Chapter 1

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Remington's POV

I woke up immediately, disappointed to find out that instead of holding Carina in my arms, I was sleeping in a house we've rented while we were here in L.A.. That night was almost two years ago and I haven't even seen Carina that much since we've been here. Why did I have that dream of a memory that only hurts now? I sat up for a while to try to calm myself after feeling very intense emotions I haven't felt in a long time. In fact, I haven't felt anything since I parted ways with Carina. I was back to feeling so empty like I did before meeting her and loving her. But she claimed that this would help us, even if it was going to hurt a lot. I brought up hand up to pick up the necklace I was wearing around my neck that still held Carina's picture in the locket. As I looked at it once more, I let myself cry a few tears to let go of my pain and then quickly get over it before I closed the locket and tried my best to fall back asleep.


My alarm clock woke me up the next day and I let it ring for a minute longer until I smacked the top of it to make it stop. I laid in bed for a couple more minutes building up the energy to climb out of bed and get through another day of recording music for the new record. At first, the idea seemed exciting to finally get started on our next record, but as the months passed, it started to feel repetitive and I struggled to find any inspiration or motivation to feel excited for it. I tried everything I could to get myself our of this rut I've been stuck in, but nothing seemed to help and I felt bad that I couldn't be as enthusiastic for this record as everybody else was. The only thing that motivated me to genuinely contribute to this record were our fans, who've been so fucking incredible to support us for this long, and literally the only reason as of now to drag myself out of bed and get the day started. I got disoriented as I got up and tried walking to the bathroom and almost tripped. A year living in this house and I still haven't got used to it.

After I was finally ready for the day, I took one last look in the bathroom mirror and noticed how long my hair has grown compared to a year ago. Replaing my usual spiky hair look was this new, long hair look where my black hair fell flat by my face and it honestly felt easier to keep and style. I only brushed it out and swept some of it to the side of my face so it'd be easier to see. I walked out of the bathroom then and stepped out of my room to where I noticed my brothers were already awake since their doors were open. I walked downstairs to the kitchen where Sebastian was sitting in the living room on a couch, playing his fucking guitar like he can never put the thing down. Emerson was spotted in the kitchen where he was calling his wife, Nina, who was still over in Paris studying to be a pianist. I was happy for my younger brother, but lately it seemed he's been yearning to be with her again since he really hasn't been able to see her since they got married. Poor guy must be starving to hold his cute, little wife in his arms again.

"Have you been taking care of yourself, my love?", he whispered into the phone looking like a lovesick puppy. His smiles and giggles were too much for me and so I decided to mess with him when I walked closer and shouted, "HEY NINA! EMERSON'S BEEN CALLING YOUR NAME OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT DREAMING OF YOU!" Em looked super passed as he pushed me away and held the phone closer to his ear. Trying not to laugh so hard, I could hear Nina talking on the phone, "Is that Remington? What's he saying?" Emerson tried to change the subject, "Nothing, my love, he's just being an asshole again like he's been as of late. I've got to go but I'll call you again when I have time. I love you, my precious Moon Child..." A second later, he hung up and then began to tackle me as he pushed his weight onto me on the floor and held my arm behind my back. "Em, what the fuck! Get the fuck off me!", I exclaimed in annoyance and pain, he only tightened his grip slightly as he hissed in my ear, "I don't care how lonely or tired you are, you don't interrupt my valuable calls with Nina."

He let go of me then and got off so I could stand back up on my feet. I smoothed out my clothes and hair before stating, "Everyone here already knows how precious your calls with your wife are. It was a fucking joke, take it easy." I rolled my eyes in irritation and was about to look in the fridge for something to eat for breakfast when Em had to push my buttons, "Maybe if Carina hadn't broken up with you, you wouldn't be such a dick." I was about to lunge at him for what he said when Seb rushed over to hold me back from beating Emerson to a pulp. "We do not need to start the morning like this, you guys!", he pleaded as he kept me away from Em, "Remington, you know Emerson didn't mean it. Let it go and let's just started with our shit for today. Okay?" Knowing my anger wouldn't solve anything, I decided to take Seb's advice as I pushed him off and stepped back, "Okay then, whatever." Emerson shrugged as he remarked, "Fine by me. He's right, I was just irritated and was talking shit." After our tense moment passed, we managed to play nice so we'd head to the studio in one piece.

When Mrs. Infamous Lost The Masochist... (BOOK 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant