Chapter 4

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Remington's POV

Packing up before getting to the airport today, today had been a day I tried not to think about too much. Pretty much being done with the record, we decided that before we'd announce our first headlining tour in North America that we'd invest some time to relax back home with our mother. I was only excited to head back home to see our mom again after months of being stuck here in L.A., but I was afraid of going back to Querencia mainly because...I was worried I'd have to see Carina again. I wasn't sure how it would go if she saw me again. I assumed that after we broke up, she probably moved on and met someone else to make her happy. As much as I didn't want that to be true, I also didn't want her to spend her life without having someone to love her and make her happy. And yes, I did hope that that someone would be me, but I couldn't force her to choose me, I could only helpe her realize she deserves only the best in her life.

We got a phone call before we left from our new manager, Seth. In my opinion, the worst manager to ever exist and one I wish we didn't have to deal with. We lost our old manager, Wallace, a few months ago when the label let him go and we were stuck with this awful one. His ideas on how to make us famous and promote our band were much worse than what we could've come up with. I decided to answer the phone this time and listened to what this fool might say now before we could leave, "Remmy, I'm so glad to hear your voice. You're exactly who I was hoping to talk to." I rolled my eyes as I responded with, "Yeah, whatever, Seth. What is it you have to say? We've got a flight to catch soon." He laughed like I didn't just sound like I wasn't in the mood to talk to him, "Oh, Rem! Don't act like you still don't have a job to do!" I groaned in irritation as he continued to speak, "You may have booked some free time for yourselves which you rightly deserve. But I'm afraid I'll have to assign you some homework for when you come back..." Ugh, of course he'd do something like this before we'd get to take a break.

"So then what is it?", I asked. "You know about Lizzie Calliope, right?" I was confused, "The new, upcoming rock singer? Yeah, I've heard about her. Why?" I should've kept my mouth shut after what I was about to hear, "I made a deal with her music label to boost their sales and ratings as well as Sumerian's. Meaning that you and her will enter a dating contract so you'll both be seen as a celebrity couple in public and increase your popularity with your audiences. Am I a genius or what?" God, I wish I were dead now. It wasn't enough that I have to deal with this asshole, but now I have to pretend to date someone I've never even met or even like? "Seth, look. I'm not sure if I can-", he cut me off before I could try to object, "Beflre you finish that statement, Remington, you should know the contract has already been signed for you two to be dating for exactly a year before we announce your break-up. So if you show any disinterest or are seen with someone who isn't Lizzie, that'll be the end of your band and I won't even bat an eye."

I shut up before I could say what I was about to say, "So, what were going to say?" I bit my tongue as I answered with, "I was going to say...thanks for considering us and helping the band out as always." "The bastard was basically taunting himself in my face, "That's what I thought you were going to say, perfect! So, in order to get you and Lizzie acquainted, I've arranged for her to meet you and your brothers at the airport and you can spend time getting to know each other while you guys take a break in your hometown. If I hear any complaints from her, you know what'll happen next." He hung up then and I stood there processing what had just happened. Sebastian and Emerson walked up to me with their suitcases packed and Seb asked, "Was that Seth? What did he say?" Reluctantly, I turned to both of them and stated with a dry tone, "It seems I'm meeting my new girlfriend Seth set me up with at the airport and she'll have to stay with me while we're in Querencia."

They looked at me as if I spoke in a foreign language, and I shrugged helplessly as I went to get my bags. Emerson followed me up the stairs and asked, "New girlfriend? Set up by Seth? That's pretty low for him. Who's the girl?" I turned back to him as I zipped up my last suitcase, "Someone everyone apparently knows. Lizzie Calliope." Em's eyes widened as we walked back downstairs, "Lizzie Calliope? The new singer who's become really famous lately?" I replied with, "The very same." I explained the situation to both of them as we hailed a cab to the airport. "Our labels made a deal to earn more money by forcing us to be together for a year. You already know how I feel about all this, but I honestly feel sorry for the girl. We've never really met and she might be forced to do this as well. Hopefully, she doesn't hate me for our manager's stupid decisions." When we finally got there, I looked around to find Lizzie who was supposed to be at the same airport we'd be at, and then I spotted her sitting down with some security.

I've never met her in person and only heard things about her from magazines and radio shows. As I approached her, it was obvious that to everyone else, she was a beautiful young woman with frizzy black hair that was cut short to her ears and her eyes were almost like a wine red. Compared to the gritty and raw performer she usually is on camera and on the radio, when she saw me, her appearance seemed introverted and reluctant, which surprised all of us. I held a face of regret as I stepped closer to introduce myself, "Hey. Lizzie, right?" She nodded without saying a word and seemed to avoid my eyes, which made worried. Does she already hate me or something? "And you're Remington?", she asked in a quiet yet polite tone, I smiled as I confirmed, "Yep, that's me. And you could already tell, these are my brothers, Sebastian and Emerson. Our flight leaves in a while and the we can go."

I looked around before asking my next question carefully, hoping I wouldn't offend her, "Are you okay with all this? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to." She looked sad as she shrugged, "It's not like we have a choice. Just please try not to hold any resentment toward me." Her words shocked me and I shook my head firmly as I affirmed, "No, of course not! I highly doubt you're a bad person so let's just be friends while putting on this act. Is that okay?" Though she still seemed unsure, she nodded and gave a small smile that gave me some reassurance about this horrible situation we were stuck in.

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