CH: 18 I did it

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CH: 18 I did it

(Ji-Cheol POV)

I was in the shower in my room, letting the hot water run down my body. Did I do that?

Did I do that?

Wow, okay. I must have been feeling bold to have done that.


I threw my head back and started washing my hair.

I can't believe I just did that, and I can't believe I told her that I liked her and am interested in her. Did I regret doing that? Of course not, I don't regret doing it, but I don't want to scare her away; maybe I should have waited to do it. I mean, it wasn't a good time, she just got out of a six-year relationship, and here I am, someone she witnessed killed someone else, confessing to her that I like her.

She's probably going through a roller coaster of questions and confusion, and I was the reason behind it.

She looked confused when I told her that; I did bring it out of nowhere, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see her reaction and how she would react to what I said. I want to know if any part of her would like to pursue it too.

I wanted to know if she felt anything for me just as much as I felt for her.

Was it just me?

Am I the only one attracted to her?

Was she not attracted to me? Were my senses wrong about that?

I would be an idiot if I didn't want her to feel something for me. I mean, she is fucking beautiful. Everything about her is gorgeous, and not only was she stunning, but she had a wonderful personality and a career that she could talk about.

Her being interested in me as well is something that blew my mind.

As much as I tend to come across like I'm confident and someone who always takes the high road, I do have things that worry me and make me nervous. She knew about those things because I told her and was honest with her about them. Yet why do I still want to pursue something with her, hoping she would be able to deal with what I do for a living?

I was hoping that she would give me a chance, us a chance of getting to know each other.

I wanted that, and I am hoping that she wants that too.

I can't force her to do something she wouldn't want.

I left the ball in her court. I would wait for however long she wanted to think this over.

It was something that I was willing to do to see if she would take the offer or not. It was a massive decision for her.

I can't say what I do for a living is ideal, and I don't know if it's a turn-on either.

What I do for a living isn't something regular. It's not something that you can explain to friends or co-workers. It's not something that you can brag about at brunch or something that you can proudly show off.

It would be hard for her, it wouldn't be easy for her, and it's something that she would have to think about; it's something that she would have to consider if she wanted it.

Her life was good now, but would having me in her life interfere with how her life is? Those are things that she would have to consider.

Yet I badly want her to leap with me; if we're both crazy for considering it, then so be it. We will both be considered crazy, but I still want to give it a chance. I still want to make it happen.

I finished my shower and got out. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, remembering the feeling when Celeste touched my back.

That was dangerous for many reasons because part of me wanted to slam her against the wall and immediately kiss her just for her touching me the way she did.

Yes, that was dangerous and would have scared her if I had done that.

How would her lips taste if I were to do so?

Was she a moaner who moans during kisses and other things?

Did she like french kissing immediately or pecking that leads to french kissing?

Does she like cuddling? Does she like being pleasured and doing the pleasure, or is she a selfish lover?

These questions were now roaming my head, and I wanted answers to them. I wanted to know all the answers to those questions and any upcoming questions I may have about her.


The truth is, I want her.

This isn't good. I shouldn't be feeling this way; this was dangerous.

This is supposed to be me holding her hostage until the month is over and over until I know that she will not tell anyone about what I did and who I am.

Yes, that's what was supposed to happen, but I can't just have it happen like that anymore.

Can I honestly be able to part away from a woman that I spent the whole month with? A woman who has made me laugh, actually laugh a real laugh. When was the last time I genuinely laughed and smiled?

I could do all that while I was with her; that's not just something you can come across and let go away.

That's not something that you can ignore and pretend never happened.

That's also not something that I want to behave like I can get over or forget about.

Yes, I will admit and can admit that I would like to have Celeste in my life.

Because she has made me feel something that I have not experienced and felt before, something that I would like to explore more and figure out what it is.

I brushed my hair back and exited the bathroom; when I got to my room, I looked through the clean clothes I had left and picked an outfit to wear. I would have to do laundry soon, as I was running out of clean clothes.

When I was done getting dressed, I went to exit my bedroom door but found Celeste standing in front of the door, taking me off guard.

"Do you want to pursue this?" She asked.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Okay, what do you Dolls think Celeste is here to do?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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