CH: 13 We can get along

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CH: 13 We can get along

(Celeste POV)

It's strange; we are getting along well. Watching home alone with him was amusing. His commentary throughout the film had me laughing from time to time as well.

"They blamed Kevin a lot," Ji-Cheol said.

"Oh gosh yeah, they kinda did blame him a lot," I said truthfully. I always thought Kevin's family didn't really care or like him much.

"So, what do you want to do now?" He asked me.

"Well, I was planning on binging some dramas on Netflix, ones that I need to catch up on or watch; you can join me if you want to," I said.

"That sounds good; it's getting close to lunchtime. I can make us some lunch and afterward, we can start watching some dramas. Which ones were you considering?" He asked me, standing up and stretching.

When he did that, I heard many cracks coming, which caused me to chuckle.

"I know, I know, I'm old." He said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Wait, how old are you?" I asked him.

"twenty-nine." He said with a smirk on his face.

"That's not even old," I said to him. He laughed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"To you, it's not, but to people younger than me. It is old, just joking. I don't mind; you know what they say about Asians? We don't raisin, and I'm not worried about that. I know my genes will kick in." He said. I smiled but shook my head at his silliness.

"How old are you?" He asked me.

"I'm 28 years old," I said.

"Wow, impressive. Twenty-eight years old and a successful Aerospace engineer. That's what I'm talking about; you're doing great." He said. I could tell by the look on his face and the way he was staring at me that he was telling the truth.

His words made me happy; hearing that I was doing great did make me happy, and I felt better about myself.

I worked hard to get myself to that position, and I always pushed myself, but being complimented by someone other than my best friend did feel good to hear.

"Thank you, that means a lot," I said to him.

He nodded his head and smiled; he glanced towards the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll get started on making us lunch." He said, causing me to get up.

"You know, I can help too. I don't want to make you feel like you have to cook all our meals." I said to him, and he laughed and shook his head.

"It's fine. I honestly don't mind." He said, walking towards the kitchen.

I followed him into the kitchen and watched him look through the fridge.

"Did you cook well growing up when you left that place?" I asked him.

"I did, it was something I found relaxing, and it helped to ease my mind from everything that was going on." He said.

"Oh! We could also make some Christmas cookies! Do you like doing those?" He asked me, grabbing ingredients out of the fridge.

"I've never really made any cookies. I just bought them." I said honestly. I didn't see the point of baking or anything, so I cooked what I needed to cook and bought things to eat.

"I think baking is fun; if you want, you can bake with me." He said, turning around to look at me.

"Okay, yeah. That sounds good; we can do that." I said, observing him in the kitchen.

He looks like he enjoys being in the kitchen and doing things for people; it's evident he likes taking care of others. Ji-Cheol started humming in the kitchen, catching me off guard. I held back a chuckle.

He looks like he would be a good dad.

Woah, what the fuck was that?

Get yourself together, Celeste.

"What kind of cookies would you like? Chocolate chip or the frosted cookies?" He asked me.

"Both," I said. He let out a laugh.

"Fat ass." He called me before he took out the ingredients for the cookies.

"Ahaha, thank you," I said, sitting in front of the island and watching him move around the kitchen.

"So, what were you planning on doing for Christmas, you know, before all of this?" I asked him.

"I know you said you didn't have any plans, but I'm not sure you were serious," I said. Ji-Cheol turned around and faced me.

"No, I was pretty serious about that, I didn't have any plans, and it's not like I have any family. If anything, what I would have done is spend time alone." He said.

Silence filled the kitchen, I wanted to ask something, but I wasn't sure if I should.

"Is there something that you want to ask?" Ji-Cheol said, staring at me with me a serious look.

"It looks like you want to ask something; you can if you want to." He said

"Okay, I was just wondering if you had any contact with your half-siblings or your mother," I asked him, worried about how he would take the question.

Instead, all Ji-Cheol was shrugged and answered.

"No, I don't have any contact with them. I don't even know where they're right now, and part of me doesn't even want to bother. I'm the only one who could find them if I wanted to because none of them would be able to find me." He said, turning back around to start prepping the food.

Part of me wanted to ask if any part of him was curious to know where they were, how they were doing, and if they wanted to meet with him. Did they have any families? Were they doing okay? Did they go through more horrible things? But it was best not to; being overly curious about someone else's life sometimes isn't good.

After learning about his past, I realize that Ji-Cheol wants to spend the holidays with someone and do a bunch of holiday things as if his inner childhood is still craving that experience.

"Do you want to decorate the Christmas tree with me today? I requested that it be left undecorated so I could do it." I said the minute I mentioned it. He turned around with the brightest smile I had ever seen.

"Yeah, for sure. Let's do it!" He said, excitement being heard in his voice.

The smile on his face brought a smile to mine.

This guy is kind of cute.

"Okay, let's do it," I said.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Ji-Cheol and Celeste are bonding more now that this is happening. It's time to get into juicer and funnier chapters. :) I hope you all are ready.

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!


-Kassandra Vivu

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