Chapter 11 - Calm Times

Start from the beginning

The knight punched the table in anger and put his hands together. "Nothing important, Kirby is the one that does not notice a lie." He forced a smile behind his mask and sat on the couch.

"Anyway..." Magolor kept talking. "I asked her if she could scan our planet by using her newest invention, the darkness tracker. She answered and said that she already did that an hour ago and was about to warn Kirby." He showed them the picture Susie sent to him. "It seems we have found his location." 

Not understanding much, the penguin scratched the back of his neck. "It's saying that the mirror is in the Onion Ocean." Meta Knight got up, grabbing his sword in the process. "Then let's go! I've been waiting for a fight like this!" 

Before anyone could leave, Magolor's phone vibrated. He looked at the message and widened his eyes. "Susie sent me more information. 'Hi Maggie! You should take a look in this...'" He read the text. "The red point is warping through Popstar!"

Hyness groaned after he saw the image. "I've never understood those science users! But it looks like the spider does not want to be found!" 

Now it was the knight's turn to groan. "Maldición! That coward is surprisingly smart! Aw, a fight would go well." Meta Knight put Galaxia away and crossed his arms. Kirby tilted his head to the side. "What will we do?" He made a sad face.

"I know what we'll do. A big party!" King Dedede played his invisible guitar, but the older men stopped him. "NO! We will not rest on such a serious subject!" Hyness shook his head in disapproval, followed by the knight's own. "It would be reckless to throw a party, it would make us sitting ducks!" Meta Knight added.

"The spider does not want to be found anyway! What makes ya think that he would come after us? It's impossible for me to get caught!" The bird tried to argue, but the two kept the same skeptic face. "I think it would raise our spirits! The event is only happening in two weeks, we still have time!" Kirby said and frantically nodded. "And the best part of it, food..." He salivated at the thought.

"The boy gets it!" Dedede pointed at Kirby. "If ya two don't like the idea, then you could patrol the planet and try to find the arachnid." When he teased them by raising his eyebrows, Magolor agreed with the idea. "A party..." He rubbed his hands. "That would be the perfect place for a prank!" The wizard thought and smiled to himself.

"Then it's on! I'll have a big party! Kirby, let's go make the invitations!" Dedede left the house with the pink boy, the two beaming in happiness.

After Meta Knight decided to look out for Dark Taranza, he made a fist with his hand and grumbled. "Ugh... I don't think that's a good idea." Coming to help him in his journey, Hyness patted the knight's back right after he spoke.

"You are not the only one, pal."


In the next day, Dedede and Kirby made over a hundred invitations, they fully customized each one to fit its receiver. After hours of hard work, they ate to celebrate. "Ya know Kirby, this is gonna be wild." The king of Dreamland said as he took a bite of his marvelous doughnut. "I'll spend the whole party eating!" Kirby ate every doughnut but one. "Hey kiddo! Leave one for little o'me."

Magolor invited Marx and told him about his next prank. "This is going to be the best party ever! I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we put this into action!" The purple jester bounced on his ball, chuckling a lot while he did so. "You bet it will. I need to grab the apples!"

"A party?" Bandana Dee said as he read the invitation. "Aw man! I wanted to get that badge as soon as possible." He  leaned his weapon on the wall, drinking a glass of apple juice right after. "Well then, a little bit of dancing wouldn't hurt." He shrugged. "Wait a moment, it says here that they're serving apple juice! I need to grab my best bandana!"

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