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After Two Days

Its been two days and Manik didn't has any nightmare and Their bond is just getting stronger Manik can't stay away from nandu vice versa so he goes With her to hospital and they spend time and when she isn't not there he read books his favourite past time nandu ahs brought lots of books related to business Becoz He told her that he is interested in business he wants to be like his Dadda so he is preparing for his entry test in business Management. today is the day of The surgery and she jave to indure all the pain bit the difficult part is she can't tell manik anything becoz he will feel guilty and cry. And She don't want to show her pain to him.

Nandu and Manik is sitting in her cabin nandu on her chair checking some patient's report while Manik is sitting on the couch opposite to her table and reading books and when door got knocked.

Nan: Come in.

Nikhil come in.

Nik: Nandu Everything is ready come lets go it will be done in and hour.

Ma: Where are you going?

Nandu goes and sit beside him and cup his face and kiss his forehead

Nan: Baby i am just going for a Surgery you wait here for me okay.

Ma: Okay But Come fast.

Nandu went while manik was feeling something weird bit he ignored that. In an hour Nandu's surgery got done Now she was laying in vip room Unconscious. Manik was feeling restless Now he wanted to see Nandu So he went in Nikhil's cabin.

Ma: Nikky Bhaiya Where is Jaan I want to see her I am feeling weird. I want her.

Nik: Okay Come and sit and have some water.

Ma: No i want to see her right now Tell me where is she.

Nik: She is okay she is just resting.

Ma: She went for surgery then why is she resting and where?

Nik: Manik Only she can tell you this.

Now manik had tears he was afraid to lose her he needs her only her right now.

Ma: I don't know anything I want her Right Now I want her.

He was starting to panick which is not good for his health.

Nik: Okay Fine Come with me.

Nikhil take him to nandu and seeing her manik ran and hug her she was uncouncious but due to his sudden hug and pain she woke up and yell in pain

Nan: Ahhhh

Listening her painful voice manik panicked and backed off and he started panicking.

Ma: Jaan What happened to you Are You okay Did i hurt you tell me na.

Nandu with difficulty get up and see him blabbering and panicking she peck his lips and he shut his mouth Nikhil leave both of them alone.

Nan: Baby I am Okay Nothing happened to me come.

Ma: No It will pain you and Tell me what happened to you and don't lie to me I want to know.

Nan: Baby.

Ma: Jaan.

Nan: Okay I just undergo a surgery for Lactation so you can have my milk and it was painful and i knew it and it was imp for me first it was your wish and second it was imp for your health and i already told you that i can go to nay extent for your happiness and before you blame your self and feel guilty I want to say that I wanted to do this I wanted to Give the warmth and love that your mother didn't give i wanted to give you everything for which you crave you whole life You are My Life My Happiness My Heart If You are happy I am the most happiest person in this world nothing matter to me more than your happiness and Tell me if i wanted something or it was impo for my health and you could give that to me but you have to endure some pain Would you give it to me or not Answer me.

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