24: Pansy

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The five of us walked through the Forbidden Forest panting out of breath. It was probably a half hour walk back but at our pace, 45.

Draco was the first to say something. "Anyone care to explain everything that just happened?"

"Yeah I'm a little lost. Mattheo?" Alayna looked behind her at Mattheo. He was constantly looking back and his grip on his wand was so tight. "Mattheo?"

"Oh sorry! Uhm basically, my mom is alive with her all male pack of vampires. They think that Pansy's blood can cure them of being vampires and we just got woken up by Dumbledore at the ass crack of dawn to go hunt for her. No offense." Mattheo glanced at Pansy.

"None taken." She nodded.

"So the four of us go in there, Kaitlyn gets dissed by my mom, I get criticized by my mom, and Draco and Alayna almost get killed by my mom. That's about what I go out of that." He seemed tense. He must feel like she will come back. We are in no shape to fight right now. I mean Pansy could barley walk for shits sake!

"That's about what I got too!" I laughed to lighten the mood but I don't think it really did much.

We walked in silence for about 30 minutes. We were almost there because we sped up a little. Hagrid was out of his place when we passed. "Hello kids! Woah what happened?" He rushed over to us.

"We're ok Hagrid! Dumbledore sent us to save Pansy and we did." Alayna explained.

"Alright but I want you all to hurry back inside." He ushered us as we walked towards the castle.

The first thing we did once we entered the castle was head straight to the hospital wing. Alayna rushed in practically carrying Pansy who looked incredibly limp and pale. She had lost a lot of blood.

As we were getting bandaged up by Madame Pomfrey, Dumbledore came through the doors. "I see the mission went well."

"Sir, did you know my mother was alive?" Theo looked up at Dumbledore.

"No. I did not. I'm sorry I sent you out there without knowing the danger and for that I apologize. You all handled it exceptionally well though."

"We're you watching us?" Alayna gave him a questioning look.

"Not the whole time, no. I would have helped you but you all were doing fine on your own." He walked over to Pansy who was laying on a hospital bed. "Miss. Parkinson, are you feeling alright."

"Yes, thank you sir." She gave him a weak smile.

"I will let you all rest, we can talk later." Dumbledore waved and left the room.

"Well so much for our off day plans!" I sarcastically remarked.

"Yeah so much for that." Draco mumbled.

"But can we take a second to realize how much of a mommas boy Theo is?" I smirked at him.

"Please no." He pleaded.

"No seriously! Your both hot," I started.

Theo cut me off. "You think my mom is hot?"

"She is Mattheo." Pansy laughed.

"Let me continue! Your both hot, both equally sarcastic, both have the sadistic smile, and you both are relentless." I finished.

"KK makes a point." Alayna beamed.

"Alright fine. You guys win. Can we get out of here?" Mattheo gave up in defeat.

"Yeah. Pansy are you able to walk now?" Draco looked over at the girl on the bed.

~Mattheo Riddle~ Will it Last?✔️Where stories live. Discover now