Chapter 31

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Sometime in the middle of this week, I went to Lizzie's studio to catch up with her and talk about the success of her song with my lyrics. Remington wanted to come along to offer support and also say "Hi" to Lizzie after they hadn't seen each other for a while. Even though they were forced to be dating in public, they grew to be really great friends. Rem had felt relief to meet someone else as young as he is and with the same passion for music and art. She got along well with Emerson and Sebastian as well. She was almost like their unofficial sister in the sense that she matched their aura and wasn't stuck up like most singers and celebrities. I was happy for Lizzie to have the boys as her friends since she didn't seem to have many friends since she began her career. While she was humble and grateful to have her own fan group who loved her aura and music, she didn't have many connections outside of her fans who understood what she was going through. I hoped someday soon she'd be free enough to express herself however she wants without repercussions.

The business meeting went very well, especially since we were happy to see each other again, and most people in the building believed that Remington was only visiting his "girlfriend" while accompanying her new songwriter. Lizzie helped me understand better the process of me earning royalties from the success of my lyrics in her song and if I continued doing this with other artists I could branch out to, I'd be earning much more as well as become a seasoned songwriter in the music industry. Learning all this was almost a little too much to take in, but having both Lizzie's and Rem's support with this made the realization a little better to handle. While I was flattered with the idea of great fame and fortune by selling songs and lyrics for other artists to use, all I truly wanted was to share what I've created for others to experience and understand that someone else has gone through what they've been through.

When the meeting was over, Rem and I asked if Lizzie had some time to spend with us and take a break from working so hard. Even though she was reluctant to, she felt eager about spending an hour or two with two people she trusts the most. We were about halfway from the room we were just in when Lizzie remembered she had forgotten something and went back to get it. It was just me and Remington then s we waited and as much as I tried not to pay attention, he wouldn't stop glancing at me and looking intrigued by what he was seeing. I looked away to resist his looks when I felt him take my hand and pull me into the nearest storage closet where he closed the door behind us, and pushed me against the wall beside the door. He looked into my eyes seductively and I teased him with a smile, "You just can't get through five minutes without wanting to kiss me, can you?" He smirked and replied with a seductive tone, "Amongst other things, yes. But can you blame me when you're just so fucking perfect?" God, those words were enough to make me give in as he leaned in to press his lips onto mine and hold me close.

As our kisses got more passionate, I forgot where we were when we heard someone open the door and we stopped and turned to see who it was. It ended up being a random guy who must have been looking for something before he saw us, but the look of shock in his face scared me as I realized he knew I wasn't Lizzie and ran off the opposite way. Remington cursed to himself and we stepped out of the closet to find Lizzie had finally returned and he exclaimed, "Lizzie, we have a problem: Seth's assistant saw me and Carina in the closet and is probably gonna tell him." I immediately got scared as Lizzie began to argue with Remington about why we were fooling around in the first place while he remained shameless about it even if it was reckless. I felt my heart about to burst out of my chest when Lizzie came up with an idea.

"Over here, boss!", was what I heard as I hid in the bathroom and waited. From the small crack of the door, I watched as the assistant brought Seth over to the storage closet where me and Rem were just in a while ago. "In there, I saw him with some chick who wasn't Lizzie! I think he was cheating on her or something", the guy exclaimed as Seth stepped closer to the closet and as he opened the door to investigate, everyone's jaw dropped (including mine) as we watched Lizzie and Remington passionately kissing like they were long-time lovers. I knew Lizzie didn't like Remington like that, but her acting was so good, it made me blush harder than I expected. They turned to Seth and his assistant who were looking awkward about interrupting their private moment before Seth closed the door. He turned to his assistant and glared at him as he stated, "I don't have the luxury to waste my time like this. Don't bother me again unless it's something important" before they walked away.

As soon as they were gone, I stepped out of the bathroom and Lizzie rushed out of the closet first to kneel before me and look guilty as she kept bending down while apologizing, "I'm sorry, Carina! I'm so sorry for kissing Rem! It was all I could think of to keep you guys safe. Please don't hate me for what I did..." Her behavior was sweet and genuine that it was almost embarrassing as I took her hands in mine and firmly reassured her that she had nothing to apologize for and we were super grateful to her for saving all three of us. She felt better and then stood up to give us both a hug and then ask for Rem to put his hand around her waist so no one else might suspect anything. He did so while also in a subtle way, wrap his pinkie around mine so he was still hold me close to him.

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