CH: 3 This is not good

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CH: 3 This is not good

(Celeste POV)

It was right there and then that my black senses kicked in.

Yes, I ran.

My black senses failed me the first time as soon as I heard something. I should have left and walked the other way, but no. I just had to see what it was and where it was coming from, and now I'm in this situation. Running for my fucking life with a massive weight of what I was carrying on my back.

I felt my bag being pulled, which caused me to fall back, landing on my bag that was on my back.

My eyes widened. Did he catch up to me? Yes, I admit that the weight of the bags and items on my back slowed me down, but I was still a fast runner.

The man who had just shot the other person wearing a Santa suit was right in front of me. That man now had an angry look, and my eyes widened as I took in his features. He's Asian, about 6'5, so he's pretty tall, but that wasn't what I was supposed to be attentive to. I was supposed to pay attention to the gun he was holding—the weapon that could very much end my life right here and now.

"I didn't see anything," I said.

"Then why did you run?" He asked me, his tone cold, nothing but coldness to it.

"Have you ever thought of fight or flight? I obviously can't fight you, so I did the next thing." I said to him.

"Was there a reason why you needed to run from me?" He said.

I shut my mouth, not daring to say anything that would expose me to seeing what I just saw.

He chuckled as if I did something amusing.

"Well, let's not lie to each other. I know you saw what I did; there's no hiding it." He said, picking me up and bringing me to my feet.

"Come on, Bambi, let's go." He said, causing my eyes to widen. Did he call me Bambi?

"Go where?" I asked him.

He stared at me and moved his hands up and down his body.

"To the North Pole." He said with narrowed eyes.

"To where I was before, I have something I need to finish after all." He said, pulling my arm towards the place I was running from.

"I told you I didn't see anything," I said, alarmed.

"It's not good to lie to Santa." He said as he dragged me back to where he was.

Ah fuck. He's going to kill me; I'm going to die.

I need to escape him. I have to get away from him. I can't let him drag me back there.

I stared at the back of his head, wondering if there was anything I could do to knock him out. That's all I had to do, knock him out and make a run for it.

I lowered my gaze, noticing a rock on the ground.

I tripped, causing him to turn around.

"Sorry, I tripped," I said, getting up with the rock behind my back with the arm he wasn't pulling.

"Uh huh, try not to trip again." He said, turning around. As soon as he did, I swung my other arm with the rock to hit him on the head—my breath hitched when his arm came around my other hand to stop me.

"죽을래?" (Korean Translation: Do you want to die?)

"Oh my gosh, no, I don't want to die. Just let me go, please." I said to him. I watched his eyes widen for the first time since our encounter, and his expression changed.

"You understand Korean?" He asked.

Oh shit.

"Interesting." He said, still dragging me. We reached the location, and he sat me on the ground. I watched him take something out of his suit pocket; it was duct tape.

He tapped my arms together, my mouth and legs.

"Alright, Bambi. Try not to move; let's not make this hard for the both of us, okay?" He said to me.

"Nod your head if you understand; let's not make this hard on us. After all, there is no reason to." He said, waving his gun.

I nodded my head so quickly as I took a glance at the gun in his hand.

He let out a chuckle.

"Good; now let me finish my job, and I'll figure out what to do with you." He said, getting up and walking to the dead man on the floor, who was also in a Santa suit.

"Now, where was I? Oh yeah." He said, dragging the man a few feet away. I noticed that it was a grave he had dug out for the dead body. When did he dig that out? I didn't even see it at first, but then again, I was too busy trying to run away even to notice anything.

Before he threw him into the grave, he dug some things out of the man's Santa suit and pockets.

He turned to face me, tilting his head to the side as if he was analyzing me.

"I hope you don't have any issue with this smell, but I guess you'll have to deal with it." He said, pushing the man into the grave. He poured a gallon of liquid into the grave, got a piece of paper out of his pocket, and lit it on fire. When he tossed the paper in, my eyes widened as the grave erupted into a fire pit.

Saying I was stunned was an understatement. I was scared shitless.

He's going to kill me for sure; there's no way I can talk my way out of this.

I watched him walk towards me and sat down; my eyes moved up his face and stared at him as he continued to stare at me.

"After this is done, we'll leave." He said, pointing towards the fire.

"I hope you don't mind the smell, but he deserved it." He said, going through the phone. A disgusted look was on his face as he went through the other items he had taken from the man he had just killed.

"I hate pedophiles. That guy I just killed was a pedophile who's hurt many children in very horrible ways. He wasn't supposed to be where he was, working at the mall as Santa Claus." He said, shaking his head.


Why do I feel relief that he killed a pedophile and not an innocent person? He's still a killer, and I just witnessed it; there's no way he won't kill me.

"I'll let my clients know the job has been done when I'm done here. I'm sure they'll be relieved knowing he won't do what he did to other parents' children again." He said, going through the other things he took from the dead man.

"Ah, I'm wondering what you were doing here. By yourself in an area like this?" He asked, observing me.

"Are you here to camp?" He asked in a curious tone.

"Or maybe you will stay in one of those nearby cabins?" He asked, making direct eye contact with me.

"Ah, bingo." He said, causing me to be frightened by the fact that he figured it out.

Was my face really that easy to read? What is he planning to do?

Is he going to let me go? I doubt it, and he has me in this position for a reason.

A chuckle came from him, which brought my attention back to him.

"Well, Bambi. I guess your plans have changed." He said, standing up.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Why do you think he keeps calling her Bambi?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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