Chapter 15

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The very next morning Nie Huaisang went to see Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning off, "Wei xiong, every clan is sending people out to find you. They want your help to get rid of the puppet in the town and clan."

Wei Wuxian sigh, "they won't find me, Nie xiong, keep me up date on what is going on during the discussion Conference okay?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head.

"Then we will be going now. Take care Nie xiong."

"You too, Wei Xiong." 'It look like Wei xiong won't forgive those who hurt him, who betray him and who believe in what Jin Guangyao said about Wei Wuxian.'

When Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning travel to different small town and small village, the two see some disciple in gold, red, white and purple is asking people about Wei Wuxian.

"Gongzi," Wei Wuxian take Wen Ning hand and pull him into one of the tea house. "Gongzi, how can I help you two?" The waiter asked Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning, "Do you have a room with two bed?" The waiter nodded his head.

The waiter take Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning up stair. As Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning walk up stair, the Jin, Lan, Ouyang and Jiang disciple walk into the tea house. Sizhui went up to ask the owner, "excuse me, sir," the owner look up from his calculations.

"Yes, how may I help you cultivator?" The owner asked Sizhui.

"Have you seen a guy in red and black clothes along with a red ribbon tie on his hair?" The owner thought for a moment and then said, "no, haven't seen a person like that around here but our town have been very peaceful lately. Usually we always hear the sound of puppet groaning and moaning at night and now there is none."

"Thank you," the Junior left from there. They went to meet up with Lan Wangji at the front gate of that town, "Hanguang Jun, one of the owner in this town said that they have puppet around the area but soon they were all gone."

'Only Wei Ying can do that but how come we don't run into him? Wei Ying, please come back. I want to said how sorry I am. We were all trick by Jin Guangyao, we were all mislead by him. What I said,I didn't mean it. Just please come back.' "Let's head to the next town."

Sizhui can see the hurt, sad and depression in Lan Wangji eye, 'I finally remember who I am. If Wei Qianbei is here, then I can tell him who I really am. Hanguang Jun can also tell Wei Qianbei how sorry he is for hurting him and for betraying him,' "Hanguang Jun, shouldn't we find a place to rest? It is getting late?"

Lan Wangji look up into the sky, "then let's take a rest," Lan Wangji look down at Sizhui, "Sizhui take some disciple to go gather some wood. We are staying here in the wood."

"Yes Hanguang Jun," Sizhui take about two or three with him. Even Jingyi want to come along. "Said Sizhui, how long will we continue to look for Wei Qianbei? I don't think he want anyone to find him," Sizhui sigh, "Your right. We been searching for Wei Qianbei for nearly 20 or 30 year now. We don't even know where he is at." (Yes 20 or 30 year. I don't know I just made it up)

"Let's gather the wood, we can't let Hanguang Jun and the other wait for us?" Jingyi nodded his head, so they went to gather the wood.

"Jin Ling, is your clan and town people safe?" Zizhen Ouyang asked Jin Ling as they wait for Sizhui and Jingyi to come back with the wood.

"Is actually kind of odd."

"Odd? Like how odd?" Zizhen asked.

"When I left for the meeting in Cloud Recesse, there still puppet surrounding my clan and town people. When I come back I see the puppet got push away from the clan and the town. I left once more I can still see the puppet outside of town. When I come back once again, all of the puppet left the area. They were all gone. That is why I said is odd," Jin Ling looked at Hanguang Jun who is looking at him and Zizhen.

"That is odd. Do you know who did it?" Jin Ling can only think of one person, "I think is my Wei Shushu."

"If is Wei Qianbei how come he doesn't help out the other clan?" Jin Ling shook his head, he doesn't know why either.

'The only reason why Jin Ling clan and town people is safe, is because Jin Ling is a new sect leader and still young, that is why Wei Ying help him. Zizhen has a good point, how come he doesn't help the other clan?'

"We're back," the other Lan got up, they went to help their fellow clan disciple to take half of the wood from them.

Back in town Wen Ning saw where the group of Junior and Lan Wangji just left, "Wen Ning follow them, don't let them see you," Wen Ning nodded his head. When Wen Ning is about to leave Wei Wuxian said, "come back and tell me where they are okay?" Wen Ning nodded his head.

Wen Ning have follow the group into the forest where they are resting, 'this will cause trouble,' with that last thought Wen Ning return back to the inn.

"Gongzi," Wen Ning walk into the room and closed the door behind him, "So?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"They stop in the forest for a rest. I don't think we can leave here until tomorrow. They are going in the same direction as us."

Wei Wuxian decide to take out the map, he lay it on the table, "Then let's head to a town or village near here. The one close to here is on the east side, let's go there tomorrow. It is best to not be in the same town or place as them."

"They are still looking for you. Why can't they just leave you be?" Wei Wuxian sigh he put away the map, "they just want me to get rid of the puppet for them. Which I won't do. I won't let them find us."


"Let's get some rest, we have an early start tomorrow," with that last saying the two went to their own bed to get a good night sleep.

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