Chapter 20

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After Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning have finish dealing with all of the puppet from all of the direction, the two head straight to the Yao clan town they will start from there.

When the two arrive they see how desert the town is. There is no one around, all of the door is lock, talisman is all over the door, no light is turn on.

"Ying ge," Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Try to find the center A-Ning," wen Ning went to find the center talisman. Wei Wuxian just keep walking around the town, he want to make sure that there isn't any puppet inside of the town.

'So this is Sect leader Yao town. Even if they are the one who went against me and fighting against me, I will only do this one time for them. After this, whatever happen to them. I won't come back to help them.'

Wei Wuxian went to find a place to seat down, he want to waited for Wen Ning to come back. 'I think those puppet only come out at night fall. I hope A-Ning won't run into any of them.'

About an hour later Wen Ning return, "Ying ge," Wei Wuxian look up, "where?"

"It is inside of Sect leader Yao clan. How are we suppose to burn that talisman?" Wen Ning asked as he sat down next to Wei Wuxian. "*sigh* I really don't know. Since it is in the Yao clan house, do you know where it is?"

"Mn. I think it is where all of the sect leader ancestry is at."

"*sigh* that place huh? Let's head there, don't let them see us. We will wait until night fall to sneak in. Until then, don't let anyone there see us," Wen Ning nodded his head, the two got up and walk to where the Yao clan house hold is at.

Once they got there the two of them is hiding close by, "so this is the Yao clan? Seem like a very small clan too me." 'No wonder clan leader like him want to get their hand on the Yiin hufu.'

"Ying ge?" Wei Wuxian turn his attention to Wen Ning, "Look!" Wei Wuxian see what Wen Ning is pointing at. The two see many puppet surrounding the Yao clan house.

"When did Jin Guangyao put all of the talisman in each of the sect house hold anyway. I should try asking Hua Cheng for help," Wei Wuxian pull out a pouch, one butterfly fly out, it landed on Wei Wuxian hand. He whispered his message into the butterfly and when he is done, the butterfly disappear.

Hua Cheng Castle

"Did Wuxian sent you a message?" Come Xie Lian who is walking up to Hua Cheng. "Mn. It look like he want to know when did Jin Guangyao put the spiritual Luring talisman into the Sect leader house hold."

"Are you going to go interrogate him again?" Xie Lian watch as the butterfly disappear from there.

"Yin Yu!" A guy wearing black clothes and a mask appear before Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, "Your majesty." Hua Cheng sigh, "Yin Yu, no need to be formal." Yin Yu stand straight up, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Can you go interrogate Jin Guangyao again? Ask him when did he put the spiritual luring talisman inside of the sect leader house hold?" Yin Yu nodded his head, he vanish from there leaving Xie Lian and Hua Cheng to themselves.

"Is Wuxian helping those sect leader?" Xie Lian asked.

"It look like it but why?" Xie Lian sat down on the other chair next to Hua Cheng, "why don't you ask him once you get the information from Jin Guangyao?" Hua Cheng nodded his head.

About an hour later Yin Yu came back, "Hua Cheng, it look like Jin Guangyao asked Su She to go put the talisman in each clan house hold, when they have their usual discussion Conference. During this time no one will noticed that Su she disappear from the meeting."

"Do you know where?" Xie Lian asked.

"He put them in the sect leader ancestry hall. That is where he put them."

"Ancestry hall? Isn't that where all of the sect leader family tablet is at?" Yin Yu nodded his head.

"Thank you Yin Yu," Yin Yu vanish from there. "San Lang, you should let Wuxian know," Hua Cheng summon up his butterfly, he whispered his message into the butterfly and when he is done, the butterfly disappear from there.

Yao Clan

The golden butterfly reappear in front of Wei Wuxian, he head what Hua Cheng is saying, "Just like you said A-Ning, it is inside of the Sect leader Yao ancestry hall."

The two wait until night fall to enter into the Yao clan house so that they can burn down the talisman without anyone seeing them.

"Ying ge, when did Jin Guangyao put the talisman?"

"Hua Cheng said that it was during the Discussion Conference. And that Jin Guangyao tell Su She to go put the spiritual luring talisman in the clan ancestry hall."

The two just stand to the side as they watch the Yao clan fighting the puppet. "Is no wonder the Wen clan can take down the small clan so easily."

"Why didn't they ask the other clan for help?" Wen Ning asked Wei Wuxian. "They couldn't. They were attack before they can sent for help. If I remember correctly, Sect leader Yao, was able to escape with two of his disciple. They came to Yunmeng to ask Sect leader Jiang to hide them."

"Then how could he go against you like that if Sect leader Jiang helped him?" This got Wen Ning angry.

"He doesn't know what debt is or what favor is. Beside, he is one of those greedy sect leader who want the Yin Hufu for himself and for his clan."

They see the Yao clan disciple retreat back into their clan, "what a bunch of weakling? Can't even defend your clan." Wen Ning nodded his head, he agree to what Wei Wuxian just said.

When night time came Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning went into the Yao clan, "A-Ning, lead the way," Wen Ning nodded his head. He begin to sense where the spiritual luring talisman is at. "Ying ge, is all over this place," Wen Ning whispered to Wei Wuxian.

"Let's get to the ancestry place, that way I can take it out all at once," Wen Ning nodded his head.

Wen Ning finally found the Yao clan ancestry hall, "let's go in," when they enter into the ancestry hall Wei Wuxian turn back around, close the door and put up silence talisman and lock talisman this way no one can enter while he is doing his usual ritual.

The black smoke spread through out the Yao clan and the town. It went in all four direction, and it take out all of the spiritual luring talisman in every structure around the town and around the Yao clan.

Once Wei Wuxian is done, the two left from there. They don't want the Yao clan disciple and their leader to capture them. The next place they went to is Bailing town, where the Ouyang clan is at.

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