CH: 27 What would you like?

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CH: 27 What would you like?

(Celeste POV)

We were both in the kitchen; it's become one of our favorite rooms besides the bedroom. There are a lot of memories being made in this cabin, and I, of course, loved every moment of it.

Being around him has become addicting, and I found myself loving each moment. We both couldn't keep our hands off each other.

It felt good spending Christmas with him, too, I didn't think we would have so much fun, but we both ended up having a lot of fun.

He made it worth it, coming to this cabin, and it was nice starting Christmas things with someone.

The month is almost over, and there are some things that I wanted to talk to Ji-Cheol about; this morning, I could tell he was worried about certain things, and I hope I was able to ease his worries, but I had something I wanted to talk about as well.

One thing for sure is once we leave this cabin. What's next? Like, where do we go from here?

I know Ji-Cheol is all in on this, and so am I, but there are a lot of things we have to talk about still, and what, where, and how we go from here are some important questions that need further discussions.

"Ji-Cheol," I said to him in the kitchen.

"Yes, baby?" He said, turning around to face me, he was cooking, and the way he called me baby, gosh, he has no idea what he does to me.

"When we leave the cabin, what is the plan? Because I will be returning to where I live, but what will you do? I recall you said that you had some work to do when the month is up." I said to him; he nodded his head.

"I do; I have some clients that want me to deal with things for them. Some are parents." He said, tilting his head.

"After dealing with it, I'll return to you; I won't be gone for long." He said.

"Okay, well. My place isn't that big. I mean, it's nice, three bedrooms as well. It's the one above the bakery, the place I told you about before." I told him I still stayed in that place, even after they passed away. I couldn't move out or get rid of it; it was the only place I saw as a home, and it was nice of them to let me live there and leave the place in my name.

They didn't have to do any of that.

"I have a place as well, although it's not in your area, I assume. It's in a whole other state, but if you don't mind, let me crash in your place. I would love to have you in my place, don't worry. I'll help pay the bills." He said, smiling.

"It's nice that you still live there. Is the bakery vacant, or do you rent it out?" He asked.

"No, it's empty, I didn't feel comfortable just renting it out to someone I didn't know, and yeah, it's my home. It was the first place I felt like it was home." I said softly.

"What were they like?" He asked me.

I lit up as I explained them.

"They were great; they were both Korean and had the most incredible sense of humor. 엄마 (mom) made the best fried chicken, and 아빠 (dad) made the best desserts." I said, remembering the days.

"You called them mom and dad?" Ji-Cheol asked in a soft voice.

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I did. They told me I could." I said, smiling.

"I miss them; if they were alive, I would be around them still. They also would have liked you, especially 엄마 (mom). She would have immediately been star-struck if you started cooking in the kitchen with her." I said; a smile appeared on Ji-Cheol face.

"I would have loved to meet them too; they sound like amazing people who made you happy; they were your family." He said.

"They were, but yeah. The bakery is empty; I've had people who have come in and tried to purchase it from me or see if they can get the state, city, or county to remove me from the property, which is fucked up, but of course, they can't. It's my property, and the state, city, and county respect that." I said to him, shaking my head.

"The bakery sounds nice, and I would love to check it out." He said.

"Of course! I still have everything they owned for the bakery; it's beautiful. I can show you around; you might like the looks of it." I said.

And if you like the looks of it, consider using it for yourself. I thought; part of me wanted to say it out loud.

Ji-Cheol loves cooking and baking; he would be perfect for using the bakery. Not only that, I wouldn't mind him being the one who uses the bakery.

I wouldn't mind other people seeing his talent because I think he has such a fantastic talent, and I'm not saying that it's going to waste, but I do think other people would love to see that talent of his as well, and it's something that would make him very popular.

"That sounds great, sweetheart; I'm looking forward to it. Here you go; your food is done." Ji-Cheol said, placing my lunch in front of me.

My heart fluttered. I will never get used to him catering to me in the many ways he does.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at the delicious meal in front of me; my stomach let out a growl letting me know that I was hungry.

Ji-Cheol chuckled at the sound of my stomach.

"Better eat up before your stomach growls anymore." He said.

I laughed and did precisely what he said.

"I want you to cook like this for me every day," I said, letting out a happy noise from the happiness I felt from tasting such a delicious meal.

"I can do that; I'll just move right in," Ji-Cheol said, laughing.

"I don't mind that. Feel free to." I said as I continued to eat.

The expression on Ji-Cheol face looked thoughtful.

"Don't joke about that." He said.

I shook my head.

"I'm not joking. I think we both know that we're barely going to want to be apart, and you can still keep your place. We'll just both crash at each other places." I said, smiling.

He smiled and nodded his head.

"I would like that; okay, sounds good." He said.

"Good," I said as I continued to eat.

The thing is, I want to be together with Ji-Cheol. Was I being clingy? Maybe, but I have no family; I do have Zy and her family, but I don't have anyone of my own. So, of course, I'm going to be greedy and want to have Ji-Cheol near.

Can't I have that?

It's something I want, and it's the holidays, after all.

The relationship we have may be very much different from others, but we both know that we want and care for each other, which is one of the important things that matter.

"I hope you'll be able to handle being around me or living with me," I said to him, picking on him.

He was getting juice out of the fridge for me as I said that.

"Honestly, it would be a dream come true, and I would love to be able to experience that." He said, handing me a cup of juice, and at that very moment, my heart melted into a bunch of gushes.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

We all want a Ji-Cheol at this point.

Do you Dolls think they can do this?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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