18: Christmas Party

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"WHAT? RIDDLE? AS IN TOM RIDDLE OR VOLDEMORT?" My mom started yelling at me.

I tried to keep my tears back and Alayna saw that so she tried to help. "Look Mrs. Sanders, we both thought the same thing but after knowing him for 5 minutes, he beats up her ex! And he's done nothing but protect her and be good to her. You can meet him in what? 5 minutes at the party ok. Please don't get mad." Alayna made a really good puppy eye face and it seemed to work.

"Alright fine." She smiled at Alayna before turning to me. "If he isn't a good person, you will break up with him got that Kaitlyn?" My mom gave me a look.

"Got it!" I replied quickly and smiled at Alayna.

"Alright let's go now party starts in a few minutes." My dad stood up from the couch and we all joined hands.

Next thing I knew, we were at the Parkinson's house.

Alayna and I rushed inside. I had to talk to Mattheo before my parents to make sure he didn't make a wrong move. Sure enough him and Draco were sitting in the kitchen stealing sips of people's alcoholic beverages when they weren't looking. That looks really fun to be honest.

"Theo! Hurry up we have an emergency!!" I grabbed his arm and led him into a secluded hallway.

"Hey love, what's up?" He kissed me gently but passionately.

"My parents know and they want to meet you! They said if they didn't like you that we had to break up and trust me, they could make that happen. All you have to do is seem like a sweet, innocent, boy who wants nothing to do with your father." I explained.

"That's what I am though. You just described me." He was joking but I wasn't laughing. I was scared and he noticed. "It's going to be ok Kaitlyn. By the way you look absolutely gorgeous!"

I smiled. We kissed once more and I led him by his hand to my parents. I took deep breaths to calm myself before we stopped in front of them. I felt Theo's hand rubbing circles on my back which made me feel loads better.

"Mum, dad, this is Mattheo, my boyfriend." I squeezed his hand tighter as the words flew out of my mouth.

"Mattheo. Riddle right?" My dad questioned.

"Yes sir. But I promise you I want nothing to do with my father. I'm actually staying with the Malfoys this break. And I love your daughter. So much. I would do anything to protect her and I have." He was so nervous it would have been cute if I wasn't nervous as well.

"I'm Emily, Kaitlyn's mom and you seem like a very nice young man. I see no reason why you two can't continue to date." My mom gave me a smile.

"I feel the same. Don't give us a reason to change our mind son." My dad patted Mattheo on the back before letting us go by and all my nerves went down the drain and we speed walked up the stairs to the loft. All the other kids were already up there.

I recognized 7 out of 11. Alayna, Draco, me, Mattheo, Blaise, and of course, Theodore and Pansy. The others introduced themselves but I didn't care. I was focused on making sure Theodore wouldn't try anything.

"Do y'all want to play spin the bottle?" Draco asked.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Alright I have the bottle here let me just finish what's inside." Mattheo downed a full bottle of beer in 7 seconds.

"Holy shit Theo! That was full!" I nudged him playfully and he nudged me back harder. I flew over and bumped into Alayna sitting next to me.

"KK! Watch it!" She laughed. I could tell from her breath she was already getting tipsy.

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