CH: 31 New Routines.

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CH: 31 New Routines.

(Celeste POV)

When I got home, I called Ji-Cheol immediately. He didn't even let the phone ring twice before he answered. An eager voice on the other end caused a smile to appear on my face.

We spoke the whole time until he reached his destination and told me that he would give me a call back after he was done.

It's December 31st, the last day of the year.

It's insane to think about what happened this month and the changes that came into my life.

Tonight would be a new year, starting the new year in a relationship with someone new and a relationship that would bring many experiences.

I still have yet to tell Zy about Ji-Cheol, for many reasons. Especially the fact that I needed to figure out how I would explain how Ji-Cheol and I met.

It will have to be something I have to think about before I bring it up to her.

"Alright, that's it," I said as I tidied up my place.

"Place is clean and ready for the new year," I said to myself, proud of the dent I made.

I had everything ready and prepared. I made sure all my notes for work were up to date and prepared.

I felt good about myself; getting everything done and my task complete and organizing could make you feel good about yourself.

I have yet to speak to Ji-Cheol today. I know he's busy with whatever it is that he's doing.

My mind started to wonder, who was he going after now? What did that person do?

I know that Ji-Cheol is an assassin who takes down criminals who hurt people, but it worries me that he might get hurt. What if something happens to him? Undoubtedly, he is a strong person, but that doesn't mean that there's no one out there that would not want to hurt him.

But then again, he's going after criminals unaware there has been a hit placed on them, so maybe there isn't anything to worry about.

He said if I ever wanted to talk more about it with him, to feel free to do so, which is something I would take advantage of. After all, I am overly curious and can be someone who worries a lot about people I care about.

My front doorbell rung, and my ears perked up. I wasn't expecting anyone over; could it be Ji-Cheol? No, he would have told me if he was coming over, right? Unless he wanted to surprise me?

I held back a smile and made my way downstairs to the front door, smiling to myself, I opened the door.

As soon as the door was open, my smile dropped.

Standing outside my front door, right in front of me, was nothing but trash.

My fucking ex.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I stared at him with narrowed eyes.

I don't know why I even bothered asking that question, and I should slam the door in his face.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Uh, no," I said, going to close the door, but he pushed the door back open. My eyes widened at what he did.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Listen, Celeste. Just give me five minutes." He said, causing me to laugh.

"What the fuck do you want? Do I need to call the police?" I said in a snarl.

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