Chapter 6

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Lizzie's POV

As I sat with Remington in his mother's house during the party she threw for him, I was curious to know something. I noticed how awkward he acted around the kind and lovely redhead named Carina who acted the same way. He didn't act that way with anyone else, and it made me curious to know if he shared a history with this red-haired woman. Since I only met him almost 12 hours ago, he's been pretty quiet around me and doesn't seem very open, even though he's the sweetest guy and looks out for others. I was aware of Palaye Royale before this arrangement and wondered what they were like in person, but I didn't have the time to try to get acquainted myself. After finally meeting them, they all seem like the kindest boys who are very passionate about what they create and even though they appear annoyed with each other, I could tell they deeply carea but one another. None of these guys know it, but I'm the reason we're stuck in this situation. I wish I could tell them why, but I'm afraid it'll only make things worse for all of us.

The party ended shortly and as everyone was about to head home, the guys' closest companions greeted them goodbye and then left. Then it was time for Carina to say goodbye to them and when she got to Remington at the door, I peeked from behind the wall to watch their strange interactions. "I'm glad you guys are back for a while", she said to him while acting somewhat shy around him, he scratched the back of his neck nervously as he responded with, "Yeah, it's good to be back. There's a lot of things about this place that we missed." It looked like he had his eyes on her as he said those last few words and she turned away to hide a fierce blush on her face. She then commented, "I know, you know." "Know what?" "About you and Lizzie. I understand why, but I feel bad for you two. I hope you two can at least be good friends while putting on this act." I was amazed by how well she accepted our situation, then Remington's hung his head in shame, "Oh yeah, I feel bad, too. She seems like a nice girl and doesn't really deserve this. I hope she doesn't hate me."

Oh, poor Rem. It's not you I hate, it's myself. Carina added as she took his hand in hers before stepping out, "Well, just remember that you'll still have me to support you regardless. Goodnight, Remington. Thank your mother for me." She let go of his hand and I swear, he just kept his eyes on her until she was out of his sight and maybe sometime after. I couldn't help my curiosity as I stepped closer to him and asked, "Were you two close?" He jumped back startled by my sudden appearance, I felt bad about that. He shrugged with a slight blush on his face and stated, "I mean, yeah. But she broke up with me a year ago and now we're just good friends, that's all." As he walked to the kitchen, I followed to ask more questions, "What was she like? How did you meet her? Are you still in love with her?" He stopped in his tracks which made me accidentally bump into him before he turned to ask, "Look, why are you interested? We're not together anymore so it doesn't matter." I looked down, worried I might have overstepped my boundaries but then firmly remarked, "It matters to me. I just want to know how special she was to you. I promise I won't get jealous or anything, trust me."

I looked up to see Remington had a look of regret on his face as he apologized for his behavior, "Alright, you're right. I'm sorry I snapped like that. You were dragged into this so I'll tell you about her if you want to know so badly." I smiled as he led me into his bedroom and we crashed on his large bed before he told me the story of his relationship with Carina Wisteria, who he claims was the girl who saved his life and changed the way he viewed the world. It took him all night to tell me everything and by the time it was morning, I was fully invested. I've never heard a love story like that in my life and it was very strange how much I wanted to hear about everything. He even showed me the locket he's kept around his neck with a picture of Carina in it. I couldn't help but admit, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and her aura seemed very sweet and headstrong. It was clear to see why Remington was still hopelessly in love with her. In fact, anyone might be blessed to love a girl like her.

"Wow", I commented in awe after all of it, "I've never heard of a man being so devoted to a woman like you are. She sounds like the most amazing woman who's so strong and so selfless to help you and your brothers to realize your dreams and support you without hesitation." He smiled so brightly with Carina on his mind as he replied with, "Yeah, she's just so...incredible. I do miss her terribly and wish I could take her back, but she insisted it'd be best for us to be apart in order to protect my career, even though I don't think it was necessary anymore. But even now, it'd be impossible for me to take her back if it meant I'd risk your career and mine." I thought to myself for a moment, and then asked without wasting a second, "If you were given the chance, would you take her back as your girlfriend?" He glanced at me like I was crazy, but he realized I was being serious as he thought about my question and then answered, "In a heartbeat. No questions asked. That is, only if she'll take me back as well without hesitation." I knew what it was I needed to do to make these poor individuals happy again.

When Mrs. Infamous Lost The Masochist... (BOOK 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora