Chapter 36

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Carina's POV

By Sunday evening, me and my friends had already arrived back to Querencia after such a fun and eventful week celebrating Palaye Royale and Lizzie Calliope on their recent success in their careers. There wouldn't be much to focus on for the next few months except prepare for graduation in June. Two things that have been helping me pay for things are the royalties I've earned from Lizzie's song and the small work I've done modeling for various magazines without being a professional model. Maybe it was just because we were in an inconvenient predicament, but the more time I spent away from being with Remington made me want to stay with him longer than we're supposed to. Whenever I feel like that, it makes me go back to almost a year ago when I saw him last before I broke up with him. I wondered if things might have been different for us then if I hadn't scared myself into breaking both of our hearts that day. And maybe if I had acted differently, Lizzie might not have to deal with this shit about having to date a guy she doesn't want to and her life might be easier. I felt partially guilty about that, but I still appreciated her greatly for allowing me and Rem to still be together.

Sometime in the middle of March, I was tutoring some freshman students who needed help with their classes after classes were done for me. For a majority of newer students here, I was one of the best tutors since I was kind and patient and did my best to help them out, even if I didn't understand the subject best myself and we'd try to figure it out together. Some students have told me they'd miss me once I graduated in June and they'd never have someone as dedicated as me to help them out. I was touched and flattered by their endearing words and I wished all of them luck that they would continue to work hard and do their best at whatever they wanted even if I couldn't be there to help them. After I found our that the school would be naming me as an alumni, I was proud to know that new students would know that someone like me started out like them and worked through many obstacles to get to where I am now.

When the tutoring session was over, all but one person left, a female freshman named Phoebe who was a bit younger than I was when I came to this school. While I was packing my things to go home, she came up to me and began to ask with an embarrassed tone, "Hey, um, Carina?" I replied with "Yes, Phoebe?" She hesitated before continuing, "You're the one who had dated Remington Leith, right?" Her question made me dropped my backpack and I scrambled to collect it once more before asking while flustered, "Excuse me? I don't mean to sound rude, but that's a pretty personal question, Phoebe. I'm only here to help you with your studies." She hung her head and stated, "I'm sorry, Carina. I didn't mean to pry. I had heard rumors from older students that you two dated when Remington would still go to this school and how the two of you were almost like the most adorable couple." People still remembered that here? Rem stopped attending so long ago, I figured people forgot he used to be a student here before becoming a rock star.

I sighed as I motioned for us to take a few seats at a nearby desk before I spoke again, "Those rumors are true, but he and I stopped seeing each other a long time ago." Phoebe seemed sad when I told her that, "Did something happen between you two?" I turned to her and shook my head, "No, nothing like that! I ended it on friendly terms. I figured since he was getting more famous, it might be hard for us to be together like we were before he and his brothers got famous. He knows that I did it out of love so there's no hard feelings on either side." We sat in silence for a moment before Phoebe spoke again, "The way people spoke about your relationship, it sounded like you two were really happy together, as if nothing could tear you two apart. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I really hope I get to see the two of you together again." Her words surprised me as my eyes widened, "You do? But why? It doesn't really matter to you." She shrugged and stated, "You're a very kind and amazing person, Carina. He seems like a really sweet and caring guy. Your story with each other makes me believe that I could find something as beautiful."

I didn't know what to say, but Phoebe kept speaking, "I haven't had much luck with finding love in my past and I don't have many great examples that motivate me to try again. But when I heard stories about how you two were inseparable in and out of school or how you two were so supportive of each other's dreams, it made me want something like that. I used to be afraid that I had to change myself in order to get anyone interested in me, but you never changed for anyone, and Remington seemed to fall madly in love with you." That last sentence made me smile and she concluded with, "If I'm being honest, Carina, I look up to you as a student and a person. I want to be as amazing as you are and be able to find love with someone who accepts me entirely. Whether or not you two ever get back together, I'm glad knowing someone like you exists and is able to find love without ever changing anything about yourself."

Phoebe blushed as she finished speaking, and I placed a hand over hers as I continued to smile, "Thank you, Phoebe. I'm glad to know I could help you realize that someone as incredibly sweet and dedicated as you deserves all the best things in life. Love included." She smiled back and gave me a grateful hug before saying goodbye to me and exiting the classroom. I stood in there for a little longer, taking in how much my relationship with Remington actually meant for others and how it was much more influential than I expected.

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