Chapter 3

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What happen to Lan Wangji during these past months. He was so heartbroken that he fell in love with a man who was nothing more than a monster like a Wei Wuxian. He threw out and burned all of the belongings he had of him including the first mountain and first note Wei Ying gave him. Jiang Cheng also told Lan Xichen what that dead Wen corpse told him about Wei Wuxian golden core transfer and how it seem to be a white lie.

Everyone in Gusu Lan clan and those who learned about him taking those thirty three beating felt pity's toward him and pure hatred towards Wei Wuxian. When Jin Guangyao offered a women from the Jin sect, everyone thought that it was for the best and that the second Jade would have the life he deserved after a long time.

The Gusu Lan clan keep on receiving mysterious notes about what happened to Chifeng Zun corpse, but they ignore it, it was until one day Lan Xichen accidentally made a tear on his robe his saw a couple of talisman sewn so well that he didn't even noticed that there were there in the first place.

He told Lan Wangji and their Shifu about it. At first they thought it was him, but it was also impossible since he has never stood in their borders and they placed barrier around Gusu that informs them if he is nearby around the areas.

"Can you both lend me your robes for insepection just in case?" Lan Xichen asked both his uncle and Lan Wangji.

They both gave him their outer robes and Lan Xichen set to work in front of them showing what he had found out a couple of talisman sewn into each of their robes.

Lan Qiren then ordered them to tell all of the Gusu Lan sect members to inspect their outer and inner robes to check if there are talisman sewn into them and to not let any non Gusu Lan members spread 5th is outside to anyone else.

Several days later a person bring the Lan clan a gift from Jin Guangyao. "Sect leader lan Xichen, grandmaster lan Qiren, Hanguang Jun. Greeting I have the pleasure and honor to present an offering of gift from my master," a message wearing clothes coming from the Jin Sect brought out a lot of boxes or chest on the table.

"Thank you. May I ask who is your master? I never seen your face before?"

"Ah....I am sorry, I am one of Chief Cultivator personal servant. Jin Guangyao ask me to bring his gift for you hoping that you will like it. It is his way of saying thank you for been generous and kind toward him."

The servant brought more gifts showing that more robes filled with magnificent design and fabrics.

Lan Xichen nodded as the man left the room while the three sat down in poise and perfect posture. As soon the signal was given that the man left Cloud Recesse all three of them hurriedly searches every garment and robes and found man talisman on each garment.

"I can't believe that chief cultivator Jin Guangyao is the one doing these things against us," Lan Qiren said with a angry expression on his face. "Have you found out what they are used for?"

"Yes," Lan Xichen answered Lan Qiren questions.

He then went on explaining that these talisman are used to altered the memory of the wearer, making illusions on the wearer's mind. He then held a talisman with a couple of strokes and explained that this was supposed to be a talisman to make you think of the man in the good way but now it let your mind think of all the negative thing about the person and that person name is Wei Wuxian, his name was written on the talisman.

Lan Qiren looked shocked at Lan Wangji who is having so many emotions going through his mind right now, he can't even sort them out one at a time.

All three of them bowed their heads as they thought of everything Wei Ying has been through and how they horribly treated him.

Lan Xichen waited for Lan Wangji to say something thing else, "Wangji, don't you want to go find Wei gongzi?" Lan Wangji shake his head no, Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren looked at each other then back to Lan Wangji.

"Wangji, why not?" Lan Xichen asked his didi.

"Don't you remember what Wei Ying said before he left Cloud Recesse?"


"Lan Wangji, from here on out, don't you dare come find me. I will not let you find me or know where I am at. You are no longer my soulmate nor my friends, you and your pathetic clan and this cultivation world can go to hell for all I care. And if this whole pathetic cultivation is attacked by fierce corpse I won't help any of you out! Your nothing to me anymore Lan Wangji."

End flashback

"I remember, still are you going to give up on him? Aren't you going to let him know that we were manipulated by Jin Guangyao?" Lan Xichen try to get his didi to go find Wei Wuxian so that he can ask him for forgiveness.

"He won't let me find him, Xiong zhang. I don't even know where he is at, I don't even know if he really left this cultivation world like we told him too. Like Wei Ying said, I am no longer his soulmate, nor his friend. I am nothing to him anymore," after saying that Lan Wangji got up, he left Lan Xichen room to go back to Jingshi.

Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren couldn't do anything to help Lan Wangji, they were fooled by Jin Guangyao it was his fault that Lan Wangji believe that Wei Wuxian was evil and that he was a monster and that he almost kill the person he love the most.

"Shifu, I will try to get some of our disciple to go look for Wei gongzi."

The two got lost in their own thought when a soft voice brought them back to reality. The two sigh with a relief, the only person who could get through the private shield was Sizhui since he is Lan Wangji ward.

"I apologize for interrupting your meeting," sizhui bowed to Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren.

"Sizhui, are you wearing your robes without any talisman sewn into them?" Sizhui realized that there was something wrong when he looked at Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren expression, "yes, Zewu Jun."

"Sizhui, I want you to tell me and Shifu that Wei Wuxian had nothing to do with the attack that almost killed me, Wangji, Jin Ling, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng. Don't worry about saying anything, you won't be punished for doing this. We just want to try something out."

Sizhui nodded his head, he closed his eye, he then open it and said, "I know that Wei Wuxian was not responsible for the attack the night Hanguang Jun, Zewu Jun, Sect leader Jiang, Sect leader Nie and Young master Jin were terribly injured."

Lan Xichen closed his eye, he breath in, and then he opened his eye, "Sizhui, I want you to gather some of our disciple to go look for Wei Wuxian. Bring Jingyi with you since the two of you know more about Wei Wuxian then anyone. Send back messages if you seen him okay?"

Sizhui nodded his head, so he left from there to go find Jingyi, he went to go gathered the other Lan disciple to go look for Wei Wuxian.

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