Chapter 35 Griffin

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This woman was going to kill me. Her mouth and body tempted me without her even having to try. I was furious that she left the safety of the packhouse in the middle of a war, but I was beside myself with that fact that she did so to check on me.

"We need to interrogate the rogues in the prison, check on the state of the pack, help with the clean up, and make sure that everyone who needs help is getting it." Gabriel said once we joined them outside of the infirmary.

"I'll gladly take on the interrogations." Godric growled, looking pissed.

I looked down at Harlow who was tucked into my side and she gazed up at me. I nodded towards Godric and she smiled, seeming to understand. She slipped away from me and tucked her hand into Godric's. He looked at her and immediately relaxed, looping his arm around her waist and leaning into her small frame.

"I want to help." Harlow said, "I can go check on the women and children." She offered hopefully and I beamed at her with pride.

"I think that's perfect, precious." Godric said, kissing the top of her head.

"I'll survey the pack and make sure everything's being taken care of." I said,

"I'll go back into the hospital and then I'll join Godric in interrogations." Gabriel declared and we all nodded in agreement to the plan.

"I'll walk you to the bunker, it's on the way to the Tower." Godric told Harlow and they walked off.

"You good?" Gabriel asked, eyeing me cautiously. I clapped him on the back with a grin,

"Nothing like our beautiful mate to give me a jump start." Gabriel shook his head at me and smirked,

"Alright, simmer down." He mocked me before heading back inside the hospital.

I started making laps around the pack, overseeing the clean up, disposal of rogue bodies, and whatever else needed to be handled. The front gate needed fixed, so I helped with the clean up and then made the proper calls to get more materials in for a more secure fence. Some of the houses had been destroyed and we needed more material to build new ones, so I made those calls as well and organized a clean up for the debris. I also found some other pack members who were willing to host the displaced families.

There were way more rogues this time around by nearly double, therefore there were more dead bodies to deal with. I helped the pack set up five large bonfires for the burn pits. When a wolf died, they turned back into their human form so it could be a bit unnerving to have to burn a human body, almost worse than if they were in the wolf form, but it had to be done. Rogues were disgraced wolves and now they were traitors since they attacked our pack, and the only way to dispose of them was by an unceremonial fire.

"Alpha." Callie ran up to me. She had some cuts on her face and a huge bruise on her thigh, but she didn't seem affected by it at all.

"Callie, have you seen the doctor?" I already knew the answer. She rolled her eyes at me and shook her head,

"Wade is here. He's coming down the lane." She said, ignoring my question.

"Well doesn't he just have great timing." I grumbled and started walking towards the front of the packgrounds.

Wade's black truck came bumping down the stone road and screeched to a halt when he saw me. He jumped out and a she-wolf with short black hair, wild green eyes, and a spunky attitude slid out of the passenger side. She grabbed Wade's hand as they hurried to meet up with me.

"Wade, Sammy, what are you two doing here?" I asked my brother and his mate.

"I heard a rumor that you three met your mate and wanted to come home to meet the poor gal. What the hell happened here?" Wade asked, looking around with concern.

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