Chapter 9

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We spent another few minutes just relishing in our beautiful and heartfelt reunion as we continued to embrace one another and Remington wouldn't stop planting kisses all over me. This had to be a dream, me and Remington were back together after a year apart. The only difference this time is that we had to keep our relationship secret while Rem would still be "dating" Lizzie in the public's eye to keep their careers safe. As much as I wish things were different, I couldn't find the motivation to feel fear about it all as I held Rem close to me and kissed his lips to show him how much I missed him. He grinned at the amount of affection I was giving him and began to tease me, "My, my. Someone was aching for my lips, wasn't she?" His words made me blush in frustration as I climbed off of him, but he pulled me close again to hold me in arms and say to me in my ear quite seductively, "Well, guess what, ma chérie? I've been craving for yours, too. As well as your body..." I gasped and turned to him as he said that, he laughed at my reaction and kissed my cheek before telling me, "I should go soon, we need to prepare for our performance soon."

He loosed his grip on me to leave the room first, but I stopped him from leaving as I grabbed his arm and embarrassingly beg, "Come back home...please?" His eyes widened as he realized I was asking him to move back in with me in our house if he'd like, and he flashed a gorgeous grin before agreeing, "I'd love nothing more, my sweetness." I smiled back and then let him go so he'd leave first and then I could so no one would notice and get suspicious. When it was time for Palaye Royale to finally begin their performance, the entire audience gathered up in front of the stage and I was left in the back as I watched the boys give their all as usual. They performed an unreleased track I remembered called, "Mrs. Infamous", and even though no one had heard it as much or knew what it was about, I smiled as I remembered how he wrote that song about me when we first met. Remington sang his heart to the audience, but every now and then, he'd steal a glance at me and flash a quick smile, brightening my heart to know he'll never miss a moment to remind me how much he loves me.

When the dance was finally over, Lizzie was plased to see we chose to get back together and gleefully hugged us both to see us so happy. She mentioned she'll stay at Stephanie's house or check into a motel so she wouldn't be in the way of us being together again. After Lizzie bid us goodbye and good luck, me and Rem got into my car as I drove us back to our house and I felt such joy to have him with me again. As he entered the house, he was greeted quickly by Fern who was happy to see him again. I paid the dog-sitter before they left and watched as Remington played around with Fern and act the way he is when he's happy. I haven't seen that happy face in so long, even after he came back, he looked tragic but now I know why. He caught my gaze and I looked away as to not look like I was just staring at him like a weirdo. I could see a smirk grow on his face in the corner of my eye and I felt nervous as he started to walk closer to me like a predator approaching its prey, and I slowly walked back before my back ended up hitting the wall behind me.

Still looking away from his eyes, Remington rested his arm near my head on the wall and leaned closer to my ear as he whispered so softly into my ear, "I meant it when I said I missed you, my beautiful angel. Let me prove it..." A quiet gasp escaped my lips when he said that and I continued to keep my eyes away from his. Before I knew it, he wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close as he began to press his lips repeated on my neck and under my ear, causing me to let out soft sighs of pleasure in response to his gentle touch. Gripping onto his shirt to keep myself composed, he moved his arm around my waist to turn my head to his direction as he crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me passionately, making me lose my breath. "R-Rem...this isn't...fair...", I complained as he continued to move his lips with mine in perfect sync, he stopped to look into my eyes with lust and desire and stated, "What's not fair is you coming in looking so gorgeous and me believing there wouldn't be anything I could do about it, but now I can...", before picking me up in his arms and walk us upstairs to our bedroom.

As soon as we got there, he laid me down gently before climbing on top of me and gazed at my figure while biting his lip seductively. I felt my heart beating so fast just looking at him as he began to remove his clothes and then lean down to kiss my lips before slipping off the dress I was wearing tonight. As soon as I was fully undressed, he explored my skin with his soft lips, each touch leaving me more breathless as I let out a small moan each time. He eventually went to kiss my sensitive spot below my stomach and make my moans grow louder, before he finally went back up to my face and kissed my lips sweetly and start to enter me, making me let out a loud gasp as soon as he did. He started out slow and gentle since he knew I haven't done this in a long time, and as he was going in and out of me, he repeatedly kissed my neck and shoulder as well as kiss my lips every so often so as to make sure I was being made love to in more ways than just one. I held him tightly in my arms and said to him as a promise, "I don't ever want anyone else to make love to me if it isn't you."

He grinned at my words and kissed me so passionately as I moaned into his mouth. He kept going until he reached his peak and then waited for me as I reached mine and pulled out as I released and moaned more loudly than before. He collapsed on the other side of our bed as we laid back to collect our energy and realize what had happened. I felt exhilarated as I lost myself in the pleasure and euphoria I was experiencing after being without it for too long. I turned to snuggle up close to Remington and kiss his lips repeatedly until he towered over me and held me close with his arm under my back and kiss me so passionately. God, I could let Rem continue making love to me for hours and I'd probably only be begging for more. I can't imagine anyone else doing it any better than he can when it comes to me. When we're together like this, he isn't just fucking me, he's loving me in the way he believes I should be and in every way possible. Who else would give me that? I pulled away from Rem's kisses to tell him, "I love you, Rem. I never stopped and I never will", he grinned and kissed my forehead before replying with, "Likewise, my angel. I love you more than life itself." Wrapping in each other's embrace, we shared one last kiss before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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