Chapter 41

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Remington's POV

Thankfully, we didn't have any more shows to do for a few more days before we had to hit the road again. During that time, Palaye and Lizzie were already scheduled to be appearing on a late-night talk show where we'd be interviewed as well as perform a song from our newest album. We were understandably nervous about this for once, only because we were worried the host would be asking us questions about my relationship with Carina and if Lizzie had any thoughts about the "affair". What made us worry more was the idea that some people in the audience might ask us questions about the situation as well. Lizzie assured me that we'd be okay and she'd try her best to diffuse any tension so no one would get hurt and the fans would still respect us after this. She admitted she's not ready yet to reveal herself completely, but she will show that she has no hard feelings about me and Carina like she never really did. I apologized once more and thanked her for helping out. She accepted my apology and mentioned that just like we all do with her, she just wants us to be happy with whoever makes us so.

The show was starting around 10:00 that night and we didn't have to appear at least until the middle of the show to have the interview. Feeling extremely nervous, I stepped outside to feel some fresh air and try to relax. Lizzie found me a minute after as she placed a hand on my back and asked, "Nervous?" I ran a hand through my hair as I responded to her, "I don't want this mess to cost us our fans. I care about them a lot..." I looked up to find her nodding in understanding and then stated, "I know how you feel. Just make sure the fans remember that they're your fans because they love your music and not because they're invested in your personal life." I nodded back realizing she had a point as I hugged her and thanked her for being so good to all of us. She went back inside first as I managed to pull myself together to get this over with and remember to be fair to our fans. I walked back inside of the studio in time for us to make our appearance for tonight's show.

The host was kind and welcoming as he introduced our band and Lizzie proudly, the fans were cheering and applauded as we waved at them with smiled on our faces before sitting down. He mentioned to the audience how Palaye Royale had been taking the world by storm with the newest albums, "Boom Boom Roo. - Side A", and how we're one of the youngest bands to be selling tickets and records in a matter of only two years since our very first single released on the record. It was all flattering to hear and helped me feel better to realize that tonight was about us and our success with our music. The host continued to mention how this current tour we were on had been deemed the most anticipated tour of 1972 with Palaye Royale and Lizzie Calliope on the road throughout the county. We explained how surprised we were to see the entire tour was sold out and how it sold out even faster once we announced Lizzie to be our opening act on this tour which we love. Lizzie commented on how being with me as well as Palaye in general has been a positive influence in her life and she considers us family at this point, which almost broke me.

Hearing all of this, the host of the show seemed pleased as he moved to get some questions from the audience for any of us. A lot of people had their hands raised and it took some time for a staff member to look through the crowd and then randomly pick a person to hand a microphone to so they could ask their question. The first person given a chance had an easy question, "I just wanted to know if we might see you guys do an entire world tour? Kind of like when you opened for Grave District almost two years ago?" Sebastian answered that question, "If we keep getting enough support and love, it's a definite possibility we hope we can make happen soon." The person was happy with their answer as they handed the microphone back and sat down. Just when I was about to expect the rest of them to ask easy questions, I became uneasy when the next person asked a question for Lizzie. "Hi, big fan of yours, always have been", they started explaining, "But as someone who respects and admires you, how can you stand to sit next to Remington Leith after he was caught kissing another woman?"

She hesitated to answer before someone next to the person in the audience stated, "It's not just some random girl! It's Lizzie's new songwriter, Miss Carina Wisteria! The one who got a special feature on Alternative Press with Palaye and Lizzie! AND it's been rumored that she was still his girlfriend back on their tour run with Grave District." The audience gasped in appall when those pieces of information were revealed and then the microphone was yanked out of that person's hands as everyone began accusing me of being a horrible person. I didn't mind it much until they said things like "Lizzie seems like such a weak pushover to let you get away with this and your brothers aren't any better to hold you accountable. Maybe they're just as bad as you are!" I stood up from my seat, which silenced the audience, and spoke up in a firm but rational tone, "No one but me is to blame for what I did! If I'm being brutally honest" - Lizzie cowered at what I might say - "I never stopped loving that woman. I love Lizzie as a close part of our family, but my heart had always belonged to the woman who inspired me to become who I am today. The person you all claim to love and support alongside my bandmates."

I continued with my rant, "If you want to call yourselves fans, I ask that you accept the people we have in our lives and the choices we make or you aren't fans. Regardless, nothing will stop me from loving the woman who makes me feel like life is worth living." With that, I sat back down and buried my head in my hands, already regretting my actions. A moment later, Lizzie stood up just as I had and declared to the audience who was still silent, "And I'll have you all know that I hold no grudges towards Remington or my songwriter, Carina Wisteria. They're both incredible people in my life and if they're happy together, then that's all that matters to me. I will continue to perform with Palaye on this tour and hopefully, be included in future projects with them so I could continue to create music for all of you to enjoy." She sat back down and the host did his best to continue his show even as we performed tonight like promised. I hoped that if Carina was watching, she'd understand that she'll always have family to protect her and support her in tough times like these.

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