Chapter 8

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With the end of September approaching, things were as normal as I tried to make it, especially with Palaye back home and with a female singer forced to be Rem's girlfriend. I tried not to stress about it too much by keeping my focus on school and work, and it partially worked as I still managed to do well in both areas. Something surprising that happened was when the school announced that Palaye Royale agreed to do a live show for an upcoming school dance. That was really interesting to hear considering the fact that the boys were once students at this university before they decided to drop out in order to work on their music. Of course, everyone was excited to see them, especially the young girls who were all giddy and bubbly to see Remington in person. I thought it was adorable, because in another world, I would've been one of those girls if I hadn't met the boys before they became famous.

Normally, I don't go to school dances and events (except with my friends if they'd like me to come along), but this time was especially different because Lizzie asked me to come with her to see the band perform live. As I was about to make up an excuse to not come, she told me she had something important to tell me and it couldn't wait. She seemed desperate and it was to say no then. The dance was in a few days so I prepared by buying myself a new outfit and asking my boss if someone could take over my shift that evening, which he didn't have a problem with. With everything in order, I got ready for the dance as soon as I got home from school and I couldn't remember the last time I dressed this formally. Still, I was happy with my look as I was wearing a simple yet beautiful blue dress that felt comfortable and gorgeous on me.

I waited for the dog-sitter to arrive so they'd take care of Fern while I was out, and then finally drove myself to the school where the dance was just getting started in the gymnasium

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I waited for the dog-sitter to arrive so they'd take care of Fern while I was out, and then finally drove myself to the school where the dance was just getting started in the gymnasium. When I entered, there were students gathered in groups and couples and the music was only being played on a record player and speaker for now. Palaye's performance would be the main event of the night to come at the end of the dance. I walked around the dance hall trying to look for Lizzie, though it was a bit crowded and I wasn't sure where she'd be. Trying to pass through the crowd carefully, I turned around to make sure I didn't miss her and ended up bumping into someone. I turned back and was face-to-face with Remington, who was dressed up so nicely for tonight, I couldn't stop staring. I noticed he was going through the same issue as his eyed landed on my dress and they seemed to admire my entire look as he continued to gaze longingly at me like I was the light of his life. The sight made me blush as I finally managed to pry my eyes away from his and from the corner of my eye, I spotted Lizzie peeking out from a pair of doors on the other side.

"Excuse me", I told Remington before I walked away to where Lizzie appeared to be waiting for me. She held the door open for me and I walked through the doorway to find myself in a large supply room with extra balls and tables and chairs. I was confused why I was here, but not any more confused than when I turned back to find Remington standing behind me as Lizzie locked the door and it was just us three in this room. She walked closer and then I asked, "Um, Lizzie? Did you mean to invite Remington here the same day you invited me or did you forget something and this is just a mistake?" Standing between me and Rem, Lizzie shook her head and stated, "I didn't make any mistakes. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I did ask you both to talk with me on the same night." Remington looked just as confused as me and asked her, "Lizzie, what's going on? What did you need both of us here for?" She seemed bashful as she gave her answer, "It's not really me who needed you two, but rather...", she took my hand in one of hers then one of Rem's in the other and had our palms touching as she concluded, "...You two who need each other."

I was confused as hell about what was happening here as she held our hands close and let our fingers interlaced with the other. "Um, Lizzie?", I asked her, "What exactly is happening here?" She let go of our hands then and declared, "With my permission and discretion, I want you two to get back together if you'll have each other." I pulled away from Rem's touch and stepped back in shock. Remington was skeptical about it as I was, "Ahem, Lizzie, why would you suggest such a thing? What about you? Won't you be afraid?" She looked sad then and began to explain, "The truth is, Remington, I'm the reason you and your band got dragged into doing this stupid fake relationship with me. Your manager is also mine and he made me do this so my secret wouldn't get me fired and unpopular." I was concerned then and asked her, "What secret, Lizzie?" She began to tear up a little as she revealed to us, "As kind and amazing Remington is, I can never be genuinely in love with him because...I'm not into men."

I quietly gasped to know the truth on why Lizzie was allowing this and my heart broke as she cried a little harder. Remington and I were quick to hug her and attempt to comfort her. After a while, she managed to stop crying as me and Rem reassured Lizzie that we'd take her secret to the grave as long as she needed us to. She smiled and gave her thanks for being so kind and understanding. Before she walked out of the room to leave us alone, she begged us, "I'll leave you two to decide what you want to do, but please don't let my horrible situation be the reason you can't be happy together." Once she was gone and it was just me and Rem, I took a second to look at him and as soon as I did, he fell to his knees, startling me as he took my hands in his and started to plead with me, "Ma chérie, I know you wanted to do what you believed was right last year. But I haven't been able to enjoy what I do since I let you go and I've missed you like God knows what. Please, find it in your heart to have me back in your life and let me love you like no one could ever."

He looked up at me with those golden brown eyes I always loved looking into. Seeing that he genuinely missed me and never let me go, I began to break down into tears and collapsed onto him as my legs lost their strength. He caught me in his arms and held me so close and securely as if nothing could ever make him lose his grasp on me. "I'm so sorry, Remington", I blurted out in a tear-filled tone that broke me even more, "I'm so sorry I hurt you this much. I was too much of a coward to realize what I might have done. Please forgive me, Rem. I never intended to break your heart so badly." Knowing it was what I needed, he kissed the side of my head repeatedly as he whispered softly into my ear, "I never blamed you, Carina. I was afraid that I failed you as the one who should've protected you and fought for you. If you're willing to open your heart again to me, I'd be more than happy to take you back and continue to truly love you." My heart felt a glow that I haven't felt in forever, and it was something I could not lose again. I pulled away to look at Remington in the eye and tell him with an eager smile on my face, "Take me back then. You've waited this long..." As soon as I said that, Remington wasted no time in pressing his lips onto mine and hold me close to him in his arms. Kissing him back, I knew in my heart and soul that we were meant to be.

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