Dan opens the door, straighteners in hand, and his hair half curly, half straight. He's wearing his colourfully patched shirt with the usual skinny jeans and useless belt. He grins at you.

"Thanks. I couldn't survive without coffee, and I'm not even exaggerating," he says, rolling his eyes and taking the cup from you.

"Me neither," you agree, laughing lightly.

You walk into your room and open the curtains. You look down at the street below.

There's a familiar car parked on the opposite side of the road. You never told her that you moved... oops.

Your mum gets out of the driver's side. A man gets out on the other. You squint at him, trying to work out who it is.

Wait - what's your dad doing here?

"Dan!" you shout, not taking your eyes away from the window. "They're here."

Dan rushes in and stands beside you, a toothbrush hanging from his mouth. "Crap," he mutters. "Damn my procrastination."

"Will you be ready soon-ish?" you ask, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, in around 10 minutes..."

"Okay, see you then!" you say.

You take deep breaths to calm yourself.

Your mum and dad are knocking on the landlord's door.

You have to act quickly; you could imagine that the landlord wouldn't be very happy with them for disturbing him - to say the least.

You put on your converse, run down the stairs and open Dan and Phil's front door.

Your hands are shaking. You stand out on the step and call out to her.


Your mum whips around. Your dad turns slowly. You stare at him, showing no emotion.

"Y/n! I thought you were living there," your mum says, walking over to you and pointing to your previous house.

"Yeah, I was, but I moved. It's a long story. Do you want to come in?"

She nods, and after hesitating a bit, hugs you.

Your father just looks into the distance.

You pull away from her and lead them inside.

When you reach the top of the stairs, you walk into the living room. Phil isn't there, and neither is Dan. You sit down on the sofa and they both do the same.

"So, honey, how come you live here now?" your mum asks.

You hesitate and chew your lip. You can't tell them the real story.

Your mum would just insist that you come home with her, however much you would protest.

"The landlord kicked me out. He drank a bit. Okay, a lot. But, uh, now I live here."

"Alone?" she presses.

"Um, no. I have two roommates, Dan and Phil."

Your mum raises her eyebrow at you. She opens her mouth to speak, but your father pipes up.

"You are paying your share, aren't you?"

You ignore him and turn to your mum. "What's he doing here?"

"I wanted to see you," he says, scratching the stubble on his chin.

"Well, I don't want to see you." you say firmly, tears pricking your eyes. "You ruined our lives."

"Look-" he starts.

"Where are your roommates, dearie?" your mum cuts in, her voice quivering.

"I'll go get them," you say, taking the opportunity to leave and getting up. As you go, you hear them mumbling behind you.

You walk to Phil's room first, and open the door.

"They're here, Phil."

No reply.


You look around. Phil isn't there. There is, however, a note on his desk. You pick it up and read it.

I'm at a BBC interview. Sorry. Good luck with your parents! ~ Phil

You're slightly relieved, to be honest. The situation is already awkward enough between your parents and you. Another two people wouldn't help.

At all.

But you still need Dan, for moral support.

You leave Phil's room and walk up to Dan's, knocking twice.

"Hold on!" comes a voice from inside.

"Okay," you reply, leaning against the wall.

In a few seconds, Dan emerges. He studies your face, seeing your fed up expression.

"What's up?" he asks, cupping your face in his warm hands.

"My dad's here. They're both in the living room," you reply, sighing.

"Oh. How long have you left them alone in there for?"

"As long as I could," you say, letting out an emotionless chuckle.

"Well, we'd better get back, then." he says, giving you a small smile.

You nod, slip your hand in his and walk down the hallway towards the living room.

"This is Dan," you say to your parents.

Your mum looks up at Dan, then down at your interlocked hands.

"Are you-"

"Yes. We are," you interrupt.

There's an awkward silence.

"Would you like something to drink, Mr and Mrs L/n?" Dan asks.

"Tea, please, dear," your mother says.

"Coffee," your dad says bluntly.

Dan lets go of your hand and goes into the kitchen, giving you an apologetic smile.

A/N: Heheheh >:)

P.S. I'm sorry if your mum and/or your dad have different last names to you... :/

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now