Bonus Chapter (A surprise for you!)

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Bonus Chapter (A surprise for you!)

(Celeste POV)

The relationship with Ji-Cheol has been great, honestly. I was waiting to see how long the honeymoon stage would last, but that wasn't the case. As it was still going, everything between us had me feeling butterflies.

Valentine's day is coming up, and I was already eager with the planning that I started to do for him. I was excited about how he would react to this gift.

Ji-Cheol has been making such delicious meals every time he stays over, which has become quite frequent whenever he isn't busy with work.

His meals are so excellent that whenever I take lunch to work, people's mouths start to water just from the aura of the scent that comes from the food. I proudly always eat my meal whenever everyone stares at me in awe.

It feels good to say, 'my man-made this,' and I love saying it. It feels nice to brag about someone, especially someone who treats me the way he treats me.

Yet, I'm still nervous about all of this.

"I hope he likes it," I said as I looked around the cafe.

I was able to get everything inside updated, and not only that, I added new additions to the place as well. I changed the paint color to one I felt Ji-Cheol would like and preferred.

Ji-Cheol enjoys cooking and baking; he enjoys being in the kitchen. He enjoys having me eat his meals, and as much as he says that, he's fine with me only being the person who eats his meals forever. Of course, of him hinting about kids as well in the future, I don't miss that twinkle in his eyes when I talk about other people who would probably enjoy his meal.

A glint of happiness crosses his eyes, which is why this cafe is now a bistro. A bistro that I want him to have for Valentine's day.

Anyone looking outside this situation would ask me what I was doing and if I was sure of this. I thought about it hard, and I was sure about this. This is something that I wanted to do; this would be an excellent gift for him, and it's different from I was using the space down here. I want him also to have something that's considered a regular job. I'm not going to ask him to quit what he's doing. I know he has reasons to do what he does, and quite frankly. I understand and respect his reasoning.

He's getting rid of horrible people that the law is not doing, and as scary as it sounds. Killing child traffickers, killing murderers, pedophiles, and serial rapists don't have me feel bad for them. I don't care that they're being killed. Those people, no, those monsters, deserve everything they get coming. So do I support in a way what Ji-Cheol does? Yes, I guess so.

Would I ever do it myself? Probably not. It's not my style, but I have no issues with him doing it.

"I think everything is in order," I said, looking at the work that I put in.

I hope he likes it. I think he will, but he might feel like he doesn't deserve something like this, so I would have to ensure he accepts and nothing else.

I smiled as I picture people here eating Ji-Cheol's food in the future. The thought made me feel happy.

I turned off the lights and headed upstairs to my home.

Ji-Cheol was going to be over soon, so I had to prepare for whatever he had planned for the both of us. He said it would be a surprise, and I was looking forward to what he would surprise me with.

As soon as I got inside, I quickly went to the bedroom to shower and get dressed. I'd never been excited about Valentine's day before, but I found myself feeling excited about spending Valentine's day with him. This would be our first Valentine's day together, and although we're not like other couples, that didn't mean we couldn't do normal romantic things together. I made sure that I looked good after I was done getting dress, and I also made sure I smelled good as well.

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