Chapter 18: "It takes two to tango"

Start from the beginning

Alexa is standing next to the window; she seemed deep in thought. Earlier this evening, the names of the possible heirs to the pack were listed. Three of them: Gamma of the pack, Brandon, and Alexa. I wasn't surprised I've already known that Natasha made her choice, she just has to convince the rest that her choice is right, and Alexa has to stand up to the expectations to do so.

I come closer, and she gives me a glance.
"What do you think?" she asks

"I think you will be a great Alpha one day." I honestly believe it.

"Really? Do you think I have qualifications, or is it because of something else?"

I frown; I'm not sure what she is talking about.

"If I get that title, it will be because I earned it, not because of anything else," she says in a stern voice which makes me even more confused.

"I don't understand what you are referring to?"

"I have two secrets, Julius, and now when I was chosen as a possible Alpha, I may have to reveal them one day, and honestly, I don't want to. I want to be an Alpha, not because of the power but because I think I can take care of this pack."

"I think that too, Alexa. Are your secrets bad to reveal?"

"No, my secrets will only help me, will help my claim to the Alpha. It's just that they're mine; I don't want to share them no matter what. You are a Head Warrior, Julius. Are you in my corner?"

"As long as I see you fit to support you, yes, I'm in your corner," I say sternly.

I value our Gamma, but I don't think he has better qualifications than Chen. And Brandon, Brandon won't do no matter what; he is not a leader material. The only reason he was considered is because of his father's reputation and Howl's blood in his veins, distant but still. People feel loyalty towards the blood, and nothing can change that ever. Alexa was born here, but she isn't from a strong family with traditions, not like Gamma or Brandon. Plus, she isn't mated, and Brandon has his true mate, who everybody in the pack likes and who, without any doubt, would be a great Luna.

Alexa pushes my wheelchair; we pass people in the hall and step outside, talking about patrols and training. From the porch, I can finally see Danny as he stands in the garden in front of the opened door to the basement we keep wine, with his hand still on the door's knob.

"Danny?" I shout to get his attention, and he looks at me; I see fear and shame in his eyes, and I don't know what to do. What the hell happened?

Alexa jumps from the porch and is next to Danny in seconds. I see the disgust and fury on her face as she screams:

"Brandon, you fucking jerk!"

The hell breaks loose!

Danny POV

I should feel something, shouldn't I? Anything at all? I think as I look at Brandon fucking Fiona on the stairs to the wine cellar.

The evening was so good so far. I felt pride when people were praising my work, I could feel Julius's eyes on me, and it made me happy. And I was sure that today among all these people, Brandon won't be able to do anything, and yet I was wrong. Natasha asked me to bring the bottle of wine because she wanted to make toast for Alpha's candidates.

I should feel something, shouldn't I? Jealousy? Humiliation? And yet I feel nothing; I'm empty as they pant hard, indulgent so much in each other that they haven't noticed me yet.

It's when Julius screams my name they look up and see me. Fiona looks scared and ashamed, and Brandon... I don't have time to think about him because Alexa jumps into the cellar and literally rips Brandon off of her sister.

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