11: Screwed

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TW: Mentions of self harm, r@pe, and suicide in this chapter.

The next three days went by pretty quickly. The group went to Hogsmeade without Mattheo and I didn't want to go but Alayna made me.

I visited him every day and he still hadn't woken up. The gashes on his face were starting to scab over and he seemed to be doing better on the outside. I just hope he was doing better on the inside too.

"KK your going to be late! Your tryout is in 30 minutes! Let's go bitch!" Alayna yelled at me.

"Shit I'm still in the bath!" I yelled back.

"Well then hurry up!"


"I don't care! Do you want to be seeker or not?"

I groaned. She was right. I started to drain the tub and I got out drying myself. I put on my clothes and touched up my hair and makeup.

"KK! 10 minutes let's get to the field now." Alayna burst into the bathroom. "Oh it smells really good in here! What bath bomb did you use?"

"It was like a fruity one I think. I'm not sure but it was pink." I responded applying blush.

"Wow. Really helpful. Now let's go!" She grabbed my arm and we made our way down the stairs and out of the castle to the quidditch field.

We got through try outs with a little cheating. Only because I was still distracted by the whole Mattheo thing. Alayna did some spells to make the other Slytherin trying out for seeker not as good.

Theodore cheered me on in the stands. He was really sweet. I still felt kinda bad because I really think that he likes me.


"KK! KK! KK!" Everyone was cheering in the common room for me. I made the team so all our friends were super excited. Only Alayna and I knew of the small cheating. Let's keep it that way.

We all partied and I started to feel a little buzzed. I was talking with Theodore and wanted to go lay down. "Hey Theodore, I'm feeling a little buzzed right now can you walk me to my dorm so I can lay down?"

"Yeah oh course let's go." He picked me up which caught me off guard but I didn't mind. My head was spinning and I couldn't really think straight but the next thing I knew, I was laying on Theodore's bed.

"Wha- what are we doing here? I said my dorm." I mumbled. Shit. Was I drugged?

"You don't look well I'd rather not leave you alone Kaitlyn." Theodore said staring into my half closed eyes. "There is something I need to tell you though. I really like you."

What? Ok umm. "Theodore..." I couldn't make out sentences.

"It's ok. I know you want me baby. I see it in your eyes. You want me to fuck you don't you?"

No, no I don't! Did he drug me!? I thought I could trust him. Shit I can't talk this sucks!!

"The- no I don-"

"Shh it's ok baby." He started to take off my shirt leaving me in my bra and then some leggings. He took those off too. I was laying there defenseless and  venerable.

"Please Theodore." I managed to get out weakly. He ignored me and kept taking off my clothes. We were both soon naked on the bed.

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