Announcer: Thank you for your patience players, I hope your ready because the third bullet of bullets preliminary turnamate is about to begin. When the countdown clock reaches 0 all competing players will be automatically teleported to their respective first round field maps, good luck to you all.

People: *starts celebrating and shooting their guns in the air*

(y/n): What a waste of bullets.

Sinon: *gets up and points to (y/n)* You better make it to the finals because I am looking forward to blowing your head off.

(y/n): *gets up and shows his signature smirk* Your on but if you don't mind, could you not bore me. *walks away with Kirito*

Sinon: Why you-

(y/n): *holds hand up in a waving while not looking back*

Kirito: You seem to be very confident, (y/n).

(y/n): We've got this, right brother? *holds fist and arm straight up*

Kirito: Yeah we do. *does the same and knocks his arm against (y/n)'s*

Kirito gets teleported away and after a second I get teleported as well. After a second I see a screen in front of me and then I quickly get teleported into a map with my opponent right in front of me. The map looks like a town from the old west, ironic considering I am from the states. Anyway I see my opponent in front of me and he sees me and it looks like he is challenging me to a old west style duel, whoever draws quicker wins. We slowly start moving closer until we are about 50 meters away from each other. He has his hand ready just over the gun on his hip and mine is behind my back near my Colt. As soon as the clock chimes I draw and drew quicker than him, pulled the hammer back, quickly shot him in the head ending the round. I quickly reload the bullet I used and put the colt back in my holster. I'm teleported back to the lobby and look around for a second before I see Kirito and someone else in a all black cloak. Quickly pulling my hood up and activating my hide in plain sight and sneaking up on him, Death Gun.

Death Gun: I saw your match, you took him out with a sword

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Death Gun: I saw your match, you took him out with a sword.

Kirito: Yeah, so what, it's not against the rules, is it?

Death Gun: I'll ask you again, are you the real deal? *opens menu to the tournament and pulls up Kirito's name* With that name and your sword skills, are you the real deal or what? *moves arm down*

Kirito: *sees something*

(y/n): *draws The Casull and has it right against Death Guns head*

Death Gun: Of course you would be here, Assassin. I'll pose the same question I posed Kirito. Are you the real deal?

(y/n): *revels self* Why don't we find out then.

Death Gun: *turns to the side* Weather you 2 are fakes using their names or the real guys, someday I'll kill you. *walks away*

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