Chapter 49

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Once the doctors informed the rest of our friends and family that Remington was awake, we rejoiced to have everyone be okay again and the fans to be happy with all of us. Apparently, Remington was only unconscious due to the shock of almost getting run over, but he barely suffered any serious injuries. With only a bandage on his head and some scratches on his body that would heal in a few weeks, he was more than ready to get checked out that day. In exchange for the doctors and nurses being so helpful in taking care of Rem, the band offered free tickets to their next concert if any of them wanted to go, which excited most of the hospital staff. Even after what was almost a traumatic experience, Remington managed to get back to his old, excited self who smiled whenever he was in good company. Afterwards, Palaye Royale met up with the fans who were more than happy to see that Remington came out okay and there was nothing to worry about anymore.

Everything came crashing down when we decided to spend the rest of the day back at the hotel only to find Seth waiting in the lobby. Our smiles and good mood vanished into thin air as he looked at all of us and hold a smug grin like he was going to win so easily. He stood up from sitting on a sofa chair and straightened his clothes before stating, "Well, well. It's nice to see Remington is still together in one piece after that nasty accident. But despite his miraculous recovery, it won't excuse him or you, Lizzie, from being punished for going against my demands. You may think your fans will like your cute yet simple girlfriend right now, but they'll eventually get bored with her. Just like you'll be." I really hated this guy as I glared at him with hatred. I felt Remington pull me closer toward him as he fought back with no shame, "You have no right to tell me who I should date. And you don't know shit about how much I love my girlfriend. She's all I ever need in this miserable world and I will never abandon her."

I smiled at Remington's words as he winked at me, making me blush in response. Seth didn't stop, though, "Be that as it may, your actions have led me to talk to the head of Sumerian Records and he's arriving soon to talk to you and Lizzie about your careers. That is, if you'll still have one." Before we could say anything, we heard the hotel entrance door being opened multiple times. We turned and were shocked to see not only the head of the label arrive on time, but behind him was Holden Jennings, Grave District, and a few other artists working for Sumerian Records with looks of disapproval towards Seth. Behind them, I gasped with glee to find Nina, Delilah, and Allegra walking towards us and happy to see us. I hugged Nina and Del as I asked them and Allegra, "What are you all doing here? Nina, don't you still have school?" She waved her hands dismissively as she explained, "None of that matters at the moment! We saw what happened with Remington on television a day ago and then watched Lizzie's speech. We wanted to come and make sure you were all okay and thank God, you are."

I smiled teared up a bit, happy to see everyone here regardless, then turned my direction to everyone who came with the head of Sumerian facing off with Seth who looked nervous but tried to act calm. "Boss, I'm glad you're here", he spoke like he was already winning, "I'm sure you're aware that thanks to Leith's and Calliope's actions, they've cost us thousands in promotions and sales. I suggest we punish them by-" "Enough, Seth!" Everyone was shocked by Seth being cut off by his own boss as he stepped up to him and glared at him, "When I hired you, I expected you to promote your clients' through their music and projects, not their personal lives! Our other musicians equally claim that you've been unfair to your own clients and do not even care about their music. This is not the kind of method we use on our artists and if it were true, I'd shut down this company for doing so. Effective immediately, you are terminated for causing all of this to happen." The boys and Lizzie were legitimately surprised to see their higher-up defend them as well as everyone else.

Seth tried to justify his actions, "But Sir, I was helping our company! And that redheaded chick had nothing special to bring to the table!" Remington was able to attack him when the head of the label defended me by telling Seth, "On the contrary, thanks to Mr. Leith sending Miss Wisteria's demos and songs to his old manager, Wallace, she apparently has a lot of talent and potential to bring to our label. And if that wasn't enough, she single-handedly defended Palaye Royale and their fan community when they were being frowned upon. If you ask me, that redhead is more special than you choose to believe." He then walked over to me and besides him was a gentler, older man who Rem recognized as Wallace, the band's former manager. The boss announced, "Since the majority of our beloved artists complained against Seth and requested for Wallace to be rehired, it's mor than fair that I do what they ask so everyone can continue working for us with no issues and creating their music."

Wallace then spoke to both me and Lizzie with a kind smile, "You two are so talented and create the most amazing songs I've ever heard." He turned to Lizzie then, "Miss Calliope, I would be honored to take you under my wing and allow oyu to truly exprees yourself however you want." Her eyes widened at his proposal, and before she accepted, she walked up to Seth and kneed him in his groin, sending him to the ground as she declared, "We're done." We all laughed as Lizzie went back to happily hire Wallace as her new manager. They shook hands and then Wallace turned to me next, "And you, Miss Wisteria. Before I was fired, Remington and his brothers told me about you and stated how you were the very first to support them on their journey to be rock stars", I blushed when he said that and he continued, "But after Mr. Leith sent me samples of the lyrics and songs you've written, including the one you sold to Miss Calliope, I was extremely impressed by your skills and passion to be true in your words. Someone like you would bring such potential to our label, if you'd like to join."

I was speechless at his words and proposal, I looked back at Rem after learning he had been showing my songs to those he trusted the most and it made my heart ache as he grinned with pride for me. I felt myself tearing up, unable to believe this was happening as I held out my hand and smiled at Wallace, "I'd love nothing more than to join the label who gave the boys I love a chance to be the rockstars they truly are." A huge smile on his face, Wallace shook my hand and we decided to make everything official right after I graduated college. With everything right in the world again, I stood there looking at my hands clasped, still in disbelief that this was happening to me, and for all of us. I felt a pair of hands gently placed on my shoulders and I turned to see Remington looking at me, concern on his face, "Are you okay, ma chérie? You're so quiet." After everything we had been through recently, I fully turned to crash my lips on his while wrapping my arms around him. He was shocked to see me kiss him first, but quickly kissed me back while holding me so securely in his arms. When I pulled away, I said to him with our noses touching, "With you here with me, I know I'll always be okay."

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