CH: 30 Check out time

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CH: 30 Check out time

(Ji-Cheol POV)

Today is the day; today was the check-out day. Celeste would be returning home and going back to her life, but of course, with a new person in it.

That new person is me.

That morning, I made us a delicious breakfast, but I could tell that Celeste was down about some things, she wasn't in the same mood, and I wanted to know why.

Was I worried? But her mood could mean many things. It could mean that she was hesitating when it came to us, or it could mean something else.

I wanted her to know that she could communicate with me about anything and that there was nothing she couldn't talk to me about.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as we stood next to the cabin's front door.

"Nothing really, it just sucks that it's the last day. That's all." She said, letting out a sigh and shrugging her shoulders.

I felt a tug on my heart as I analyzed her facial expression.

She was worried that it relieved me as I was also concerned that she would back out of this, although we were both worried about different things. It was refreshing to see that she cared about what we had going on.

I smiled at her softly.

"I know how you feel; how about this? How about this? I'll finish the assignment I have to do in January early, and then I will come to your home to spend time with you afterward. Sounds good?" I said to her.

A smile appeared on her face.

She nodded her head.

"Yeah, that sounds good, but I don't want you to feel like you have to rush things because of me." She said.

"To me, you're a priority, and it's something that we both benefit from; it's not something that I am going to have a problem with or something that I will screw up on my end. I'll make it work and always ensure I do my job well." I said to her.

"Okay." She said.

"Alright, do you have everything?" I asked her.

"Yes, do you?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, taking her hand into mine.

"I have everything," I said to her.

She looked away and giggled.

"You're so corny; you know that?" She asked me as I held open the door for her.

"Yeah, but you know you like it," I said.

Celeste walked out of the cabin and hummed her response.

I held back a smirk, stopping myself from teasing her too much.

I glance back at the cabin, taking in the memories we somehow made there.

Would the owners ever consider selling this cabin, and if so, for how much?

Hmm, something to consider.

"It is so cold out," Celeste said as we started walking, heading toward where the cars would be parked.

"It is still winter," I said, putting our connected hands in my pocket to keep her hand warm.

"When do you go back to work?" I asked her as we continued our walk in the woods.

"I go back on the 5th; it's probably going to be a hectic week when I return, but it is what it is." She said, letting out a sigh.

"Hmm, does it get that crazy?" I asked her.

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