Chapter 32

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Two days before the album release, Palaye Royale as well as Lizzie Calliope were invited by a popular music magazine called Alternative Press to do a special feature in anticipation for both the album coming out this month as well as the headline tour happening in a few months with them together. A few of our friends were invited to come along and witness the special affair as Palaye and Lizzie would be photographed and interviewed in an exclusive studio set up specifically for the artists. It made us all proud to see the artists get such a great feature as they were moving up in the music industry. While we all knew Lizzie would be included mainly because she was "dating" Remington, I wanted to believe she still deserved to be recognized for her talent and integrity just as much as Palaye have since they started a few years ago. I hope she knew that, too, since she still has doubts about whether she deserves her popularity.

The clothes they had laid out for Palaye and Lizzie were so beautiful and elegant at the same time. They knew Palaye likes to be modern with their outlook but try to match their style with their music which, of course, all their fans loved about them. They wore the most gorgeous suits and coats, and it was almost as if they were dressed to live in their own world. When it came to Lizzie, she wanted to maintain her usual alternative rock look, but with a hint of confidence as a woman in the rock n' roll universe. I was happy for all of them as they seemed to be enjoying getting to do this as they took many photos with different backgrounds, and expressed themselves in words to be printed in the magazine. There were even a few shots that Remington took while he was shirtless and I tried so hard not to drool as he managed to swoon some of the magazine crew. Part of me was annoyed by how he knew he was attractive, but I also appreciated how he was confident with his looks in a way that was humble and genuine.

The magazine was halfway done with its shoot when Lizzie was being interviewed about her most recent big hit, which was the song that I helped write lyrics for. The interviewer had believed that Lizzie came up with everything involving the song, but as Lizzie glanced to my direction in the background - surprising me - she clarified for the interviewer, "Actually, I had only come up with barely half of the song including the chorus. I wasn't sure what else to write to help express the meaning of my song. The truth is, my new songwriter had helped me write the rest of the song with her incredibly deep lyrics and it turned out to be perfect!" The interviewer seemed shocked and interested by Lizzie's words as they asked, "That's so amazing to know! Who is this mysterious yet talented songwriter who helped contribute to your most popular song so far?" With a proud smile, Lizzie pointed to my direction and beckoned for me to come over.

At first, I wasn't sure if I should, but with the support of my friends and the Palaye boys, I walked over to where Lizzie had been sitting and she took my hand as she introduced me for the first time, "This brilliant woman named Carina Scarlet Wisteria is one talented songwriter, for her lyrics and style is nothing but honest, genuine, and just remarkable. I couldn't have been able to continue making music if I hadn't met her and asked her to help me out." I smiled as the interviewer stood up to shake my hand eagerly and excitedly praise me, "My, my! You certainly have helped make an impact with your lyrics, especially with someone as humble as Miss Calliope. I do hope we get to see more of your work out there with other artists as well as Miss Calliope!" I was genuinely touched by how much my lyrics were loved when they were very personal to me. Before I could thank them, Lizzie had a surprising request to the interviewer and the magazine as a whole, "If where going to give praise to my single for my feature, would it be possible to let my songwriter get a page or two since she deserves just as much credit?"

While no one actually denied Lizzie's request to have me get a small feature, the staff needed to discuss the matter within each other before making a decision. I was anxious and tried to tell Lizzie I didn't need this, but she wasn't going to budge, "I know, Carina. But I want my fans to know that I couldn't have done this myself and you deserve to be known for being so talented and strong for being brave enough to let your lyrics be shared with the rest of the world." I looked at her as she she kept her proud smile. How could such a kind and loving soul like hers end up in such a tragic situation where she's barely in control of what she can do? The staff came back with the decision to allow me to take a few photos and a few paragraphs of me explaining the story behind the lyrics that helped Lizzie's song turn into such a huge hit. With some help from the makeup artists and some clothes that I couldn't help feeling bold in yet still staying myself, I got a chance to share my story behind my own my lyrics and how they helped me get hired to be Lizzie's songwriter.

When it was all over and the magazine shoot was finally wrapped up, we all went back to Palaye's house happy and proud for everybody involved. I was still in shock that Lizzie helped me to be involved and let me get recognized for my contribution to her music. Needless to say, I was speechless since then, even when we were eating dinner and sharing stories. Remington noticed how quiet I was and sat close to me to ask if I was okay. I looked up at him and nodded as I snapped out of my spell, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just didn't think that would happen for me when today was supposed to be mainly about you, your band, and Lizzie. I'm proud of you all, really. I just don't know if I would ever be loved and admired like your fans do to you guys." He smiled with such love in his eyes, it made my heart skip a beat. He reached his hand to tuck some of my hair behind my ear as he told me with a sweet tone in his voice, "Whatever happens, you'll still have us as your true fans, with me being your biggest fan." I laughed when he said that, then I kissed his lips sweetly and he kissed back before he held me close to him and I relished in this evening with everyone I loved.

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