31: Day 2 in Paradise

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I woke up to see Theo outside again. He was staring out at the ocean again completely zoned out. I am staring to get concerned because I don't think he's been sleeping well.

It probably was from the stress of his mom. She practically disappeared of the face of the Earth.

I turned around and looked at the clock to see it was already 10:15. "Alayna! Draco! Guys get up it's already after 10!"

"What?" Alayna groggily sat up rubbing her eyes. "Get up! We need to get breakfast and figure out what we're doing today!"

"I think I got it." Theo was standing in the doorway now. I didn't even hear the door open.

"Well what are we doing?" Alayna asked grabbing clothes from her suitcase.

"Ocean cave exploring." Theo smiled. That was one of the things he had really wanted to do. I was a bit scared to do it but I was also excited.

"Sure!" I turned to see Draco snoring with not a care in the world. "Draco! Get up!" I yelled a bit too loud.

He opened his eyes and looked around the room to see everyone staring at him. "Oh. Sorry." He got up and went to the bathroom.

"Well I'm already dressed I can go down to the scuba place and get us some gear." Theo suggested.

"Yeah you do that and we will get ready here." I smiled at him running over to kiss him before he left.

Draco came out of the bathroom so Alayna and I went in to do our hair and makeup. I know we were going underwater but my makeup can still be done because we will have the face things on.

I picked out a simple pink bikini to go underneath my wetsuit and Alayna picked out a flowery one which was a little out of character for her. It suited her very well though.

"Guys we have to be there in 10 minutes if we want to go!" Theo walked back into the hotel room shouting at us.

Draco was sitting on his bed waiting for Alayna and I. "I just need to brush my hair then I'll be out!" I called.

"I just have to do my brows and set my face!" Alayna yelled.

She took forever doing her brows. "Layna your going to have to skip the brows. We don't have time."

"Or, you could do my other one for me." She looked at me hopefully.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my brow brush. Once I had finished brushing them, I took my tinted brow gel and got to work.

We had the same color because Alayna liked her blonde eye brows to be brown so you could tell she had some.

I did the brow to her liking and she sprayed her face with setting spray. "We're ready!" I grabbed Alayna's hand and dragged her out of the bathroom.

"Hurry we have 4 minutes. Your lucky it's just down at the other end of the beach where the big rock structure is." Theo started running and the three of us followed after him. None of us had shoes on but that was fine because we didn't need them anyway.

The small hut was in view and Draco sped up to check us in. I didn't realize how fast that kid could run.

We all caught up and they handed us our wetsuits. "You guys are lucky. You almost didn't make it in time for my lunch break!" The fat man said as he grabbed our tanks.

"Sorry about that. Thank you so much for waiting for us." I smiled at him but I probably shouldn't have. He was a little bit creepy.

We all finished getting our gear on and headed to the entrance of the cave. Once we got there, we could get into the water and head down to explore.

~Mattheo Riddle~ Will it Last?✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ