Chapter 12 - Party Crashers

Start from the beginning

The spider had the same look he usually had, only changing his red scarf for a red tie, that was a fancy meeting after all. "I'm so glad you're here!" Dedede gave his friend a warm hug, before noticing the stoic expression he had on his face. "Hey... What's wrong, Taranza? Everyone is having fun!" He asked with a worried look.

Sighing, Taranza took a sip of his punch and put the glass on the table. "I'm not a party guy, that's all. Every meeting I was invited to I always spent the entire time on the corner." The arachnid slightly smiled, which made the bird nod. "Understandable."

Dedede then took a glance at the hall and saw Zan doing the same thing as him, sure there were other introverted people who avoided talking. But unlike the others, she was completely alone. "How's it going with her?" He pointed in the girl's direction with his thumb, making the spider lightly flush.

"I decided I won't tell her anything." Taranza sighed and nervously fidgeted with his tie. "Over the last few days she told me how she didn't want love in her life. If I tell her what I feel, she is going to back away from me. That would ruin our friendship, and I value that very much." He looked down and drank the remaining punch.

"That's rough, fella." Dedede lightly punched the spider's arm, a symbol that represented a month of therapy between the men. "Was it you who gave Zan my number?" Taranza smiled and punched him back, gaining a grin and a chuckle from the penguin.

"You guessed it." The bird looked at the empty cup and analyzed the situation. "I have an idea." He thought and smirked. "Hey Taranza, would you mind doing me a favor? Can you bring me a glass of punch? All of this host stuff has made me thirsty." Getting up, the spider nodded and left.

"A glass of punch, if you may." He asked the bartender, who gave him a thumbs up. While Taranza waited, he looked to the side and saw none other than the lightning mage herself, Zan Partizanne. "It's good seeing you again, miss Partizanne."

That commentary brought a smile to the girl's face, who avoided eye contact. "Taranza! I wasn't expecting to meet you here." She rubbed her hand in nervousness, there were too many people to her liking. "I also got an invitation." He winked at her. "Now if you may, I need to deliver this glass to-" Taranza stopped when he saw Dedede holding a glass of punch, getting confused right after.

"Could you stay a little longer? Some company would be nice." Zan shyly asked, she hated the environment in which she was. The penguin gave Taranza two thumbs up and mouthed 'go on'. "He set me up..." The spider thought as he gave a suspicious look to the bird, not even bothering about the heat he felt. "Oui, I can."

"So... have you finally found the answer to my lesson?" Taranza smiled and gave his glass to her, which made the girl blush a little. Even after all this time, the blonde mage didn't discover what in the name of Void was happening with her, but it sure felt nice... "Almost! Your tips helped a lot, now I just need to find a job. It's not easy though, I'm still getting lots of no's." Zan forced a smile, but it didn't last long.

In the next minutes, Flamberge called her younger sister and pointed in the two's direction. "Look at them! And she denies it!" She smirked, which caused her sister to giggle at the sight. "She is so getting teased after this party ends."

"If anyone can do it, I know it is you." At this point Zan was getting uncomfortable, "When did he compliment me that much?" The girl thought and tried to change the subject. "And you, is everything alright?" The spider clapped his hands in response.

"It is indeed. There were a few ups and downs, but we are reforming the garden." He nodded.

"Garden... flower turned brown... I'm a failure..." That did not help, she needed something else, anything that would cheer her up. "What else?" She asked in a non polite way. "There was a big storm above my castle and we had to help the ones that lived in the lower islands. I'm glad no one got hit, a lightning like that could've killed someone."

"Lightning...killed..." The girl tried not to think about that fateful day, but it was to no avail. She groaned and facepalmed, which awoke curiosity in the spider. "Zan? Are you okay?" He touched her shoulder in worry.

Overwhelmed by the many emotions that she felt, the girl began to run out of breath. She took a sip of her punch and tried hiding her problem. "I'm okay, I just had a dry throat." The blonde one coughed and anxiously tapped the glass.

Zan tried to make an excuse and leave, but she stopped when the spider grabbed her hand in comfort. "Are you sure, miss? You seemed fine, but I know something's bothering you. What is it?"

Okay, that was her limit. The lightning mage decided it was time to raise her voice."I'm fine, okay?!" She used her other hand to release herself from the arachnid's touch, which made him frown.

Asking for another glass, Taranza noticed that the girl had a different hairstyle, which was honestly beautiful for him. "You look marvelous, Zan." He rested his face on his hand and stared at her, but covered his mouth when he noticed his mistake.

Zan put his words together and widened her eyes after understanding what he had just said. "Was that a flirt or am I crazy?! I'm not ready for this!" She thought and looked away, her heart jumping in the process. "I'm sorry, Zan! I couldn't control myself!" He scratched the back of his neck before bowing to apologize.

With a huff and a cross of 'arms', the girl looked at him with a look full of disappointment. "I need a moment alone." She put her glass on the table and left the hall.

"Good job, Taranza! You blew your last chance! I don't understand why she got so angry, something must have been tormenting her..." Taranza talked to himself, but was interrupted when he heard a noise coming from the speaker.

"Taranza, meet me in my throne room."

The spider sighed. "I don't know how this night could get worse."


Taranza arrived at the place he had to attend. All lights were off, with only a silhouette visible. "King Dedede, why did you call me?" The spider got closer and analyzed the person's shape, it definitely looked like Dedede.

Taking him by surprise, the lights went on and revealed a dark penguin. "You're a mirror counterpart!" Taranza pointed in his direction before trying to leave, but the door was locked. "You're trapped, spider! Now be a nice guy and don't try to resist." Shadow Dedede grabbed his hammer.

The arachnid knew there was no way out, so he decided to fight his friend's doppelganger. Despite being terrified, Taranza made an angry face and fired an energy orb. The penguin deflected the attack with a swing of his weapon, which made the orb hit a wardrobe.

Before Taranza could do anything, the furniture fell on his side and opened, revealing the Dedede he knew. The spider gasped and released his friend, avoiding a shockwave made by the shadowy figure's jump. King Dedede grabbed his own hammer and made a fighting position.

"Thanks, Taranza, it was getting uncomfortable there." He got a nod from the spider, then pointed at his counterpart. "Not a fair fight, is it? Two against one, eh?" He frowned when Shadow Dedede laughed.

The events unfolded in an unpredictable way, as the door behind then suddenly opened, showing Dark Meta Knight. "Well, well, it seems we've met again, Taranza..." He closed the door and raised his sword, cornering the two as he did it.

With his face full of despair, Taranza gasped. "You! What are you doing here?" The floating mage tried summoning more orbs, but his emotions interfered with his magic; Dedede did not let his guard down, but was extremely confused. "Two things before we start. Do you know him? And the other: why is my counterpart fat? Is that how I looked when I was a bad guy?"

The shadow bird facepalmed, but explained anyway. "You're fatter than me." He conjured an axe and put the hammer away. "Sorry to crash the party, but we've come for the spider. If you dare meddling with our plans, we can capture you as well."

Shadow Dedede wasted no time and rushed in their direction, Dark Meta Knight did the same, starting the fight.

"So much for a fun night." King Dedede thought as he spun in their direction.

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