Chapter 37

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April had finally come and it was meant to be one of the most eventful months of the year. Very soon, Palaye Royale would be kicking off their headline tour with Lizzie going with them as an opening act. I felt sad that I wouldn't be able to see them as much since I still had school, but I hoped to see them at least once to go support them. Recently, my father had chosen to travel back to my hometown in order to try to talk things over again with my mother. J doubted there was much he could say to change her mind about getting to finally accept me, but I wished him all the best regardless and hoped he'd stay safe on his travels. This upcoming weekend, I had plans to travel to L.A. before the band travels to their first city to be performing at for their tour the following Tuesday. I had plenty of money saved up thanks to Lizzie sending me royalties for her song continuing to be popular due to my lyrics being added. She suggested that I try sending more lyrics to other artists that might like my songs, but I wasn't entirely ready to do so yet. At least, not until I was done with college and I'd have more time to invest in everything else.

I traveled Saturday morning to Los Angeles for a surprise visit as the the band was rehearsing at the boys' house and they were more than happy to see me again. Sebastian confided in me that some of them were nervous for this tour since it was their very first after starting their band almost three years ago. I assured him that he and the rest of them were more than ready for this and I had no doubt that their fans would remember this tour forever. They rehearsed one or two songs for me and as always, sounded wonderful as they gave their all in each performance. I was so proud to know them and see them get this far in their career, I knew in my heart that this was what they were born to do. When they were done for today, everyone went to bed and I slept next to Remington in his bedroom. Sometime past midnight, however, he woke me up and asked if I'd like to go somewhere private with him. Even though it was a completely ridiculous idea at this time of night, I couldn't refuse as I smiled and answered, "Absolutely."

After getting dressed quickly and quietly, Remington and I snuck out of the house, making sure not to wake anyone up before we walked out the door. His motorcycle was sitting on the other side of the street as we walked closer to it and he handed me his spare helmet to wear before he helped me sit up behind him. I held on tight to him as he started the engine and drove off to wherever it was we were going. Normally, I wouldn't ride with him on his motorcycle because I was scared to be on it, but each time I did, riding with him through the streets at a high speed made me feel like I was flying to an unknown destination where anything was possible. I could feel my own heart racing as well as Remington's as my arms around his chest could feel it beating at the exact same rate. It felt like it took forever when he finally slowed and stopped near a tall building that looked abandoned. When I hopped off of the motorcycle and we removed our helmets, I asked, "What is this place?" He took my hand in his and answered with a grin, "Somewhere I can have peace and quiet to myself."

He led us up to the building where we had to climb up a million stairs just to get to the top. I was getting tired near the end when he picked me up in his arms and carried me up to where there was a door and when he opened it, I felt my breath taken away by the enthralling view of the city below us. He put me back on my feet as I walked farther on the roof to look around at all the sights I could gather from where I was standing. I turned to Rem who was standing close by and exclaimed, "It's so amazing up here, Remington. Is this why you took me up here?" He nodded and took my hands in his to explain further, "I also wanted to take you up here because...this was a place I would go to when I needed to escape from reality. A place where all my mind focused on was the world below me and how it couldn't hurt me from up here." He then placed a gentle hand on my cheek and stroked it with his thumb as he looked into my eyes lovingly, "But then I got you back, and my mind and heart focused on something else instead..."

He planted a gentle kiss on my forehead as he continued, "You. You're my safe space and my escape from reality. Just your presence and existence takes me away from all the bad things in this world and I know now that if I ever need to escape my demons for just a moment, I can always go to you because you accept me as I am and you help me overcome my demons everytime just by being kind and understanding and just amazing overall." I was already in tears by the time he concluded his statement, and he was quick to pull me in for a hug and kiss the top of my head to reassure his love and devotion for me. He held me tightly and securely before releasing me and start slow dancing with me to my surprise. I beamed brightly as he looked into my eyes and leaned his forehead onto mine as he held my hand in his and secured his arm around me as I rested my hand on his shoulder.

He started singing softly to me then, my heart fluttering to his beautiful voice as he filled the atmosphere around us with music he was making. Singing a familiar song we both loved, I started to sing along with him, which caught him off-guard at first, but he flashed a beautiful grin on his face as he continued to sing and enjoy this lovely moment between us. When I was so lost in the song, he stopped singing to let me sing alone without me noticing, and when I did, I stopped for a moment because I felt shy to sing by myself. I hung my head in embarrassment, but then Remington gently lifted my head up with his hand and looked in my eyes as he praised me, "Don't be embarrassed, my angel. Your voice is just as beautiful as an angel from heaven. Especially to me since I know you sing with your heart." Touched by his words, I continued to sing a little longer as he did the same and finished singing the song with me. As we finished, he pulled me in for a soft and lingering kiss as we held each other closely and securely. We kissed for what felt like forever until we pulled away and he whispered, "I love you, Carina", and I told him back, "I love you, Remington".

When Mrs. Infamous Lost The Masochist... (BOOK 4)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя