CH: 1 I saw Santa kill someone

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CH: 1 I saw Santa kill someone

(Celeste POV)

Okay, so this is it.

"Well, I'm here," I said to myself, wondering if I should even continue with this trip in the first place.

I was in my car, sitting in front of the national wildlife park, and as I looked out the window, I had second thoughts about even going through this. Should I even bother?

"Come on, Celeste, you can't back down now. The cabin is already booked and set up the way you wanted it." I said to myself, letting out a sigh.

My phone rang, and as I stared at the screen, I hesitated to answer, but I knew if I didn't. She would be upset and worried.

"Hey," I said, answering the phone.

"Celeste, where are you? Are you seriously going to still go through with this?" Zy said on the phone.

"Yes, I am. It's just something I have to do, Zy, okay?" I said, hoping that she would drop it.

"Girl, I have never seen a black woman alone in the woods. Especially in a national park where you don't know what kind of animals are in there. Yet, here you're doing exactly that. The fact that you're planning on staying in a cabin for the whole month of December is crazy. I'm sorry, but as your best friend, Celeste. You've lost your damn mind." She said more bluntly.

I rolled my eyes, knowing she didn't mean anything bad with what she said. She probably was right, I might have lost my mind, but I needed to be alone for a bit.

"I just need to be alone for a bit Zy, that's all," I said softly.

I heard her sigh on the phone, and she spoke softly, knowing her anger wouldn't stop me.

"Sweetheart, I know you want to be alone right now, but you can be alone in your home. You know that, right? You don't have to go out and about in the middle of nowhere in a national park. What if you get lost? Huh? I don't know anything about that place. How am I supposed to find you?" Zy said.

"Well, you have my location," I said. Zy let out a scoff.

"What if you lost your phone?" She asked me.

"I brought my air tag with me, and It's currently in my right boot. So don't worry, okay?" I said to her.

"I can't help but be worried; why can't we do something normal, Cece? Let's slash his tires, set his office on fire, or mess up his brand. Why can't we do reckless things like that? It sounds safer than what you're doing right now." Zy said on the phone.

And there it was, me remembering what happened. The reason behind this whole trip. The reason behind the needing to clear my mind.

The reason why I was going to spend the holidays alone, I was cheated on by my long-term boyfriend.

I am sure everyone who has ever been in a relationship has had that fear, the fear of being cheated on by someone they care about, someone they wanted to build a life with. It happened to me, and it fucked me over.

It's bad enough to catch your long-term boyfriend cheating, but the fact that he was starting a family with the person he was cheating on you with, the fact that his friends and some members of his family knew this but didn't feel the need to tell you or were afraid to tell you. It took one of his sisters, who found out recently, to pull me aside to tell me.

When she told me, she said I could also try to confirm it myself if I wanted to.

I ended up going to see for myself, not because I didn't want to believe her, but because I needed to see it. So I drove to the location she told me about and saw the boyfriend I was with for six years playing house with someone he's been with apparently for two years. She was also pregnant, and they were smiling outside a home they happened to have just bought together.

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