"Oh I'm gonna enjoy making you beg", Luca spat.

"Sure", I roll my eyes. "Now get to the point. Bring my father here and we get along with it."

"I thought I made it clear. You come with me alone if you wish to see him", He argued adamantly.

I sigh in frustration for a show. My brothers look at me and nod.

First plan initiated. He either genuinely takes me to see my father or he tries to escape using me. We were prepared for both.

If he plans to escape with me I've got full permission to break his bones and shoot his brain if needed. Theo and Wes particularly wanted me to be reckless this time and do anything to protect myself. They said they'll handle Italian mafia if it comes to war.

I knew my brothers have my back.

Whatever happens I'm not to let Luca leave or escape. Our people will find Dad, but if Luca manages to run away this time it's over. This is the last we will see of him. He won't attempt another crime.

I had clear instructions to do anything to subdue the guy if it comes to that. But if at all everything goes out of order I can kill him. Otherwise keep him alive and hostage was the plan.

"Let's go", I grumbled.

Luca smirked gesturing me to follow him.

"One wrong step Armani and you'll watch yourself enter hell because heaven ain't for you", Charlie warned.

Luca glared at them, but didn't reply. The two of us walked alone wherever he was taking us. Somewhere Theo is tracking my location.

I look around as we do to make note of the surroundings. I had no doubt his people are hidden somewhere here keeping an eye on their boss incase I go feral and jump the man.

The walk silent and I was glad. Can't afford to lose any more patience I've been building on him. We came to a halt after 15 minutes of walking to a random deserted area. Not even a bird was to be seen.

He stood there looking down a narrow uneven gravel road which went both sides. I stare at him waiting for some context but it seemed like a too much effort for him.

"We waiting for a parade to pass or something?", I comment.

Luca turns to look at me blankly.

"This road is not exactly their regular route", I shrug.

He shakes his head. "Stand there with your mouth shut. Not that hard."

"You obviously don't know me", I mutter.

Two minute later a car drives down the lane and stops a little away from us. A man exits the car and nods in acknowledgement to Luca ignoring me. Then the walks towards the back door and opens it.

My father steps out of the car with a blindfold on him. His hands were tied behind his back and he seemed to have a couple bruises on his face as well as his hand.

I take a deep breath and exhale slowly watching him. If there wasn't a plan I would have jumped Luca and broken his jaw without remorse.

I take a step towards Dad only to be stopped. Luca raised an eyebrow at me and I sent a hateful glare his way.

"No meeting. You can see him. He's here", He said.

"Let me talk to him", I grit.

"Beg", Luca smirked.

My hand fisted tightly on my side as I try to refrain from following my instincts. He keeps trying to invite me to kill him.

"Please let me see him. I..beg you", I spoke in a low tone with anger emitting in each word.

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