Chapter 14

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The middle of November was interesting as Palaye Royale would be called once or twice back to LA to finalize some things for their record and even make some guest appearances on television and radio. Of course, on some of those occasional appearances, Remington was required to appear with Lizzie even if they weren't a real couple. Still, they were convincing to their audience and fans and I was happy to know that even if Rem and Lizzie worked a fake relationship they didn't want, they were still great friends who inspired each other as artists and people. I was so happy to have been friends with Lizzie not only to know about her secret, but to know how kind and selfless she was behind her fame and success. She tries so hard to be genuine and real with her audience, but her crappy manager won't let her be herself completely believing it would lose him money. I wish I could help her, but I have no actual power in any of this anyway.

One day while the boys were at our house and helping Lizzie with some music she was working on, I was busy working on a project for one of my classes. I got so lost in what I was doing that I ended up singing one of my songs without realizing it and forgetting I wasn't alone. I turned my head at one moment and jumped back to find the boys and Lizzie staring at me with shock and awe in their expressions. My face turned as red as a tomato as I blurted out in embarrassment, "What? Why are you all staring at me like that?" Remington was the first to speak for the group as he complimented me with a lovestruck face, "Ma chérie, you have a lovely voice. And your song sounds so beautiful." The others were surprised at his words as Emerson exclaimed turning to me, "Her song? You mean, you wrote that song you were just singing, Carina?" I nodded looking down at the floor, the blush on my face still there. Sebastian seemed annoyed for some reason, "All this time, you had songs hiding in that pretty little head of yours? Why didn't you ever share them with us?"

Seeing his face as well as his brothers ask the same question, I looked away in shame and only said, "I don't know. My songs are extremely personal to me and they helped me get through some hard times in my life. I wasn't sure if anybody wouldn't understand." I glanced back to see Seb looked guilty for asking and then replied while petting the top of my head, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. We may not have gone through what you have but we understand struggle. You're safe to share whatever you want with us after you've helped inspire us to pursue our dreams. We'll never judge you, Carina, you're family." I turned back to face him and give him a grateful smile and then watch as his brothers scolded him for being somewhat harsh with me, the sight making me laugh as I felt grateful to be so close to them. Lizzie approached me then and said to me, "I've never heard a song like yours. I could use some inspiration from someone like you so I could reach my fans on a more personal level." I smiled modestly and stated, "Aw, it's nothing. Your songs are great, too."

She shook her head, "Only to be played on the radio and reached the top of the music charts, but not enough to connect to my audience. I started being a singer to express myself and earn a living do what I love, but I've been having issues making music that helps my audience understand me better as a person rather than just a performer." Lizzie took one of my hands and asked out of nowhere, "If it isn't too much trouble, will you let me hire you as my songwriter?" At her words, even the boys fell as silent as I did to hear such a proposal by Lizzie to me. I tried reasoning my way out of this due to insecurity, "Me? A songwriter? But, I don't even have any experience with music or anything and I've yet to get my degree until the end of next spring and-" My argument was interrupted as I felt Remington wrap his arms around me and lean his head next to mine before he told me in my ear, "Making excuses will only male you regret missing this opportunity, my love. Don't pay any mind to me, but give it a shot and see if you'll be any good at it. If someone like Lizzie is asking, you must be good, right?"

I gasped at his words and knew deep down he was right. I was excited at such an opportunity, but I was scared if I might fail. Lizzie seems like the most genuine and real artist to ask me to help write songs and lyrics for her, and I shouldn't feel insecure if she might do something to hurt me. Not wanting to miss this chance, I grasped at it as Remington let me go and I gave Lizzie an answer, "The only thing I ask as your songwriter..." "Yes?", Lizzie asked interested, I explained to her, "Is that you credit my work in your projects..." "Of course!", she exclaimed. I concluded with, "And that you won't stop being true to your fans. They love you so much and want to know more about the kind of person you truly are, despite what the industry makes you out to be. I'll only continue working for you if you do so." Lizzie was surprised at my second condition, but accepted nonetheless as she shook my hand proudly and stated, "I'm so excited to work with you! I'll make it official as soon as possible or whenever you feel most comfortable." I smiled and nodded as I was excited as well to get my music out there for others heal to.

When Mrs. Infamous Lost The Masochist... (BOOK 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora