Chapter 22

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Carina's POV

It had been a few weeks since I've seen Remington since the band had to stay in LA for public appearances and important business. I wondered whether the boys would be able to arrive back home in time for Christmas and spend it with their family and friends. I didn't mean to sound desperate, but a part of me hoped that I'd be able to spend Christmas this year with Remington. Last year, I did spend it with some friends, but I found myself missing Rem more than I wanted to when we were apart and I hoped that he was at the very least able to enjoy the holiday regardless. While we didn't stay in touch as much as we wanted to, I sent the boys some thoughtful letters, hoping they'd remember that I still deeply cared about them all and I would still continue to support them. They all wrote back in one collective letter with each of them signing their names at the end of the letter after they all wrote their part of the letter. Rem didn't say much back then except "Merry Christmas, hope you're doing well, I'll always be there if you need me."

This year, it'll be a little different, but at least I had Rem back in my life, which I was still happy about. I decorated our home with Christmas trinkets, put up the tree with my gifts to him as well as our loved ones, and even asked some friends to help me decorate the outside of our house.  It was looking like a holiday dreamland which made me happy since Christmas had become my favorite holiday since I moved to Querencia. This year would be especially special since my father is here now and has gotten along so well with all my friends and Remington. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to feel so lonely without my mother if he's celebrating with me and the rest of us here. Meanwhile, I had one more week in school before the fall semester ended and I would be one step closer to graduating. It was a bit nerve-wracking to think about, but I was very excited for me and everyone else who would be finishing college alongside me. The past 3 and a half years have been more than memorable, but I'm grateful for everyone I've met and befriended who've motivated me to keep working hard.

I had one more day to myself before final exams would begin tomorrow, and while I felt prepared, I was still slightly worried about the end of it all and if everything would go well for me and my classmates. I decided to visit the library in-between classes to distract myself and relax from being stressed out. I looked through some old novels lying on some shelf and browsed through them until I spotted one that looked interesting before pulling it out of there. While I focused on the book I held in my hands, someone brought out a random book in front of my face before asking from behind me, "Excuse me, miss, but reckon, can you tell me if this here book is any good?" I looked at the book in confusion and then turned to face whoever was asking, only to realize it was Remington grinning at me. I gasped so loudly, I almost broke the silence in this place which made Rem laugh quietly, causing me to laugh as well. I covered my face to hide my smile then walked over to hug him, he embraced me back while planting a small kiss on my head.

I looked up at him and smiled so brightly as I exclaimed, "Remington! You're so weird sometimes." He chuckled a little and tucked some hair behind my ear as he told me, "I know, but you still love me for it." I pressed my lips softly on his for a short moment before resting my head on his chest and telling him, "You're damn right I do." He held me securely for a moment, then pulled away to look into my eyes with a loving smile, which made me blush lightly. I confessed to him quite embarrassingly, "I missed you a lot." His eyes widened as he smiled so adorably at me, "Aw, my sweet and precious angel, I was only gone for a few weeks." I nodded and said while hanging my head so I didn't look him in the eye, "I know, but you were gone a lot longer and I didn't really see you as often. I really don't want to lose you again." I slowly looked up to see he was blushing and looking at me like I was all he could focus on. He took me out of the library after I put my books back and led me to a secluded area on campus where he crashed his lips onto mine and held me so close and tight to him in his arms.

I kissed him back and held him just as tightly before he pulled away and loosened his hold slightly to tell me with his forehead resting on mine, "I promise you won't ever lose me again, my love. I'm sorry you felt like you did." His comforting and reassuring words brought relief to my heart and I smiled at him as I said to him, "Thank you, Remington. I love you so much." We shared another private moment together before I had to head to my last class for today and still need to go to my job after. He told me he'll be waiting for me at home and that he was happy to see me again. I kissed him goodbye before he walked away and smiled to myself as I couldn't believe how much I still loved him after all this time. After walking to my final class of the day, I sat in my seat and was still giddy about the nice surprise from earlier. I was more excited now to celebrate Christmas with everybody I loved.

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