Wei Ying, where are we?"

Instead of Wei Wuxian answering Lan Wangji a voice said, "you are in the underworld. Welcome Lan Wangji," Lan Wangji turn around to see a guy in white with a bandage around his neck and with a very kind smile, smiling at him.

"Xie Lian is Hua Cheng here?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"He waiting for you," Wei Wuxian walk up to Xie Lian, he whispered into Xie Lian ear, "he similar to you, can you keep Lan Wangji company while I talk to Hua Cheng?"

"Of course." Wei Wuxian away from there. Xie Lian can see the sad and hurt expression on Lan Wangji face. "Lan er gongzi, no need to look like that. Wuxian, is heading to see San Lang. Would you like to have a talk?" Lan Wangji slightly nodded his head.

Xie Lian smile, "Come this way." Lan Wangji follow behind Xie Lian, 'who is this guy? He seem to know Wei Ying.' "Can I ask you, who are you?"

"Ah I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xie Lian, "Flower Crown Martial God". Hua Cheng, San Lang, "Crimson Rain Sought Flower" he is my soulmate."

'Soulmate, Wei Ying said that he once see me as his soulmate. But, after Jin Guangyao manipulated me. Getting me to hate Wei Ying. He cut all ties with me, no longer his friend and no longer soulmate.' "Soulmate? Xie Lian, do you think Wei Ying will see me as his soulmate again?"

"That is up to Wuxian to decide beside he already saw what happen at the temple to when he got banished from the cultivation to when your brother find talisman inside of your clothes. Give Wuxian time, right now he is trying to get those energy out of all of the clan."


"So he here?" Hua Cheng asked while the two look at the black butterfly floating in between them.

"Yeah he here. I don't want to be alone with Lan Wangji."

"Alone? What do you mean?" Hua Cheng asked while bring out a pure white butterfly, "whoa, a super white one? Alone as in my uncle, Song xiong, the Lan disciple, Zizhen and our disciple went on a night hunt. So it is just me and Lan Wangji."

"Is that why you bring him here? You don't want to be alone with him?"

"Yep. What with the black and white butterfly Hua Cheng?" Wei Wuxian lend in closer to look at the two butterfly.

"The black one will take out all the dark energy from the cultivator. The pure white one will send pure energy back into the cultivator."

"Can only one butterfly take out all of the energy from all of the clan?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"These butterfly isn't just the normal butterfly from mine. Gege also help me with it, so it will help out the cultivator." Hua Cheng turn the black and the white into turn small crystal ball.

Hua Cheng hand it over to Wei Wuxian, "just throw it into the air the butterfly will transform into itself."

"Thank you."

"Now since that is done, how about we go get some wine to drink?" Before Wei Wuxian can agree a angry voice said, "you will not getting drunk today Hua Cheng!" Hua Cheng and Wei Wuxian turn to see a very angry Xie Lian standing behind him.

"You got a duty to do as the leader of this underworld. You need to go see what they need and how are they doing with their business."

Wei Wuxian lend in to whisper to Hua Cheng, "oi Hua Cheng, even though Xie Lian look very kind, nice and sweet on the outside. On the inside he look very angry."

Hua Cheng can only nodded his head. Wei Wuxian looked behind Xie Lian, 'this is a great time to escape,' "Hua Cheng, thank you for your help."

Wei Wuxian walk very fast pass an angry Xie Lian, "Oi Wei Wuxian!" Wei Wuxian take Lan Wangji hand and disappear from there.

"Traitor," Hua Cheng whispered to himself, "now gege, don't get angry. I will go see how everyone else is doing," after saying that Hua Cheng disappear from his palace and reappear outside the town. 'That was close. First time I see that side of Gege. Better not get him angry again.'

With that last thought, Hua Cheng went around to see how everyone in his town is doing.

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