Chapter 9 - The Underworld Arachnid

Start from the beginning

"Don't you see?" Hyness scratched his nose. "When the next new moon happens, Popstar is done for. I have accurately gathered information from various visions to get this poem done. Today is the eighth day, there are twenty left until we all die." 

Kirby shrugged and went back to his candy tasting. "Seems like a normal Thursday to me, imminent danger is coming and we have to do something." The two men looked at each other with shocked expressions. "Do you have one for every day of the week?" Meta Knight asked.

"I don't have one for Wednesday, that's why I chose this day to eat candy with you!" He tasted two more. "That's not the worst part! Well, technically it is, but I have other information!" Hyness made a gesture of fear. "On the day that equals three plus five, in other words, today, the underworld arachnid will arrive. He is here on Popstar!" 

Fixing his mask, the masked man thought if he knew someone that could fit in with Hyness' description. "There's only one person who fits." Kirby stopped eating and jumped in front of the two. "No way! Taranza is a good guy! It must be someone else!" Meta Knight walked backwards and shook his head from side to side.

"Then I have no idea who could possibly be our mysterious evil-doer." He felt something big behind him. "Ah! He's here! Die evil spider! Feel the wrath of Galaxia!" He turned around and expected someone bad, but it was only King Dedede. "Evil spider, huh? You almost got it." The penguin said with sarcasm.

Meta Knight threw his hands in the air and cursed in Spanish. "What are you doing here?!" He pointed his sword at the king, who sighed in response after greeting everyone. "It seems like someone forgot to do his job!" He crossed his arms. 

Meanwhile, Kirby and Hyness ate the remaining candy and watched the two complain. "Yo? He olvidado de hacer mi trabajo?! Never! It's you who always forgets everything!" The penguin gaped and dramatically put his hand on his chest. "How dare you!" It was at this moment that Kirby knew that it had to stop, so he whispered something to Hyness. 

"STOP IT! STOP IT, I SAY!" The mage released a powerful scream that made the two stop and mumble. "Okay, now that I've calmed myself." Dedede said. "Someone stole the Dimension Mirror!" He ran around in despair, only stopping when he saw the pile of candy. "Ooh, I love jawbreakers!"

That sudden change of focus made Hyness lose his mind. "How can you say that?! The spider has arrived and you start eating candy?!" He drank a glass of water to calm himself. The penguin finished eating and continued talking. "Spider? Are ya talkin' about Taranza? He may have stolen the mirror in the past, but I talked to him yesterday! He's living his own life!"

Kirby rubbed his 'chin'. "Now it seems like a normal Tuesday." He wrote something on his notebook with unreadable penmanship. "Now I know Meta's fear: surprises!" He laughed, which made Meta Knight run out of patience.

"Dios mio!! Can we just leave and try to find a solution?!"


The mysterious man, now revealed as Dark Taranza, the Black Mirror counterpart of the beloved spider, brought the Dimension Mirror to a lonely island on Planet Popstar. He positioned the mirror with two hands, wrote down with two more and scratched the back of his head with the last two. "Now that I have the thing I looked for, how do I turn it on?"

Dark Taranza knocked on the mirror, but nothing happened. "Huh, knocking does not work." He noted and tried something different, which also ended in failure. "Argh! Stubborn mirror! Why won't you activate?" Powered up by his wrath, the spider punched it; that didn't leave a scratch though, as his sixth hand had disappeared.

"Ah! My beautiful hand! What did you do?!" He pointed in the mirror's direction and crossed his 'arms'. Suddenly, a hand with iron armor came from it and slapped him, leaving the arachnid furious. "HEY! IF YOU WANNA FIGHT THEN COME HERE YOU COWARD!" The arm made a gesture to start the fight, pulling him by his shirt right after.

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