Chapter 21

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Lizzie's POV

I heard rumors about what was said and asked on the TV show Palaye Royale were on last night. When I watched it back a few days later, I could see how that question about Remington's past relationship with Carina might cause some controversy. The way Remington handled that question was something impressive and I appreciated how honest he was without revealing too much at the same time. Since it seems most fans were aware of Carina's relationship with Remington, I'd understand if they were confused on how he's suddenly with someone new a year after she was last seen with him. I wondered how Palaye's fans felt about me dating their favorite fromtman and if they preferred Carina to be the one dating him instead. In all honesty, it wouldn't matter while me and Rem were stuck in this stupid contract where we were forced to be seen dating publicly. I hoped to God we'd be put out of our misery when this contract expires in less than a year and we're not forced to be together as a couple.

As arranged by our manager, Remington and I were heading towards downtown L.A. to hang out at a special music club where new and popular artists would be performing at tonight. It was mainly for other people to see us there and have our sightings be reported on newspapers and magazines. While me and Remington weren't excited for obvious reasons, per se, we did look forward to seeing some new, talented singers who might be the next big thing. We sat together at a VIP lounge where we got the best and closest view of the stage. Remington ordered some drinks for us and as we waited for the show to start, I asked him, "You're a brave man, Leith." He looked back at me and asked, "Hmm? How do you mean?" I explained with a sly smile, "You managed to fool your audience without saying anything bad about me or Carina, but what if you're seen as the bad guy for supposedly moving on too quick? There are some days I honestly believe our fans control our lives because we're the ones to make them happy."

Rem thought about what I said and shrugged as he simply told me, "I do my best to make them happy with what we put out for them, and they give back by supporting us in whichever way they can. If they decide to cross that line and get involved with our personal lives, then they're not really my fans. I can try to fake my way to fame, but I won't have anyone hurt by it, including those I care about." Man, was Carina a lucky gal to have a strong-willed and mature guy like Remington with her. I could see why she'd still be in love with him after all that time, and I'm glad they're together again even if it's not in the most convenient circumstances. Remington looks so much happier than he did that entire year they were broken up, he seemed very depressed and looked like he wasn't into what he was doing as much as when they were still together in Europe. It made me hope to find such happiness as they do with someone special.

The show was finally about to begin with the first performer literally taking my breath away. She was revealed to be a young, beautiful and blonde-haired singer introduced as Biance Verity, "men's greatest desire" as the the announcer claimed her. She swept everyone off their feet as she performed acrobatics and danced so elegantly yet also so seductively like she knew every man in this room wanted her. As she sang her song, she walked around the room still dancing while also bringing every man here to their knees as she blew kisses and caressed their face so tenderly. It was so amazing to see as she clearly held all the power in this room while she never paused or faltered. When she came to our table, I believed shed try to seduce Remington for her act, but to my surprise, her eyes were locked on mine, which made my heart stop for a moment. She walked closer to me and sang only to me as she unfolded the scarf around her neck and wrapped it around the back of mine while also pulling me closer to her. Our faces were inches away from each other as she smiled at me and giving me a wink before walking back to her stage and leaving me dumbfounded with her scarf still lying on my shoulders.

When the entire show was over, every man waited backstage in hopes of meeting Bianca, yet it seemed like no one was coming out. Me and Remington were walking out when I remembered I left my purse inside the club and as he followed close behind, when I was about to pick up my purse at our table, someone else did and I looked up to find it was Bianca herself, a smile on her face as she held my purse in her hands. As I looked up at her, I couldn't find the confidence to speak as her presence made me nervous. She chuckled slightly and stated, "You seem young and innocent, which is so adorable. But I can also tell...", she she leaned closer and placed her finger under my chin as she asked in a soft yet seductive tone, "You find me more attractive than the boy you came in here with, don't you?" My eyes widened when she said that, and as her brow arched waiting for my response, I couldn't help but blush like a tomato which ended up giving her her answer.

She grinned as she responded with, "Well, darling, I hope to see you more of you get the chance to sneak away from your "boyfriend". I'll be looking forward to it." She then handed back my purse and disappeared before I could say anything. As I walked back, my heart was racing and my blush was not going away. Apparently, Remington had been watching from a distance and was smirking at me, I looked at him and complained, "What?" He smiled to himself and joked, "Oh, nothing. Tonight was pretty nice, but I can easily assume it was extremely interesting for you. Am I wrong?" His words made me blush harder than I wanted to, and I punched his arm in annoyance which made him laugh. He walked me back to my place and said goodbye before leaving. I went to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed, smiling to myself as I may have found myself falling for "men's greatest desire".

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